Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Three Tits Tuesday

No, that wasn't the first adjective I found, it is in fact a relevant adjectival noun. We'll get on to why later.

First Lesson - Free
I've got to be honest with you, I don't fully recall what happened in this lesson. I must've done something, or the lesson wouldn't have happened. Let's see... I was sitting in my room... I was reading a book... then this guy walks in... so I stabbed him thirty-seven times in the chest. Wait, that's not right. I think I was just doing DT coursework. If so, I now know why I don't recall this lesson. Of course I do remember the delicious bacon that they had in breakfast today though. It was like mega-delicious. Quite possibly the best bacon I've ever had maybe? Maybe. 

Second Lesson - DT
Yeah... again, I don't really care about talking about this lesson. Nothing happened. When I say nothing happened, Westie made mild steel turn yellow. Now I don't know if you know what colour steel is supposed to turn, but when it turns red you know you've heated it enough. Yellow is the colour of molten metal. Yeah, I worried a bit. I also seemed to burn myself a lot in this lesson. I seemingly forgot over and over again that metal becomes hot when it is drilled. Also, even if the brazing hearth has been turned off for fifteen minutes, it should be noted that fire lives here. When fire lives somewhere, it is rarely ever cold. Don't touch it. 

Third Lesson - Free
We hiked over to the Media Suite this lesson because we're a team and don't leave people behind. We discussed our idea for making a magazine this lesson, and suffice to say it looks like it might not be a half-bad job. It's quite literally my area of expertise. So as long as I'm the editor, we'll be fine. It'll certainly help clear the forums of reviews and the like. Thought, why don't we put comics in the magazine? Duh. Obvious idea. 

Fourth Lesson - Media
Today's task was to get ready for my upcoming presentation on Narrative Theory. I had already done it, so I had nothing to do aside from talking to Max and Adam about stuff, and also helping them with their work. I also got to be cruel to Adam when he did his presentation because I knew that he hadn't done anything to do with Propp, so I asked him about it, and he was a little bit annoyed. It was all in good fun though. 

Fifth Lesson - Free
This lesson was fun. I found a way to play with Becca's new hair though, one of the things I thought I'd miss most about her old hair (poingy curls are funny). Since the back of her hair is soft and the correct amount of prickly, it is perfect for scratching like you would a dog. Her face when I did it made it entirely worth it. I wish I'd taken a picture to share with you. 

Now you get the title reference. "She has three tits. That's awesome." I wish I could reveal more about the movie, but it's one of those that you have to see in order to enjoy it. I won't reveal anything aside from the fact that it was hilarious. You'll love it. I thank Josh and Laura for inviting me and letting Dukey and his sister tag along too. It was awesome. 

Anyway, that's that for that. See you next time.

P.S. No one has ever called my blog posts outrageous or silly, so I've replaced silly with love it on Josh's request. 

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