Wednesday, 30 June 2010


Nobody loves doing it, especially to little kids.
So why did I have to do it today?
The year sevens are supposed to be the nice lot to have after shouting at the year eights.
What prompted this unruly, disrespectful behaviour?
Am I that pathetic that now even the year sevens think I'm an easy target?
For fuck's sake.
This is not how things are supposed to be.
Before now, I was the awesome guy.
Trusty old Pete, they never called me.
Did Dukey's appearance in the lesson really make that much of a difference?
I don't believe so.
I mean, yes, they have new ammunition, thanks to him, but not much and nothing that warrants that kind of disrespect towards me.
I had plans for these guys.
They would be my guinea pigs for my formal lesson experiment.
It's true, I don't do formal lessons, and I found an opportunity to do one, and immediately they threw it back in my face.
Well, I will get that formal lesson done, and then next year I'll be all set to teach the hell out of these kids.
Mark my fucking words.

I have found the best way to eat Doritoes ever.
When you reach the bottom of the huge bag, and it becomes a mega effort to get your entire arm in, you grab a plate, pour the remaining Doritoes on the plate and then lick them off.
It's brilliant.

Sunday, 27 June 2010


I've made my decision, I want to go there.
It's 2 and a half hours up the road, but it's so god damn fantastic.
I mean, I thought Oxford looked good, but this place is just something else.
Firstly, we looked at the accommodation, which was a real eye opener to what university life is going to be like.
Yeah, it'll be like a youth hostel for an entire year (but at least the bedrooms are all singles).
It's not brilliant, to say the least.
And this is the higher end of working class universities.
So yeah, living at Uni is going to be a little scary.
This is something Oxford and Northampton didn't tell me.
I then went to a talk on Product Design, and now I realise that I want to do that for a the rest of my life, just like I want to do German and Media for the rest of my life. I'd also quite like to do French, Spanish and Italian for the rest of my life, and maybe Swedish too. Also wouldn't mind doing History. Or Geography. Science and Psychology also fascinate me. Engineering is a blast.
See, this is why I have a problem.
What do I do once I leave school?

Anyway, yes, after that I decided that there was no point going to the languages talks, and instead went into the heart of Leeds.
I was gobsmacked.
Everything is just so huge there. And so easy to find.
And there are loads of hot chicks, too!

So yeah, Leeds gives me the opportunity to do pretty much whatever I want, and it's definitely number one on the list.
Now, you lot, put Leeds down as well.
I don't care how good Leicester looks, and I also don't give a damn how close it is to home. Yeah, Nottingham doesn't look that bad either, but my brother goes there and he's from Montagu! What kind of message does that portray?
Although, Lauren's brother goes there as well and he got 4 A's at A-level.
But still, Leeds is where you want to be.

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Come on England Wednesday

I know, it's been such an amazing week so far that I've had to do another my day post.
Awesome stuff, huh?

First Lesson - Free
Ah yes, free. Dukey and Joe had to do work, and Becca decided to take the day off, so I had Luke all to myself. And then Harry joined us. We basically did the whole Media Suite thing again, so that I could edit Kevin's Magical Story Show, and I must say I'm proud of Luke's work on it. He has potential. This happened until breakfast, when we met the other two. After breakfast I found Paul and we had a shout at Duguid and he finally agreed to 'see what he can do' for next year. Breakthrough at last.

Tutor Time
Smiley face

Second Lesson - German
Ah, now this was a fun lesson. We talked about the environment, and I learned a thing or two about tidal energy.

Third Lesson - French
Ah, I forgot that this was the most boring lesson ever. I don't think it even deserves recollection. So after lunch with Harry and Tom, I didn't go back, and just hung with the Physics lot until....

Fourth Lesson - Young Enterprise
Wait, wait, wait, hold on one cotton-picking, Jew-gold coveting minute there, I don't do Young Enterprise?
Wrong, I'm now the employee of the year.
I've sold more of those keyring things than anyone else, thanks to my connections with the underbelly of Brooke Weston. Namely - years seven and eight.
So yeah, I gave them ideas for what to do next and such, and then I and Luke stood by as they did work for him. Sounds like a great deal, if you ask me.

Fifth Lesson - Teaching/Match
Yes, Mr Brown was kind enough to put the game on while the little ones worked. And I've got to say, what a game. Lots of work done during this time too.
It was brilliant, I managed to help the kids while my eyes were transfixed on England's brilliant playing. Thank god Capello did the right thing this time, and used Defoe as the starter and Hesky as the fallback option. Bravo. It really paid off.
England did use some dirty tactics towards the end though, but hey, playing it safe is better than conceding.
But I'm rather disappointed though, I missed the first goal by about a second!
"Peter, can you come and help me?"
I turn, and guess what the next thing that happens is?
So I stuck my finger in the air and made her wait until I had seen the replay twice through, and then I helped.
Amazing goal though.
Luke also joined when the first half came to a close :D

So yes, a pretty fantastic day, if I say so myself.
More of those to come, please.
Disappointed I didn't see my year eights though, I'll have to catch up with them hopefully tomorrow.
Catch you soon.

Monday, 21 June 2010


What? It's a stutter.
Yeah, I know what you're thinking, it's Friday's turn and it totally isn't Friday today. But hey, I liked today, it was nice.

First Lesson - Media
The day started joining the dudes and dudette in Biology for a quick chat, as we do, and it's always a great way to start Mondays. I also had a chat with Courtney before this time, and she's also a great person to talk to for a pick-me-up, and to be honest I do use her as my escape from the dickhead year eights on Wednesdays. Anyway, yeah.
Didn't do too much in Media to be perfectly honest with you, just did my work in Bottom Red so that I could meet up with the Krewe again at breakfast, which worked remarkably well.

Second Lesson - Teaching
Yeah, I know, it's usually structured study, but I decided to teach in this lesson because it seemed like the best thing to do now that I have no exams.
And it's brilliant, as always.
During this lesson though, I do take the annoying illiterate child out to read, and he's improving. This is good. I don't like him very much, but at least he's doing what he's supposed to do.
I did tire him out with the reading this time though; he made more frequent mistakes towards the end of the session, so this prompts for me to try and get him to do something more engaging than just reading, and I will.

Third Lesson - Physics
Okay, I know what you're thinking, I don't do Physics. This slot should be filled with French... but it isn't today. Yes, I got my own taste of the world of Physics experiments as they tried to build various longbows, trebuchets and other weird contraptions for experimenting with stuff. So what did Dukey do? He made a plank. A plank with a hole in it. And then failed to glue a nut to it. I helped. That's the extent of Dukey's DT ability.
Hehe, I also managed to comment on Leachy's longbow, and suggest improvements for it, at which point Mr Tiktin was prompted to say "Hold on, I hardly think you have the right to say that, you're not even supposed to be in here!" I chuckled.

Fourth Lesson - DT
Not a particularly interesting lesson, if I'm perfectly honest with you. It was the first thing I had been taught today, but you know... why would I bother telling you about it? Exactly.

Fifth Lesson - German
Ah yes, "a Jedi's weapon". I mean, German.
This was actually quite fun. I got to translate my story "A Knock on the Door" into German, because we were told to write something, and I had no idea what to write about, so I did that. Chibberd will love it. Do you not remember my awesome short story about a guy who's obsessed with his wife and then imagines her own death and then sees himself in the mirror and then kills himself, when it turned out that his wife was stuck on the motorway; her car in a state? Well you should, because it's awesome. Super awesome.

I ended the day spending a short amount of time with Lauren, at which point she argued that they weren't technically my kids. I was outraged, because they are my kids, and I raise them and teach them the everyday things that need to be known. Like what a continent is. Seriously, Emily doesn't know what a continent is, and didn't think China was in Asia. I was outraged. Jonny somehow managed to molest me at this point. First time he's done it in front of Emily. And she found it amusing.
But oh my god, I'm actually depressed now.
"If I don't want you to be a teacher, who will?" She said.
*Sad face*
She will be punished.
She needs me to help her.
Without me she's lost, like what I heard happened when I left to teach reading. Haha.
Watch your words, child.

So anyway, a pretty good day if I say so myself.
And I do say so.
If Friday is interesting, I'll do that, otherwise, just go ahead and wait until I decide to talk about something else.
Buhbye, m'lovelies

Thursday, 17 June 2010

This Thursday

Okay, I've run out of imaginative alliterations.
But fuck 'em.
S'not like the title makes a difference anyway.

First Lesson - DT
Browsing RichChief, quite frankly.
Mrs Quinreynolds basically left us to our own devices because half of the class was doing maths revision.
Oh, a few of my kids also decided to come into DT to print things off, so I chatted to them for a little while.

Second Lesson - Free
Hangman and Pictionary, that was fun. Followed by seeing my kids in their various tutor groups to sell Luke's sweepstakes win-an-iPod competition, which was also fun. I love my kids.

Third Lesson - Free
Media-suited it up. Did various shit, but initially just browsed RichChief again. Also started Luke's new mini-series for Zero-G entitled : Kevin's Magical Story.
Also, Private Harry Simpson, formerly known as Private Daryl Rosser, is now Private Kevin McScratch. Awesome name, no?

Fourth Lesson - Media
Coursework has started again, and now I'm making a trailer for a zombie movie.
Needless to say this project will be awesome.
Super awesome.
Won't be able to start filming until next term though, which is unfortunate.

Fifth Lesson - German
Did anything interesting happen? I can't remember. Doesn't really matter. We read a lot of German.
The day finished with Luke and Duke 'teaching' Courtney things that would be very bad for me. Damn them. But still, I like it when my kids get little snippets of my life like that. But no more, they must see nothing beyond that.
And then Emily (my biggest fan, can't remember if I've actually said her name before or not) decided to annoy me on the bus, which is all in good fun.

And that's it.
Kind of feels like a waste of a post.
Absolutely nothing new was gained from that.
But nothing is ever new these days.
I still fall for girls faster than a self-hating virgin and getting nowhere with it.
I know, my metaphor was me.
What the fuck is wrong all of a sudden?
Why am I miserable at this moment in time?!
The only thing different to this month from the last is that my older brother has returned, my Dad has gotten shouty and I no longer have exams to look forward to.
Everything else is the same.
So why?
This shall need to be fully investigated, and then I will eliminate the source.
I don't need this right now, when everything was finally fine.
Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Snakes Alive

Seriously, it's amazing.
Seeing as I missed the Year 8s last week due to the media exam, I had to catch up with the Year 8s by visiting Mr Hawksley and his tutor group, which was quite fun to start with.
And this week I was all set up to help those kids to my very best ability.
I shouted, I pointed, and I even stuck my thumbs in the air.
It was surely an experience.

We'll start with the short complaint that I have.
There will always be the one kid who thinks that this kind of thing is a doss lesson.
The idea is to churn out as many snake parts as possible, working like continuous production in the industry (the whole point of this project).
So what one kid does is work on the same piece that he was working on the last time I was there two weeks ago, that was wrong anyway, and wouldn't make it to the snake at all.
So, I shouted a lot.
Told him to do something more constructive with his time.
Got his team leader to tell him to do something.
Yes, every time I told him to get out of the laser room he left, but he went straight back in afterwards.
This is the disadvantage I have as a sixth former.
They know that I don't have the final say, that I'm only there to enforce rules as opposed to making them.
He thought it was a game, despite the fact that I got to swearing point.
When one gets to swearing point with the kids, one is royally not amused.
Stupid dick.

Anyway, back to it.
The rest of the time it was fantastic.
Switching between classes to cover each of the different production stages.
There was body manufacture, the main part of the project, where the segments of the body were churned out by the dozen (or so is the theory).
There was computer aided design, for use of designing the wheels to put on the laser cutter or advertising and making various random videos to showcase the unfolding events.
There were Mrs Wright's and Mr Brown's rooms... which appeared to be for nothing aside from the extra machines and work benches.
Then there was textiles, where the girls and a couple of fruity guys gathered to design the pattern for the skins of the snake.
It was truly a sight to see.
Constant requests for help were firing my way, and I happily obliged, and it was even requested that I join the lot in textiles where I somehow managed to help despite my limited knowledge of the textiles industry.
But to be quite honest, I hung out there for fifteen minutes under the request of Courtney, the most bearable of the year eights, and I literally just chilled and chatted.
Sometimes, even I need a break.
But I did manage to help her out with a bit of simple maths though, which I suppose is fine.
It was only when it was apparent that the laser room had filled with unruly children that I decided to bug out, at which point she shouted across the classroom "already missing you!"

Might as well mention that the year sevens were fantastic too.
Lots of joyful banter over their worry that the fumes from the soldering iron were going to kill them because the extractor wasn't working.
Said child who was worried about the fumes (ironically the best friend of my biggest fan) has decided that it is actually totally cool to rest her head on my biceps (I was going to say shoulder, but then I realised that they're all really short) while asking me a question.

I do love my kids.
They're fab (Y)
Brilliant day brighteners when my emotions seem to have dropped from super happy to average and mellow.
Not sure why that has happened to be quite honest, but actually my recent blogs haven't been super happy like May's.
I shall need to investigate further.

Anyway, this is me bugging out after this fantastic day with the kids and the Krewe.

Sunday, 13 June 2010

If words were weapons...

... then my house would look like Chernobyl.

I liked that metaphor so much I decided to post it.

I'm not going to go into detail on today's fun, because I don't want kittens to commit suicide.
Seriously, that would be tragic.
All I'm going to say is, I'm happy to have my actual real family here to help me through these times
Smiley face

I think this is quite possibly the shortest post I've ever done.
And to be honest, I have no idea how I'm going to continue it.
So I am going to keep it as the shortest post of all time.


Wednesday, 9 June 2010

W'Media Wednesday

See? It's still an alliteration, it works.

First Lesson - Free
The usual Krewe time was interrupted by the Physics exam which took away a sizeable chunk of the home dogs, and so it was just I, Luke, Becca, Sophia and Aimee (plus a couple of tag-alongs)for the lesson, which was pretty cool.
Like very pretty cool.
What did we do?
I can't recall.
Revision and dawdle.
Sounds about right.

Second Lesson - German
Started off the lesson talking to Jed and Caitlin about stuff and stuffs and Caitlin's very attractive. Sorry, that was my penis talking.
We then got to watch an amusingly amusing film about a big shoe and cowboys.
It's kind of like Shanghai Noon but instead of Jackie Chan, there's a Native American.
It's actually rather funny, and I almost understand it!
Yeah, the subtitles were in German... and so was the film.
But it's good practise.

Third Lesson - Lunch
What? That was my third lesson.
Becca and Sophia were kind enough to come out of their English lesson so that I had someone to eat with.
We ended up in top brown after traipsing around the school looking for somewhere that wasn't too hot for Becca :D
Because the room was silent we decided it appropriate to be quiet too, which was a calling for Becca and I to sit in the corner and giggle about stuff and make faces. That was a nice little pick-me-up before I had to roll out.
After a hug from the both of them I wandered over to the media exam, where I was totally like "I should really hang out with these people more, then maybe I'd feel like I can eat with them... fuck that, I have the Krewe" rather than like "Holy fuck I've got an exam. Panic. Panic. Panic. Panic."
But seriously, I'm not the panicking type.
Totally cramps my style.

Fourth Lesson - *cries*
My poor kids! I can't imagine what horrors they had to endure while I was in that stupid exam.
I mean, don't get me wrong, the exam went quite well.
But of the experience I've had so far with this project in DT, those kids really can't live without me.
Like, really can't.
Like Courtney actually nearly cried when I said I wasn't going to be in the lesson.
And I was like *sad face*
Okay, nearly cried is an overstatement, but you get me.
Anyway, I suppose you want to know all about the exam.
I had to watch the same five minutes of ... I've forgotten ... 4 times over, which was fun. It was some weird shit about guys and a hot chick digging around, then there's a dead body, then there's a sabre-tooth tiger, then there's an obstacle course, then there's a field, then there's an over-dressed tart being all bitchy to this farmer dude who breeds dogs for fighting.
It was weird shit.
It's also very disappointing.
I mean, I didn't find out what happened.
Anyway, yeah, after that I wrote about how gender was represented in this, and it turns out that it's as sexist as everything else.
Then I had to talk about how significant developing new digital technologies is to media institutes and audiences, which probably didn't go so well, but I wrote a lot, so that's cool.
I reckon B/C

Fifth Lesson - Teaching
Finally, back where I should be.
Those kids really need me.
Especially my biggest fan.
"I don't like DT"
"Yeah you do"
"Yeah I know, I get to see you :D"
I'm extremely awesome.
That is very apparent.
She was a lot more huggy this week though.
I should probably watch out for that.
Especially if Jonny "the Clayts" Clayton is right.
Because that's wrong.
Like, super wrong.
Oh well, for now it's still cute.

So despite the media exam, today wasn't too bad.
No French plus lots of spending time with Becca and Sophia, which is always awesome.
I've also now decided that my IEC starts after lunch, so I no longer have to do that extra 20 minutes of French that so many other people don't have to do.
Anyway, that's me done for now.
I'll catch you later, dudes and dears :)

Monday, 7 June 2010

Last Voyage of 'The Escalade'

(The first part has already been written, but since you've all probably read Becca's already, you didn't really need this info)

‘The Escalade’ had reached the peak of the wave, for a moment Lucille could feel herself leaving the ground, suspended in the air as the ship was hurled forwards. It was this moment that Lucille could feel the ocean’s spray wafting into the room, gently caressing her sweat covered skin. Her heart was beating so hard that it actually hurt her chest. Each breath became shorter and shorter.

And then it was all gone.

‘The Escalade’ hit the sea again, sending half the crew overboard. Lucille could barely hear the screams of the dying men as water exploded into her cabin, sending her crashing into the opposite wall. Within a second she was lying on the floor, air barely getting into her lungs, and anything that did make it into her throat was mostly seawater. She gagged as she tasted the salt burning her throat, making her jolt into an upright position. It took her a few moments for her eyes to focus on the room in front of her. She could now see the hole in the side of the cabin had become much bigger with the impact. Lucille then slowly reached around to feel the back of her head which was now throbbing with pain. In the dim light she could just make out the colour of blood that now rested on her finger tips.

Glindel threw the door of the cabin open, and grabbed Lucille’s shoulders. “You a’right, m’lady?” he shouted above the storm, but the words were completely unregistered. “Ah, damn it! We gotta get you to a boat. This ship ain’t survivin’ any more of this!”

Lucille felt herself being draped over the man’s giant shoulder. She continued to stare at the blood on her hand. No thoughts entered her mind. Save one: death.

Her mind woke again when her chin smacked off the deck. Another wave had smashed against the boat, lifting the starboard side. She shook the hair from her eyes and stared at the boat that was supposed to be her way out and she started to slide towards it because of the ship’s angle. She then stopped as a greasy paw grabbed her ankle.

“I wouldn’t advise that anymore, m’lady,” Glindel said, looking at the boat. Within the next few moments the tethers holding the boat in place snapped and it fell out of sight. One crew member screamed and jumped in after it, but everyone else knew that he would only find his demise, just as they knew they were about to find theirs.

The boat continued to tip as more and more heavy object slid down onto the starboard side. Soon Lucille found herself suspended upside down. The sudden rush of blood to her head nearly knocked her out. She then felt Glindel’s grip loosen, and she then landed on some rope netting. Glindel followed suit, falling next to her.

“Hold on, m’lady, we can still get through this. Just don’t let go. Don’t ever let go, lass.”

She tightened her grip and gathered all the oxygen that her burning lungs would let her. She took one last look at the fast approaching ocean and then closed her eyes, bracing for the impact.

She entered the water in a much less dramatic way than she expected, and allowed herself to relax for a moment. But she then realised how much of a mistake it was to wait. The more time she stayed attached to the netting, the closer she’d come to Davy Jones’ Locker. She tried to free herself, but twisting and turning only made her more entangled. She tried to open her eyes, but the salt burned her. She started to panic. Large bubbles of air erupted from her mouth which tried to scream. As she lost her breath she took in a gulp of water, filling her lungs with cold death. Her attempts to free herself became weaker and weaker until she finally gave in, allowed the sea to engulf her and keep her with ‘The Escalade’ for eternity.

She then tore through the surface of the ocean, the cold air ripping at her face. Glindel threw her limp body onto the side of the hull, attaching the netting she was caught in onto a large splinter of wood. She opened her eyes and knew she was alive. Heaven was definitely not like this. The storm was still raging and waves smacked her legs, but it seemed they had survived the worst of it. Now the agonising wait would come.

“Don’t let go, lass. Don’t ever let go,” Glindel struggled to say. “This is where I say goodbye, m’lady. Just don’t let go.” Lucille stared at Glindel’s eyes; they had the look of agony. She then looked down and saw a large splinter of wood sticking out of his chest. Out of all the crew, she had expected him to survive, especially beyond her. As he fell back into the water and let death take him, Lucille couldn’t help but ask why she had been chosen to survive even this long. What did god have planned for her? “Don’t let go,” she heard in her head again, and tightened her grip on the netting. And then she waited.

By the time morning came the storm had calmed and she stared at the rising sun. And she waited. She didn’t let go. She simply waited for something to come and help her. But there was nothing, nothing on the horizon. No land she could swim to. The only thing she could do was wait. And not let go.

Friday, 4 June 2010

Unlucky in Love

I know, I'm sorry, I'm going to break the trend.
But the end of my writings in Travis, and my trust in you guys means that I totally have to write everything here now, even the stuff that bothers me a little.

But hey, I'll try and stay as optimistic as possible.
S'what I do now.
That's the new me.
No more self destruction.

So, starting off, I'm just going to go ahead and describe all of my previous relationships in like a sentence.
A girl "feeling sorry for me" turning out to be a crap relationship because nothing ever happened, a wonderful girl who lived just too far outside of regular contact zone, and then I totally cocked it up with her, which I like super regret because she's gorgeous and had a great personality, and then made out with a random girl who's name I can't remember.

See? One sentence.
It's not exactly an extensive list.
Although I have the odd feeling that I've missed something out. Feels like there should be a filler between the first and second.
I don't know, doesn't matter anyway.

According to several people, I totally deserve a proper relationship now, and I totally agree with them.
I think it's quite a necessity.
As much as I love the safe life I have with the Krewe right now, with all the regular stuff, and the way we can do nothing and have a great time, the bit on the other side of my life does need to stop being so same.
You know, that side that should be filled with something, but isn't.
And to be honest, the kids don't fill that hole.
They fill my desire to teach, and be a great father.
Hey, I am a great father!
Shut up.

Yeah, I went off on one of my tangents.
That's the first time I've called myself a father, actually, despite the fact that I constantly call them my kids.

Anyway, where is this post going? I'm currently asking myself.
I don't know, I think I've covered the main bit.
I'm not going to say that I'm sitting in a pool of my own tears, weeping over this, because I'm not.
I just think it's time.
But I'm not going to fret if it doesn't happen yet.
Not much point in that, is there?

So, I don't think that was too depressing.
If this was Travis, there would be an extra little bit about weird stuff and stuff about sex dreams and certain people, but Travis knows that already.
He's not being deprived.
Because he knows.
He knows.
I would've also been a bit more graphic, and self destructive, and I don't want to really freak you out, because this is a clean zone, and I don't want you to think that I'm going to cut myself.
That ain't happening again.

Anyway, I'd rate that as mellow.
Quite mellow.
Because I am happy at the moment.
People notice it, and they enjoy it.
I'm a better person because I'm happy.
I'm not going to ruin that.
Not now.

Anyway, I'm bugging out.
I'll keep you updated.
Peace out, y'all :)

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Pinch Punch Tuesday

and what not.
Hey ho, guys and gals, it's the first of June.

First Lesson - Structured Study
Nothing striking happened off the top of my head, because I was supposed to be doing work. Boo.
I got Luke and Duke to look over Series 2 of Zero-G though, so that's cool.

Second Lesson - French
We finished that confusing film where a chick takes forever to attempt to find her fiancé who may or may not have died in No-Man's Land in the Battle of the Somme in the Great War. Basically, she tracks down these guys who, because of cowardice or stupidity, accidentally or on purpose get their hands mutilated so that they can go home, except they end up being sent over the top into No-Man's land. Two friends decided to shoot each other in the hand, one guy shoots his hand, another guy accidentally stabs himself by trying to kill a rat, but the male protagonist lights a cigarette up, puts his hand on display through a conveniently placed hole in the trench, and a Jerry sniper shoots it. Back in World War I, they didn't like this happening all the time, because they needed all the men they could in the Somme because uncharacteristically they didn't surrender, and therefore sent ALL of their forces into the Battle of Verdun, which was apparently very important to them. About a million lives were lost there, simply because the French didn't want to lose this place. And they didn't. But then we had to save their arses in the Battle of the Somme, or maybe the Jerries would have won that war. Anyway, yeah, me thinking about the war was actually a lot more interesting than the film itself. It didn't make sense until the end, when we find out that this guy who turned out to be alive actually has amnesia, and can't remember anything. So yeah.

Third Lesson - Janina
We started work on some presentation thingy that will appear on the board in the Languages Dept. I researched the Rotes Rathaus, which is Berlin's town hall. Interesting stuff. It actually got shelled to bits in WWII, so the Jerries used the Neues Stadthaus as a temporary replacement until it was rebuilt, at which point the Berlin wall went up, so the Rotes Rathaus became the Rathaus for East Berlin, the DDR, until the wall was ripped down.
Also, it's not red.
It's actually the colour of an extremely bad tan.
Like Mr McCarg's new tan.
I mean look at it.
He looks like an identity confused Giant Panda (paints itself red because it thinks it's a red panda, see).
Check out that extended metaphor.

Fourth Lesson - Media
I did work!
An essay, which is work.
Like, actual work.
Then Miss T marked it and it was all like "well done" and "thanks, Miss"

I smell dinner.

Fifth Lesson - DT
I and the Wezdog decided to invent products for disabled people. My particular favourite was my mandible idea.
Seriously, imagine how awesome it would be.
Having little pincers on your face to collect food and stick it in your mouth.
It'd definitely help old people who every now and then simply revert to sticking their face in their soup because they're too shaky to hold a spoon.
We then went off to check out the adjustable hob in cooking, then the adjustable table in DT, and then a piano stool, just to fully understand how to adjust the height of something.

Seriously, I'm deadly hungry now.
Haven't eaten in an hour, and it's chip night.
I don't know if I have a point to make here, but OH
I forgot to tell you what made today a great start to the month.
People have been talking about me behind my back again.
Becca and Jess in their Psych lesson, totally saying that I deserve a girlfriend.
And then I got a hi-five for saying "Aww... I'm gonna shag her [Jess]" to which Becca was like 0.0
And Joe was all like XD
And Dukey was all like "Did he say what I think he just said?"
And Luke was also like XD
But don't worry, Becca, I won't touch your DarlingOne without your explicit consent.
Like, if she offered me a hug, I'd totally phone you up like "she's offering me a hug"
and you're like "Who?"
and I'm like "Oh, sorry, I thought you'd understand."
and you'd still be like "Fucking tell me who it is!!!!!!111111one"
and then I'll be like "Jess."
and then I'm like "but..."
"Can I ..."
"Becca, calm down."
"Hey, that's my thing!"
"Oh yeah, sorry."
"So anyway, is that a yes?"
"What were we talking about?"
"Oh, nevermind, she's gone home." *sad face*

I'm never going to call you at midnight.
I'll just assume that the answer is simply "... whatever, go for it"
I also apologise for getting carried away there.
Hey, this is how I write scripts for Zero-G.

Catch y'all soon.
Thanks for keeping me happy ^.^