Saturday, 29 May 2010


With this rainy day upon us, I decided to look back through the archive of posts and it looks to me that May has been one of the best months of the year so far.
So with this being the 29th of May, and with little likelihood of me squeezing out another post to try and top the number of posts within a month (February doesn't count because it was the start and I posted like a hundred things in the first day), and I'm now beating that record.
So here's a little tribute to May.

*Up-beat violin music starts, and a montage of all the things that have happened in May begins. There is lots of laughter and happiness, and no crying!*

Actually, I tell a lie, I'm crying right now, but I have no idea why.
Probably brought upon when I looked back at those god awful depressing posts.
Seriously, just look back through May and you will find no complaint.
This is like... new for me.
I don't quite know what to do with myself.
Do I see it as a sign or coincidence?
Is this that moment I've been waiting for, when god doesn't decide to crush everything by either bringing up some terrible memories from my youth, or by making something ridiculously shite happen to me that totally destroys the whole streak of happiness and lands me in a pit of my own self-pity?
Fuck I hope so.
Because seriously, if he ruins this feeling I will go up there and kill him.
Then I will have his power, and I'll be able to return to Earth.

I know that this isn't the best time for some other people, but at least now I'm not caught up in my own self hatred so that I can help you out a little
Besides, you've all be great to me in the past, so a little repayment is definitely due :)

So anyway, which course do I take now?
I think it'd be about time to meet someone new, perhaps a female, and then engage in acts of unspeakable horror.
Hey, I'm feeling a little cocky.
I've had my own fair share of compliments recently :D
Could do with a hair cut though.
I think I deserve all that now.
Call me selfish, but I think I've been through quite enough.

And hey, get this, I haven't punched anything in ages!
Whoo! Anger suppressed.
*Happy upbeat music plays*

So I'd to round by saying thank you to each and every one of you for making May an awesome month to live in this year.
And here's to June! *Clinking glasses*

Friday, 28 May 2010

Do to the T

Well, firstly, I'd like to say that was on of the easiest exams of all time.
Seriously, the engineering exam I took last year was quite difficult, but it taught me everything I needed to simply sail through this exam without a care in the world.
And I did sail through it.
I was sitting there, as question after question came and I thought "I am loving this exam"
I must have gotten stuck once, on man-made boards, when I couldn't think of the technical name for cardboard, and then I suddenly realised plywood hopefully counts, and then I talked about how it's better than natural wood.
Oh, I also got a little confused on the material used for a Thermos handle, but luckily it seems that Urea Formaldehyde was an idea that the engineers shared, so it looks like I'm going to get a good result for this exam.
To be honest, there's not much else I can talk about, seeing as it was so fantastically good and I can't complain about it.

Awesome sauce.

So I guess I'm going to sign off here.
Kind of disappointing really, my posts have stretched to epic proportions recently.
Can't keep that trend up forever though, unfortunately.

Would it be worth talking for a moment about how awesomely well Zero-G is going?
I guess it could.
We have some pretty phat ass beats going down at the moment (as I believe they would say in the g-hetto)
We've done a few table reads of scripts, and no one has so far gone "nope, shit, would never ever watch that ever" so it looks like this actually might be a minor success for us.
Just need to wait for Dukeystein to get his capture card working so we can record shit in colour.
Colour is extremely important in today's climate.
We're all extremely excited about it as well, and the voice casting hasn't been a total cock up this time since there are now girls who want to play a part in it.

Anyways, now it's time to bug out.
I'll see you lovely people later.
Not entirely sure what I'm going to post next week, but I'll pull something out of the hat.

Thursday, 27 May 2010

Stealing an Idea

Well at least two of my ideas have been stolen for use on other blogs, so I figured I'd knick my own ;)
This idea came from Becca's blog
Oh, just so you know, I'm going to give up on the whole name thing now.
I see no point in it, and there's not much point having to think of somebody's middle name or whatever when I just simply write their name.
It's not like I'm trying to hide you or anything, so yeah.
If you don't like that idea, I'll go back, but right now, I'm going to stick with everybody's proper name.
So, in no order, here goes

Evil Tyrant Lord Dukeystein
Ironic, yeah?
You're my oldest friend in the Krewe, and you've been a blast to hang around with for all these 10 years or so. I hope that this constant conflict we have with our names will never end, because while it is annoying, it really sets us out from everyone else as "the two Peters"... despite the fact that some people call me Paul. But those people are tits.

Joe Johalaha Hadden, the Jew God
I can never remember whether it's Hadden or Haddon, and it really bugs me when I write out your full name. Although I can't remember the last time I did.
Anyway, many years ago we went to a place called Keystone in the midst of Skett-town where grebs would go to watch music and lounge about on sofas avoiding contact with other grebs who may be with groups of grebs and two groups of grebs must never touch.
Anyway, if my memory serves me correctly, this was the fundamental birthplace of the magical relationship we have today, as homosexual as that sounds, but you get what I mean. We had fun there, and if it wasn't for you these lips would still be dry.
Again, that sounds a bit weird, but ... yeah.
Remember those nights we spent together?
The alcohol we consumed?
The lo... I'm going to stop.

You also went to Keystone, so I have you to thank as well and you're a great guy to hang around. I only have one complaint about you, and that's your eagerness to completely show off and make yourself look better or whatever when ever anybody says something that could be argued. "I have a cold," ... "I once had a cold that was so bad that hell froze over. It was immense" and then you'd do that head nodding thing and cross your arms. But hey, that's a little complaint. At all other times you're a cute fuzzball that rolls around and occasionally makes I and you look like a couple. But I'm cool with that. You have feminine traits.

Ever since that fateful science lesson a couple of years ago you've been an amazing friend, one of the best I've ever had. You happily provide a shoulder for me at any time, even if you're not on the best of form yourself. And I thank you for that. You're wonderful and fun person to be around and I hope that one day I can repay you for being awesome. Maybe I can be that one with the box of tissues at the ready for when you're feeling a bit down?

You're a bit dim, quite frankly. But what would the Krewe be like without your blonde moments? Exactly, and that wouldn't be very fun, would it? No, didn't think so.

Tom Hoier
You can be a right dick sometimes with your not-so-harsh violence. You know not everybody appreciates an attempted aponsi-anagi (fucking hope that's the right move and spelling) or the attempted stranglings. But when you're not a dick, you're actually a pretty damn awesome friend to be around. Remember Aachen? The fruition of our friendship. We had an awesome then, and it's resonated into now, and it's still awesome. Awesome.

Despite your quirky quirks and your quotey comedy, you can be a bit of an arsehole. Just watch out for other people's feelings a bit, and cup your balls often, and you should be fine. I do love your company though, so do try and sort things out so that this Krewe doesn't split. Also you could hang around with us more outside of school. How about you bring Tom with you? That'd solve two problems.

I can't apologise enough for how much of a dick I was in previous years, but I'm liking where things are at the moment (although maybe we could hang out a bit more outside of school). You were there for me when I needed someone there for me at that unspeakable time, and for that I can't thank you enough. You've helped set me straight a number of times since we've been friends, and I like to think I've helped you a little bit out too. I really am not looking forward to the day that we start to slide out of contact, so let's keep it going, yeah?

The Newbies
This of course means Sophia and Bekah, the recent additions to the Krewe. While I regret that we don't talk as much as others, you bring that extra little bit of spice to our group and maybe a little bit of sanity too ;)

My Kids
Yeah, I know, you can't read this. But that's not my fault. You're 12. No I kid, you can't actually get on this blog, and I don't think I want you to. In fact, I don't. Yeah, stay away from this place, it's got stuff about me that you never need to know. Ever.
So, kids, what would I be without you? While I may be a bit mean and shouty I do love you all really, it's just that some of the guys can be dicks. Emily and Courtney can straighten them out, can't you? Well the least you could do is slap them every time they show signs of insubordination. No, seriously, it's a request, no wait, I'm telling you to slap Aaron. Aaron in particular, he's a dick. Slap him until his face is red raw.
But anyway, seeing your little beaming smiles every morning gives me that little pick-me-up I need to start the day after dragging myself out of bed.
I hope that I can continue to teach you all as I move on into year 13. Seriously, I don't mind missing two and a half hours a week for you, and that's my going home early time. Plus it'll get me some extra hours, which will give me more UCAS points :)
No, no, that's not the reason I'm teaching you.
I'm teaching you because I'm a kind, warm hearted and generous person.
I don't just enjoy the fact that once I'm gone I'll never see you all grow up.
You're now an integral part of my life, even if the two hundred of you can be a bit too much to bear at times.
Thanks for being teachable (Y)

Monday, 24 May 2010

Examen de Français

Did not know that exam in French is examen.
Sounds too German for my ears.

Anyway, yes, the fail arrived this morning in the form of a bookletted version of inked paper, and that ink spelled out words. French words. Some English ones too.

Anyway, I first looked at the topics for the essay and my heart sank. No happy as a hippo on a giraffe's back this time. (and yes, I do know that the metaphor was different last time.)
Instead I had to stick it with a smoking related topic, of which there was only 1 question in the speaking booklet about, and that was my first paragraph. After that, merde poured out. All over the place. It was not a pretty sight.

Anyway, back in chronological order.
I decided to pick the question later and get on with the listening, which went horribly well. It could spoil my chances of dropping French next year.
I mean, what if I've accidentally done better than German? That would be disastrous.
Anyway, as I was saying, there was only one question there where I thought "whatchyoo talkin' about Michel?" Funnily enough, Michel was a name that somehow didn't appear in this test, despite its usage in every other single bit of French I've ever read ever.

And onto the reading, this went surprisingly well as well.
Well, I say well, but well that could be well different.
Well I must say, there must have been well a few questions that I could have quite well have gotten well wrong, and I'm well thinking of a couple right well now well well well.

Not sure why I used well so many times in that last paragraph.
But yeah, the writing task.
I have already briefly covered this.
But let me carry on.
I got round to it again, knowing full well that it would be more shit than a dung beetle in a zoo.
Actually, that beetle would have a whale of a time, rolling about, smelling, making a fortress.
But let's face it, as wonderful a miracle it is to see something making a home out of something we so commonly refer to as "waste", it's still shit, and we hate it.
What was my point again?
Oh forget it.
Let's move on.


Oh wait, I was meant to talk about how I wrote one sentence on one topic, then thought "There's no way I'm going to be able to create 200 words on this," and then changed my mind and went for the smoking question.
Yeah, that didn't go so well either.
And here was me thinking that I'd get publicity.
What a tit I was.
Oh well, French is done with now.
Hopefully I can drop it, as much as I want to do it, but incidentally suddenly realise that French people are all cocks, and there's no way I'd be able to learn anything from them.
It's not a racist comment, it's the truth.
Mrs Huchet told me this.
She was a legend.
She'd be able to get me through this.
But alas, the teaching from the current French department is worse than a hippo with dyslexia.

Come on, you love my metaphors, admit it.

Anyway, that's 2 down, 2 to go.
Next is on Friday, and then a week's rest before the final in week 3.
Then I'm free!
Free as in from exams. After that, coursework will hopefully begin again.
I love coursework.
Especially in media.
I hated the moment when I had to put the final touches to my media portfolio, it was like saying goodbye to an old friend for the last time.
It's also good to have the sense of "I'm doing coursework which means I won't have an exam for a while", which is a good feeling indeed.

Anyway, yes, that's me done.
I could talk about the rest of the day, since it's due.
Yeah, let's do that while I'm here.

Tutor Time
I'm starting here because the only bit of lesson two I had was about 10 minutes before the end after I had gotten a drink and stuff.
Anyway, yes, the usual started once again, the chat to Lamaal, in which she seemed quite hyper in fact, and very confident about her maths exam.
Not entirely sure I've ever seen this happen before, I mean maths and excitement don't really go hand in hand, but hey, if that floats her boat, I'm not going to judge.
You weirdo.

Third Lesson - French
I was dreading this moment.
French exam and then French lesson?
I did not want to do this.
Although all we did was watch a film.
Which is of course a thank god moment.

Fourth Lesson - DT
With the exam on Friday, Mrs Quinreynolds decided to let us do our own revision, after a failed attempt at playing a revision game with us.
Basically a person sits with their back to the board, and the rest of us describe the process or material that appeared on said board without mentioning the word.
Well, this only worked for about 2 of the things that appeared, because the rest of them, for example, piercing and blanking, we used our own interpretations of the words, instead of the actual process.

Fifth Lesson - German
I was extremely hungry.
I would talk about what happened, but you know the drill.
Monday German means doing no work.
Despite Herr Nicholls coming in and telling us that it would be extremely important for us to do work.
Oh well, the task set can be done as homework, so I'll do it ten minutes before Wednesday's lesson.
I then joined Lamaal for our walk out, at which point she had seemed to calm down.

So yeah, first day back.
And that's how it went.
Not too bad.
I'll report back on Friday, maybe before if something iconic happens.
Who knows?
Ooh, I might post on Wednesday for my awesome start to an awesome term for the year 8s.
I'll explain later.

Buhbye xx

Friday, 21 May 2010

Deutsche Prufung

Hey, if there's meant to be an umlaut the title, use your imaginations and put it in yourself.
There's no simple keyboard short-cut for the umlaut, so it shall remain as it is.

Anyweg, enough chit chat, down to Geschaeft and what not.
Oh yeah, I just remembered the other umlaut rule.
Wenn man nicht das Umlaut finden kann, benutzt man ein "e" nach dem "a".
Zum Beispiel. In Geschaeft gibt es ein Umlaut am "a", aber ich kann nicht das Umlaut finded, also muss ich ein "e" nach dem "a".

Got it?


Let us continue.

Ich bin Geschaeftsmann.
I am business man.

Ich bin Manngeschaeft.
... *exchanged looks of curiosity*
I am man business.

Gotta love Bill to the Bailey.

Anyway, I'm stalling for no reason.
The German exam didn't go too badly, but my grade will be brought down a lot by my inability to actually understand the German language.
It was all "fuck, I don't actually know."
and "and by the process of elimination, I have 3 b's, 3 c's and only 2 a's, therefore this answer MUST be a."
and "at no point did anyone mention that. Seriously. Fuck it, the answer is Mike."
But then I saw the questions for the essay task, and my face lit up.
I saw the word "Werbung" and immediately I was happier than a Panda in a bamboo furniture shop.
And yeah, I know, that metaphor actually made sense.
See, the thing is, Werbung (adverts/publicity) was my chosen topic for my speaking exam, and I still know the important bit. This is the bit that I included, and had all the tenses I needed to be more victorious than an antelope on a cheetah's back.
So yeah, that will definitely help boost my grade up to the necessary requirements of "Not bad"-ish-ness.

So that's 1 down.
3 to go.
Next is French.
And I don't have a single ounce of French left in my.
Oder mache ich?
Tu es droit, das war Deutsch.
Okay, yeah, this is going to be more difficult than premiere je crois.

Catch ya later, readers.

Monday, 17 May 2010

Not Particularly Exciting

Well, I'm pretty sure this post will pale in comparison to my epic posting night, but heyho, I have to keep the ball rolling and such.

So, what has happened since Yarmouth of Great?
Not much, I can tell you.
Most memorable would be Saturday, when I had Bejocr over to see Walter and play some box while t'others were watching the FA Cup Final at Pedadu's and then going to the Corby Fair.
But we had fun, and Bejocr loved the dog, and vice versa.
Well, at least I hope she loves Walter, otherwise his ickle heart will be crushed.

Umm, what else to talk about?
Maybe I'd best clear the air about the Travis posts...
What was written then is probably not the case now.
In fact, those posts were pretty damn miserable, and I apologise if you were affected by any of the issues raised in tonight's Ballamory...
Uh... excuse me.
Anyway, yeah, clearing the air.
It must be understood that these posts were written a good many number of months ago, and so anything written about a person or people is likely to be invalid.
Oh I don't know, I'm trying to form something meaningful from nothing.

Sorry, this post has been a total sham.
"Why post it?" I hear you ask.
I will figure that one out later.
But for now, here's an interlude.

*Musical interlude*

Right, we're back.
I guess I could take this moment to ask you all what you thought of said posts, and whether I should continue to pick things out.
Though to be honest, the four I've picked so far are the ones that I think are the least *high pitched scream* or just not downright weird.
Seriously, there's some pretty horrid stuff in there.
I picked out the gritty, nail biting horror stories that would chill the bones of even Satan himself, although, as we know, because there are so many people in hell, and because of convectional heat and shit, or something maybe it's already frozen over?
I don't know, I read it somewhere. And I've probably remembered it wrong.
Oh well.

You know, I think the talk about Travis thing is working, let me just run through.
The first entry talks about the pen I was using, oddly enough, and then continues on to talk about "the incident with Simone" and then how much of an awesome person Bejocr is and then other stuff about girls and then my particularly favourite quote:
"My mind is a powerful ally. So I should leave that to do the talking instead of my penis."
Not much of a gritty post, but a bit "Ooh, really?" so maybe not.

The second entry starts with "Yappy Hew Near!" and this was all about how I wanted things to be totally different after January First, and also quoted the U2 song on the same subject with the lyric "Nothing changes, on New Years Day" which totally shows how optimistic I was.

The third was a confrontation about how I liked Christy and Simone, not a particularly interesting one. Again talks about how awesome Bejocr is... and stuff about the Kettering vs Eastwood match, which was my first ever live football game in a stadium with people and shit.

The next one was about my birthday, and the incident with Taylor... uhh... Tanya, and then for some reason I called myself a dick... oh yeah, because I didn't really like that girl I made out with. Yeah, I know her name is up there, but you want me to repeat it? Yeah? Want a fight about it?

Then we go onto the 27/01/09 post, which I have on here, aka, the anniversary of my Mum's death. If you need reminding it talks about clinical depression and stuff. Read back if you want to, it's not the best read ever.

Oh uhh... yeah, the next one is my first night slightly drunk. There's a squiggle on the page. In fact, I think it's my only happy entry in Travis.
Oh damn, get a load of this, "Christ I love Simone, tonight rekindled those feelings + a hug. Damn she's fucking hot."
Hah, but this is funny, "I've escaped from Tanya! In a bit, Trav!"

Oh, and then I'm depressed again. Seriously, this is weird shit. Oh, hello, look at this, "I'm too cowardly for death though, so don't 'worry'"
This entry also talks about insignificance and how I got no recognition for helping relationships and 'impacting' certain people's lives.
Basically me being in my selfish zone.

Ah, here we go, another post about girls. Mainly about Simone to be honest. Includes a bit about the music performance, in which she wore an interesting dress. Girls, you would have loved it, it was beautiful. Guys, you would have loved it, her boobs were on proper display.
Yeah, that was of course a quote... not from memory, no.
Shut up.
Whoa, hold the phones.
"Seriously, I look in the mirror and see Simone?"
Connotations or what, you psychologists!

Next is a self evaluation, pretty depressing. This was done because I had a huge fight with several people, in here I've written in particular Bejocr, but I don't remember any of the details. But why would you want to?
At the end I have a shout, a big-me-up shout, mind.

A month later I talk about my Grandma's death, so yeah, pretty depressing stuff again.
Also a bit about how I was getting closer to Lamaal once more.
Then more depressing stuff.

Ah, then the 05/05/09 post, look only a few below.

Ah, exam period. Not too depressing.
Talked about Wickie Wednesdays, which were events that weren't spent with the Krewe
0.0 I know. Freaky stuff.
I didn't betray you or anything... I just went somewhere else. I did tell you to come.
I also talk about how well my exams went.

Then I think it's the last two posts.
Yes, yes it was.

Well, this not particularly exciting post just got interesting.
Bit of a biggie too.
Totally not planned.

Well, there you go, Krewe + 2, this is the trust I have in you.
I have literally divulged the contents of Travis to you.
True, not word for word, but I gave you the gist.

Right, time for bed.
Dukey missed his midnight birthday wish rush.
You dick.
Happy Birthday anyway.
I'm out.
Nanight xx

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Great Yarmouth

My God I've had an epic posting night.
And this is the rounding off.
The telling of the great tale of Great Yarmouth.

Yes, I, Johalaha the Jew God and ... Josh went to Great Yarmouth for the last couple of days.
We arrived at our caravan to find ourself miles from the beach, and learned we had to get the bus into town unless we fancied finding our way there on foot, which I've recently worked out could've taken up to an hour. No thank you.
After that we had a huge ass beans on toast with hot dogs dinner before Josh's Dad carted off back home.
We then fired up my laptop so Joe could talk to Pedadu and Bejocr, and I and Josh Xboxed it up. What can I say? We had time to kill.
After we threw down the controllers, we all sat round and talked to Bejocr into the night, which was definitely a good way to finish the first day.

The second day we woke up and Josh happily cooked us some egg and bacon, which was loovely. Yeah, I did put two o's in lovely. Want a fight about it?
We then carted off to Great Yarmouth and spend the day there, which was fantastic.
Got myself a new shirt too.

Third day consisted of the other two wanting to go swimming, and if going to Italy for my year 10 residential told me anything, it's that swimming is now not the best idea for me anymore.
I was never particularly strong at it anyway.
So yeah, I stayed in and caught up on my lost TV shows while they apparently tested the laws of physics.
And then we came home, which was amusing, seeing as the Jew God's Dad got lost a little bit.

Sorry, I've suddenly combined Johalaha's godly name, and the fact that he's a jew into one new name. The Jew God.
I think it's good.

Anyway, yes, fantastic time.
Thank you to Josh for taking us there.

Buhbye now.

Saturday, 8 May 2010

Push forward and engage the enemy!

Was a phrase that ironically was not used today.
The first part was, but there was no "engaging" as such shouted.
But yes, the Krewe - 2 and + a couple of wannabes went paintballing.
And it was fahantastic.
And of course my team one, everything, every time.
"You guys are more aggressive than they are, for some reason" the Marshall said.
We had Corbyites on our team. Mystery solved.
So the day progressed with more shouting, killing, the dirty Jew bag attempting to team-kill me, and general ownage, until it was time for speedball.
I was out of ammo, as was Bejocr, so we hung back whilst the others depleted their supplies on each other. Firing away. Their paint splattering all over their bodies. Lujamc being taken from behind by Corporal Hoier and another guy who I forget who he is, and more sexual innuendo.
And then we carted back to Pedadu's house, where we hung out watching TV Krewe style until Johalaha's mother arrived to take me and Bejocr to our respective homes.

Although, you probably all know all this.
I'm just going to go ahead and tell you now that this kind of stuff is fantastic.
You get to find out who the jittery little shits are that shoot before they ask questions (Johalaha) and also the previously scared but now apparently super awesome and ballsy by running and gunning down three guys at the very beginning of the last round person (Bejocr). And then there is everyone else who hides until they are absolutely certain that being hit is not a definite possibility to poke their little heads up, seeing a human-like shape and unloading all hell on the area.
I think I did pretty well, myself.

Anyway, not a particularly long post, but hey-ho.
Catch ya later.

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

366 Wednesday

The reason for the number will be explained later on.
In fact, I don't think much of an introduction is needed.
Just the fact that this Wednesday has been pretty damn good.

First Lesson - Free
This is what has been referred to as "Krewe time" in the past, and it still is. Completely.
But oh noes - as the internauts would say - we were kicked out of the Krewe spot, which is downstairs red. Apparently some people can't handle how radical and cool we are.
Rad man.
Cool dude.
Yeah, we rock.
Somebody's socks.

Tutor Time
A hearty congrats to Lamaal for passing her theory test, not long now until you can drive me everywhere.
Or not long until she sticks my head in a steering wheel and forces me to learn how to drive.
She's really been pressing me about that.
Although I did find out today that I can take my theory test now, without any driving experience, which is definitely something I'll look into doing.
But yeah, that's what we chatted about.

Second Lesson - German
Our last lesson with Chibberd for the term saw us reading, translating, answering a few questions, and talking a fair bit. We do chat a lot in her lessons, but it's all in good fun, I'm sure Johalaha's booming laugh didn't annoy anyone too much. His laugh is boomy, and therefore Johalaha is a god, and you must bow down and worship him as such.

Third Lesson - French
I wouldn't say there's much to talk about, since I sat alone this lesson, but I did enjoy lunch with part of the Krewe. My life is a bit central round the Krewe isn't it? But hey ho, I love those guys and gals. Without them, I'd be a bit stuck.

Fourth Lesson - Invigilating
Yeah, you read it correctly. I invigilated an exam. I had a word with Nigey B and it was decided that he'd do some marking while I invigilate, since I had nothing better to do. And I've got to say, it was a helluva lot of fun. You wouldn't believe it would you? But I'm telling you now, invigilators have got it so easy. You'd think boredom would strike within five minutes, but it really doesn't. Before the test began, I and the teachers had a gathering, at which point they told me what they all do during exams. One favourite is to count the number of steps you take to get from one end of the row to the other, and I managed to get it down to 24 steps without looking too ridiculous. Other games include menacingly walking down the aisles, making sure your heel makes a loud impact on the floor, and then suddenly stop next to a student, who suddenly shits themselves. A quite memorable game is for one teacher to give an attribute, say who will become a millionaire, or abuse substances, and then stand next to the student who you think it will be. So if you're being stood next to in an exam, you know why.
Anyway, another game I played was laps, in true Brooke Weston fashion. For my second lap, I decided to count how many steps it would take to go up and down every aisle, which is 366, hence the title at the top.
It wasn't long before my kids started to notice that I was purposefully annoying them with the clicking of my heels, but could they do anything? Yes, actually, at the end of the exam my second biggest fan and two other kids decided to annoy me, but with my infinite power I stood between them menacingly.
I love my power.
It feels good.
It feels right.
So yeah, these are the things you need to watch for in exams.
I guarantee at least 2 of those games will happen.

Fifth Lesson - My Kids
So after the exam I trotted back to my year sevens, who were already hard at work building a series of ramps and bridges to get a tennis ball from one side of the room to the other.
The catch was that only newspaper and tape could be used, and naturally they all failed.
"Would you like some epic with that fail?" Lujamc would say.

So yeah, that was my Wonderful Wednesday.
Huh, why didn't I call the post Wonderful Wednesday?
Meh, 366 was to the point, and relevant to the post.
Until next time, you crazy kids!

Sunday, 2 May 2010

From Oxford to Jedi...

... to Edward Cullen to a wind farm.

Yes, it's been a very interesting weekend.
Very interesting indeed.

I woke up at the daunting time of 0700 on Saturday morning to shower and change before heading off to Brooke Weston and then catching a bus to Oxford.
It's a fantastic place.
Everything you have heard is true.
But there's more.
The talks were a bit "okay, that's fairly interesting," but the town is just magnificent.
Old Victorian buildings turned into shops, a huge-ass market-place, a McDonald's and street performances. Also, there was no Primark. Which is always a plus. All the clothes shops were self-sufficient businesses. Oxford owned. Oxford run. No big company involved and no African children involved either. To my knowledge, at least.

Anyway, after that was Soha's party, which again, was interesting.
I was disappointed in myself for coming in the worst possible costume of all time.
Luke Skywalker.
Basically, I put on a black shirt and stuck a lightsaber on my belt.
But hey ho, why go to a party that's all about costume over fun?
Clearly the best costume was Hababasi's, who came as my father. Meaning Darth Vader. And we had a lightsaber dual.
After that my lightsaber was used repeatedly as a penis, and one memorable moment when Bejocr stuck it up my nose.
Also another moment when she and Ailogo said "let's make him Harry Potter" and Bejocr said "Okay, Peter, close your eyes," as I was defending myself from Ailogo's mascara. I then ended up with lipstick on me. Hallelujah.
I also pulled my trousers down.
So yeah, interesting.

Anyway, today I went on a long and pointless walk Joancl to the wind farm, so that we could say we've done it. And also touch a wind turbine. Or as he put it "receive oral sex from a wind turbine."
Team America messed up his head.
So yeah, in total I'd say we walked at the very least 15 miles, possibly more, and now my legs are killing me.

So yeah, that was my interesting weekend.
And it continues!
Day off on Monday which means I can probably get some well-earned sleep.
And I'll enjoy.
I'll enjoy it so much that an Orang-utan will turn his head with a "what?" expression on his face. Said utan will also be called Clyde.
I also don't know how that metaphor makes sense.
Live with it.
Anyway, I'm going to go off and sleep longer than a bear on nytonol.
That one made sense.
Nanight xx