"I'll give you... the antidote." Peter Duke on you probably had to be there.
"I've got a hairrection. I get such a massive hairrection when I walk." Becca on yes, Joe, that's exactly what Becca and I talk about when you're not there.
"Hah! You've got a tierection!" Becca on pretty much a follow-on from the hairrection gag. If I had a picture I'd show you, but I'm pretty sure you can picture what a tierection looks like.
"Hehe, I can write 'I am Robert Mugabe' on the calculator." Peter H on I really can write that on a calculator. It's an amazing skill.
"Argh, every time I hear it ring I go over and then it moves!" Peter Duke on he was looking for his phone, bless him.
"*Laughs uncontrollably* it was on his chair!" Joshua Hilton on Dukey found his phone.
Click to make big.
Peter Duke says:
i'd be up for that
oh dude
women fucking drivers
Peter Hutch says:
I'm in.
Peter Duke says:
i was on my way home earlier
Peter Hutch says:
Where do I get my license?
Peter Duke says:
i was on my way home
and this stupid bitch indicated left
and what did she do?
Peter Hutch says:
she turned right?
Peter Duke says:
she actually went fucking left
Peter Hutch says:
Peter Duke says:
how am i supposed to prepare myself with these mind games?!
New Salute to Stupidity quote:
Laura: What strange animal growls?
Laura: What strange animal growls?
Josh: An aardvark.
Laura: Well my phone doesn’t recognise the word aardvark…
(As though that somehow negates the growls…)
FYI, Josh texted this to me. People have really come on to the idea of Salute to Stupidity.
Damn right you are, Paul.
This picture will haunt me forever.
"Poor bah-bah-black sheep has to walk 4000 miles every single day just to chew on some uprooted, filthy blades of grass and will eventually die from dirt poisoning. He will then give birth to a crocodile which will then eat him from the inside out. For just £2.50 we can buy a whip to make Jed eat flesh." Josh Hilton on why Jed shouldn't be a vegetarian.
As ever, if any more quotes pop up before the next blog post (scheduled for Wednesday) then I shall stick them on here.
Ciao for now.
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