You're right, I've missed Tuesday again. I was planning on doing it today, but I've kind of forgotten what happened, so I'm just going to go ahead and do Wednesday instead. Or... I can do both since both days contained boring bits! Ooh, yeah, let's do that.
Tuesday 1 - Free
Ah, what did I do in this free? Let me think back to yesterday. Did anything significant happen at all in this free? I remember breakfasting with Dukey, but that seems to be about it. Oh wait, this was the lesson we spent in bottom red with Becca and (unfortunately my memory seems to be a little hazy here) Bekah. Seriously, I don't know why I can't remember yesterday morning. Freaking weird.
Tuesday 2 - DT
Ah, the worst lesson of the week. Miss fucking Ainsbitch. Grr, she does anger me so. I understand that she angers me for a reason, but still, I shouldn't really need to become angered. Basically, this lesson we had to showcase our models, and all my ideas were in my head, I could answer every question, but they just weren't represented on the crappy model. This is the one thing that pisses me off about DT, the fact that I'm an engineer, yet I can't simply portray that in my coursework.
Tuesday 3 - Structured Study
Right, this lesson I remember getting on and doing eBusiness. As a stalling tactic (because eBusiness confuses the hell out of me and forces me to think beyond creativity and into business and internet terms, something which I don't do) I was setting out the structure for the entire unit, just in case I can't access the VLE. Now I can do the work no matter what.
Tuesday 4 - Media
Ah, what a fun lesson this was. I was making my website page this lesson (damn easier than it is in fucking eBusiness) and it's going pretty well. The brilliant thing about this lesson is that I am pretty much free to do what ever I want with this coursework with literally no constraints. In fact, there's a very likely possibility that I will have done too much work for it by the end.
Tuesday 5 - Free Free Free
That's what we call them now, the communal frees. Okay, yeah, they're either called communal frees or free free frees. Anyway, everyone except Joe and the non-Biologimaticians were sat down in bottom red having a whale of a time. And whales are pretty huge. Again, I remember it was fun, but I don't remember what happened. This is seriously weird, it's like I only remember the bad stuff that happens. Damn my stupid memory.
Wednesday 1 - German
Despite the fact that we were doing a listening test, I don't feel like this lesson was particularly bad. In fact, dare I say I somewhat enjoyed it? Once again my fucking memory doesn't serve me well and I don't remember the awesome jokes that happened, and only seem to remember the bloody exam. Someone better get me some kind of psychiatric evaluation and sort this bloody memory thing out, because it's going to piss me off. Oh, I'll tell you what was funny about Monday's lesson though, when Joe and I were wearing the same thing, and Tom and Paul were wearing the same thing. That created a laugh.
Wednesday 2 - Media
God I love Media. Once again I was working on the website, adding some zombie features to Dukey's face as he was sneaking up on a little-bit-too-relaxed-for-the-beginning-of-a-zombie-invasion Josh. It looks pretty cool, and so do the other pages. I'll have to show you some time. Damn, Sophia and Harry wanted to see my trailer, and I did not show them. After the lesson had finished Miss T looked at my work so that I had an excuse to not go to assembly, and Max and Lottie also stayed behind and we had a good old banter about how Shipley had abandoned Max, but now it was a wake-up call for Max, saying that he could start again and do a trailer, since it was noted that I had the best fun ever doing a trailer, which Lottie also noted, and then Max showed me his storyboard. He's still doing a music video, but this time it looks a lot more fast-paced with varying camera angles and a clear narrative, way to go, Maxy boy.
Wednesday 3 - Structured Study
After a quick walk with the Smack I ended up in the library to get on with some hardcore eBusiness. Suffice to say I got a bit done, but I also finally got contacted by the IT teachers to say that the deadline for the first unit was the end of term, which should be fair enough, but when Dukey and Luke lectured me about exactly how much work I needed to do in order to finish Unit 33 (apparently a good starting one), I started to doubt whether I should actually do eBusiness and go with my original plan of doing an Extended Project. I'll speak to Berny-nard tomorrow. As for eBusiness, I didn't actually understand how much I had to learn in order to do it, and Mr Bernard made it out like it would be something to do in my spare time. Now I realise why everyone needed 2 years to do this. Damn.
Wednesday 4 - The Kids
God how I love my kids. I finally got to do my own teaching today, proper, hardcore teaching. First I set up the laser, then I once again showed the kids how the fricking drill works, then I shouted at the kids in the computer room, and then I got to what this lesson was supposed to be all about. Tapping a screw thread. Yeah, I was all like "watch closely" and all like "one turn forward, and then half a turn back" and like "that's just so that clear some of the swarf" and they were all like "I don't get it" and I was all like "here, I'll demonstrate quickly, and then you can carry on," and it totally happened like that. Courtney said something cracking this lesson though. Anya had said "so you do the taper first..?" and I said "Yeah, and then you use the plug," and then Courtney said "but the one you're holding has tape on it!" Awwwww. I literally ruffled her hair and said "aww" because I found it so amusing, but not "Haha, you're shit," amusing, but more "Aww, you're confused" like you would say to a puppy that has seen itself in the mirror for the first time. It'd be all like "Whoa, who the hell are you? This is my house. *Scratch* Ah! You're protected by an invisible force field, you bitch! That's it, I'm leaving. *Walks off and then turns head back* Yeah that's right, you walk away." I'm humorous. Anyway, yeah, great lesson with the kids today.
Wednesday 5 - DT
Despite the fact that I think I dislike DT the most out of my subjects now, I had quite a bit of fun in today's lesson. I was remaking my model with metal, and once again we were teasing Westie about the fact that they're called POP rivets and not POT rivets. But yeah, the remainder of the lesson was all about pop rivets, and the extra hilarity that ensued using them.
So, they weren't bad days at all, were they? One week to go now. I might double up Thursday and Friday just to be even more freaky. Ooh, dangerous stuff.
Catch you soon.
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Sunday, 26 September 2010
This is Heresy
Six days between posts and I haven't even been that busy, I know, it's heresy. But don't get me wrong, Friday through today I haven't had five minutes to myself, so let's just recap the awesome things that I've saved up because I don't have anything else to currently talk about.
My Kids
Sometimes I hate them and sometimes I love them. This is one of those occasions where I loved them, because they didn't have time to annoy me, and neither did I. Wednesday they were little dicks, aside from the good ones who never cause me problems, but Thursday in my DT lesson I went into their lesson to do some scanning, and you'll never guess what I ended up doing. That's right, I walked in, fired up my work and suddenly I hear a thousand kids pleading, "Peeeeeter, can you help me?" with their annoying voices. But after a while it was clear that Mrs Wright clearly didn't have the capability to look after them, so when Courtney and a couple of others ended up in the laser room and didn't have a clue how to work the thing, I gave them five minutes of my time just to set it up, and every now and then I went back in to ask them how they were doing, because I'm the nicest person in the world. Back in the computer room I didn't help them all that much because in there I had no excuse to help them, and because all the nice kids were in the laser room. Hey, all teachers pick favourites. Don't judge me.
On Friday afternoon I was invited to spend time with Josh and Maisie, which was fantastic. I'm grateful to them for letting me spend time with them, and I certainly hope I didn't get in the way of their personal time. Highlights include correcting Joshi's review of Just Cause 2 (on now!) and watching the Hangover at Maisie's house while she opened her presents.
Night at the Hilton
After spending all of two hours at home I went to Josh Hilton's house to play Halo: Reach under his offer and request. Apparently he owed me for something, but I can't for the life of me think what that would be. Anyway, we basically played until 3 in the morning, finishing the campaign and doing some Firefight in the process. It was incredibly fun.
So I went home on Saturday at about midday and after about an hour I went to make some money by throwing things into a tip. Best £20 I ever made. So yeah, I got home at 4, and then half an hour later I went bowling. So, at this point I had spent a total of 3 and a half hours at home in the past two days. That's not bad at all. Bowling was great fun, as it always is. After that we went to get me my copy of Halo: Reach and then some food. Everyone but Josh and I chickened out and got Subway, but Josh and I were clever and got some chicken from the kebab shop. Not only was it cheaper than Subway, but it also came with the advantage of being a complete meal. After people started to dissipate we ended up back at Joe's house for a short while, and then I went home to play Halo: Reach.
Anyway, today is Sunday and nothing will happen, but I'm not bothered, because I've had a really great weekend. More of these to come, please!
My Kids
Sometimes I hate them and sometimes I love them. This is one of those occasions where I loved them, because they didn't have time to annoy me, and neither did I. Wednesday they were little dicks, aside from the good ones who never cause me problems, but Thursday in my DT lesson I went into their lesson to do some scanning, and you'll never guess what I ended up doing. That's right, I walked in, fired up my work and suddenly I hear a thousand kids pleading, "Peeeeeter, can you help me?" with their annoying voices. But after a while it was clear that Mrs Wright clearly didn't have the capability to look after them, so when Courtney and a couple of others ended up in the laser room and didn't have a clue how to work the thing, I gave them five minutes of my time just to set it up, and every now and then I went back in to ask them how they were doing, because I'm the nicest person in the world. Back in the computer room I didn't help them all that much because in there I had no excuse to help them, and because all the nice kids were in the laser room. Hey, all teachers pick favourites. Don't judge me.
On Friday afternoon I was invited to spend time with Josh and Maisie, which was fantastic. I'm grateful to them for letting me spend time with them, and I certainly hope I didn't get in the way of their personal time. Highlights include correcting Joshi's review of Just Cause 2 (on now!) and watching the Hangover at Maisie's house while she opened her presents.
Night at the Hilton
After spending all of two hours at home I went to Josh Hilton's house to play Halo: Reach under his offer and request. Apparently he owed me for something, but I can't for the life of me think what that would be. Anyway, we basically played until 3 in the morning, finishing the campaign and doing some Firefight in the process. It was incredibly fun.
So I went home on Saturday at about midday and after about an hour I went to make some money by throwing things into a tip. Best £20 I ever made. So yeah, I got home at 4, and then half an hour later I went bowling. So, at this point I had spent a total of 3 and a half hours at home in the past two days. That's not bad at all. Bowling was great fun, as it always is. After that we went to get me my copy of Halo: Reach and then some food. Everyone but Josh and I chickened out and got Subway, but Josh and I were clever and got some chicken from the kebab shop. Not only was it cheaper than Subway, but it also came with the advantage of being a complete meal. After people started to dissipate we ended up back at Joe's house for a short while, and then I went home to play Halo: Reach.
Anyway, today is Sunday and nothing will happen, but I'm not bothered, because I've had a really great weekend. More of these to come, please!
Monday, 20 September 2010
Not Very Exciting Monday
You read it, but the day was a lot better than the title sounds. I'm just saying that nothing monumentally awesome happened. Okay, you're right, I shouldn't be so pessimistic, it wasn't a bad day, and that's all you need to know. Aside from what actually happened today, that you apparently need to know... otherwise I wouldn't bother writing these posts, would I?
Happy reading, stalkers.
First Lesson - Media
Using the footage I acquired on Friday before the mad dash around Corby, I created a new scene. I think it's worked quite well, and I managed to fit a slo-mo in there. Slo-mos are cool. If Miss T deems that to be a good enough scene, the only thing left to do is rerecord the sound, and that's an easy task that will require quite a lot of organisation, I presume.
Second Lesson - Free
What happened... oh yeah, after a good chat with Lauren I went to the Media suite to find Josh and once again I showed my awesome Zombie Plan trailer to my main audience. My only problem with production at the moment is that there will never ever be another Epic Zombie Showdown... unless I make a secondary TV spot 0.0 That would be awesome. Okay yeah, we're doing that. Anyway, also this lesson I took my kid out to read the Daily Mail, and what a mistake that was. The put a picture of a cloud in as news... that's not news! Naturally on the front page they had a huge rant about the racist Pope. I see you're keeping up your standards, Daily Mail.
Third Lesson - DT
The only thing worth mentioning about this lesson is the fact that Josh came in towards the end and started explaining his simple, yet somehow complicated, design to me, drawing pictures and the like. He then revealed that he wanted to mentor DT. That reminds me of something...
Messiah 2.0 Chapter 4, verse 18
And god said unto the Hutch, "You will teach others to do as you have done. Others must follow in your footsteps and mentor creatures of a lower age. You must guide them through this, Peter Hutchinson, don't think your only purpose as the Second Coming is to defeat Evil Tyrant Lord Dukeystein after a seven-year-long battle," and thus it was so.
Well, job done, I say. I should update my Bible.
Fourth Lesson - Free
Absolutely nothing suspicious happened in this lesson at all. I made a few awesome metaphors for no particular reason though. I also uh... stalling... did my German homework.
Fifth Lesson - German
We watched a really interesting film about the fall of the Berlin Wall and how it pretty much started in Hungary when they decided to open their borders and just let all of the East Germans out. But I won't bore you with the details, but it is quite interesting though.
So, that was my Monday. I told you that it wasn't as bad as the title made it sound. I'm really hungry.
Until next time.
Happy reading, stalkers.
First Lesson - Media
Using the footage I acquired on Friday before the mad dash around Corby, I created a new scene. I think it's worked quite well, and I managed to fit a slo-mo in there. Slo-mos are cool. If Miss T deems that to be a good enough scene, the only thing left to do is rerecord the sound, and that's an easy task that will require quite a lot of organisation, I presume.
Second Lesson - Free
What happened... oh yeah, after a good chat with Lauren I went to the Media suite to find Josh and once again I showed my awesome Zombie Plan trailer to my main audience. My only problem with production at the moment is that there will never ever be another Epic Zombie Showdown... unless I make a secondary TV spot 0.0 That would be awesome. Okay yeah, we're doing that. Anyway, also this lesson I took my kid out to read the Daily Mail, and what a mistake that was. The put a picture of a cloud in as news... that's not news! Naturally on the front page they had a huge rant about the racist Pope. I see you're keeping up your standards, Daily Mail.
Third Lesson - DT
The only thing worth mentioning about this lesson is the fact that Josh came in towards the end and started explaining his simple, yet somehow complicated, design to me, drawing pictures and the like. He then revealed that he wanted to mentor DT. That reminds me of something...
Messiah 2.0 Chapter 4, verse 18
And god said unto the Hutch, "You will teach others to do as you have done. Others must follow in your footsteps and mentor creatures of a lower age. You must guide them through this, Peter Hutchinson, don't think your only purpose as the Second Coming is to defeat Evil Tyrant Lord Dukeystein after a seven-year-long battle," and thus it was so.
Well, job done, I say. I should update my Bible.
Fourth Lesson - Free
Absolutely nothing suspicious happened in this lesson at all. I made a few awesome metaphors for no particular reason though. I also uh... stalling... did my German homework.
Fifth Lesson - German
We watched a really interesting film about the fall of the Berlin Wall and how it pretty much started in Hungary when they decided to open their borders and just let all of the East Germans out. But I won't bore you with the details, but it is quite interesting though.
So, that was my Monday. I told you that it wasn't as bad as the title made it sound. I'm really hungry.
Until next time.
Saturday, 18 September 2010
Adventure Friday
It's a little late and this post might not be very long, but hey, it's a post.
First Lesson - Media
I say Media, but I went in, told Miss Mankevic (or whatever the real spelling is) that I'm going to go off and do my work elsewhere, so I joined Dukey, Joe and Becca in top goldfish and got cracking with my poster and website. They're not great, but they're also not crap, and they'll do for a first draft. I like hanging around with these guys; they're pretty cool.
Second Lesson - German
Was this particularly exciting? No, I was just cursing myself for not being able to understand the shit that went on. Seriously, I'm supposed to be good at German. I also made a point to myself that I really shouldn't be with Joe in these lessons since he's just too fucking fluent and good at it, and consistently steals my thunder on translation tasks. I get it, you're better than I am and you want to get the work done so you can piss me off by stealing something of mine. It's no wonder Mr Nicholls thought I was dozing off, because I probably was, cursing myself that I'm not good at German. I should be good at German. On top of that, I should be bloody brilliant at DT, but my results show that I'm rubbish. I need to see where I went wrong, because those results were ridiculous, I sailed through that exam with ease, and upon feedback it seemed like I answered the questions with exactly the same answers as Josh and Westie, and they got fucking A's! Grr, why must I be consistently shite despite the fact that I'm supposed to be in the top band for absolutely fucking everything? I hate myself. I need to sort it out.
Third Lesson - Structured Study
With a RichChief weekly update written (go and see it now at I turned my attention towards getting Luke to agree to do some filming, and thus it was so. At 1300 we left.
The Rest of the Day
That's right, I do have Fridays off now, but Joe wasn't offering lifts today and without a way to contact my father, who would probably be sniffing the cleaner's feet anyway, I was doomed to have to return to school before the end of the day. I walked to Luke's house (Luke had a day rider so he took the bus) and after a bit of Dave we filmed the scene, and it looks a lot better now. Then 1500 dawned on me and I decided that it was time to get back to school. Thankfully, Luke gave me his day rider and told me to get on the number 5 bus. The number 5 takes you to ASDA. So, I was stuck in the middle of Corby, somewhere between town and ASDA cursing Luke. So I went back to town, and now only had half an hour before the buses would leave school, so I had to be quick. The NUMBER 6 OR 6A takes you OAKLEY VALE, THE BIT NEAR SCHOOL and after a very quick walk to Mr Jackson's office, dropping off the equipment and then I had to wait for the bus. The bus then arrived, which was a definite sigh of relief, seeing as I had gotten back outside as the other buses were literally raring to go. So yeah, a bus journey to the Beeswing, a walk to town, part of the way with my biggest fans, dropping off my application form and CV in TJ Hughes, walking home, having dinner and then I decided to watch the Green Mile, which is quite possibly the best film I've ever seen. I've never been so close to crying in a film, but this one managed it. If you haven't seen it, go and watch it; it's on Sky Movies at the moment.
Anyway, that was my adventure today.
You're right, I'm not my usual chirpy self, but my usual chirpy self didn't get work done, so it looks like I have to find the balance.
Until next time.
First Lesson - Media
I say Media, but I went in, told Miss Mankevic (or whatever the real spelling is) that I'm going to go off and do my work elsewhere, so I joined Dukey, Joe and Becca in top goldfish and got cracking with my poster and website. They're not great, but they're also not crap, and they'll do for a first draft. I like hanging around with these guys; they're pretty cool.
Second Lesson - German
Was this particularly exciting? No, I was just cursing myself for not being able to understand the shit that went on. Seriously, I'm supposed to be good at German. I also made a point to myself that I really shouldn't be with Joe in these lessons since he's just too fucking fluent and good at it, and consistently steals my thunder on translation tasks. I get it, you're better than I am and you want to get the work done so you can piss me off by stealing something of mine. It's no wonder Mr Nicholls thought I was dozing off, because I probably was, cursing myself that I'm not good at German. I should be good at German. On top of that, I should be bloody brilliant at DT, but my results show that I'm rubbish. I need to see where I went wrong, because those results were ridiculous, I sailed through that exam with ease, and upon feedback it seemed like I answered the questions with exactly the same answers as Josh and Westie, and they got fucking A's! Grr, why must I be consistently shite despite the fact that I'm supposed to be in the top band for absolutely fucking everything? I hate myself. I need to sort it out.
Third Lesson - Structured Study
With a RichChief weekly update written (go and see it now at I turned my attention towards getting Luke to agree to do some filming, and thus it was so. At 1300 we left.
The Rest of the Day
That's right, I do have Fridays off now, but Joe wasn't offering lifts today and without a way to contact my father, who would probably be sniffing the cleaner's feet anyway, I was doomed to have to return to school before the end of the day. I walked to Luke's house (Luke had a day rider so he took the bus) and after a bit of Dave we filmed the scene, and it looks a lot better now. Then 1500 dawned on me and I decided that it was time to get back to school. Thankfully, Luke gave me his day rider and told me to get on the number 5 bus. The number 5 takes you to ASDA. So, I was stuck in the middle of Corby, somewhere between town and ASDA cursing Luke. So I went back to town, and now only had half an hour before the buses would leave school, so I had to be quick. The NUMBER 6 OR 6A takes you OAKLEY VALE, THE BIT NEAR SCHOOL and after a very quick walk to Mr Jackson's office, dropping off the equipment and then I had to wait for the bus. The bus then arrived, which was a definite sigh of relief, seeing as I had gotten back outside as the other buses were literally raring to go. So yeah, a bus journey to the Beeswing, a walk to town, part of the way with my biggest fans, dropping off my application form and CV in TJ Hughes, walking home, having dinner and then I decided to watch the Green Mile, which is quite possibly the best film I've ever seen. I've never been so close to crying in a film, but this one managed it. If you haven't seen it, go and watch it; it's on Sky Movies at the moment.
Anyway, that was my adventure today.
You're right, I'm not my usual chirpy self, but my usual chirpy self didn't get work done, so it looks like I have to find the balance.
Until next time.
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
I Just Had to Update
Because I didn't want to spoil the weekly my-day post update thing, I decided to wait until today to post what awesome, and shouldn't be forgotten things that happened.
Awesome and shouldn't be forgotten thing number 1:
DT on Monday 3rd. Jesus Christ this was hilarious. After some boring theory, we were tasked with doing three ordinary, everyday tasks... but blind. This was done to test how well blind people get on with day-to-day life and see what they find most difficult, and if we can find any way to overcome it.
Test number one - making tea
Zack Farooq was up first for the tea making. First we made him blind and then set him to work. Needless to say he did quite well. He filled the kettle about quarter of the way with hot water (but we didn't let him turn the kettle on for safety reasons) and then he had to find the teabag. First he picked up the ketchup, and after several minutes of fondling realised that's not what a teabag and then picked up the real teabag, putting it in the cup. He then proceeded to pour water into the cup, and didn't manage to overfill. He then put two teaspoons of [i]salt[/i] into the cup, and overfilled the rest with milk.
Test number two - making a cheese sandwich
This, I feel, was the most difficult task. It was my turn to be blinded and after getting my bearings... the arseholes moved everything! I took everything off the tray to make sure I knocked nothing over, made sure the cheese pot was not where the milk pot was, but after I had lightly buttered the bread with the very small amount of butter I had available, I found the milk pot where the cheese pot should've been! Clearly there was some treachery afoot, and I couldn't find the damn cheese! After several minutes I found the damn cheese and spread it across the bread as best I could. When I came to cut the bread, however, apparently I managed to throw half of a slice off the tray. Mysterious. But anyway, it tasted delicious.
Test number three - washing up
It was Westie's turn to be stabbed in the eyes, and his task was to wash up. This was, by far, the easiest task of the three, seeing as all he had to do was not mix up the washing liquid and the cooking oil. Yes, we did put the cooking oil there, but he wasn't going to be fooled. The only mistake he made was dropping things on the floor. This task wasn't as hilarious.
Awesome and shouldn't be forgotten thing number 2:
Today in Media we were watching each other's work. Suffice to say mine is pretty awesome, and there's only like 2 things I can now improve on it. Everyone else did a pretty good job too. Natalie's one was pretty freaky but long-winded, Imo's song was actually rather brilliant, Charlotte's was really freaky, but again long-winded and Kate and Kelsey's song was also pretty good, and incredibly romantic. Not much else to say aside from the fact that I felt that this was worth noting because of my epic one-liners that will stay fresh in my head as long as this note is here. Hey, don't always think that this blog is for you.
So yeah, those are the things that I thought were worth keeping a note of.
Pretty epic if I say so myself.
Next scheduled post is on Friday.
Stay tuned.
Awesome and shouldn't be forgotten thing number 1:
DT on Monday 3rd. Jesus Christ this was hilarious. After some boring theory, we were tasked with doing three ordinary, everyday tasks... but blind. This was done to test how well blind people get on with day-to-day life and see what they find most difficult, and if we can find any way to overcome it.
Test number one - making tea
Zack Farooq was up first for the tea making. First we made him blind and then set him to work. Needless to say he did quite well. He filled the kettle about quarter of the way with hot water (but we didn't let him turn the kettle on for safety reasons) and then he had to find the teabag. First he picked up the ketchup, and after several minutes of fondling realised that's not what a teabag and then picked up the real teabag, putting it in the cup. He then proceeded to pour water into the cup, and didn't manage to overfill. He then put two teaspoons of [i]salt[/i] into the cup, and overfilled the rest with milk.
Test number two - making a cheese sandwich
This, I feel, was the most difficult task. It was my turn to be blinded and after getting my bearings... the arseholes moved everything! I took everything off the tray to make sure I knocked nothing over, made sure the cheese pot was not where the milk pot was, but after I had lightly buttered the bread with the very small amount of butter I had available, I found the milk pot where the cheese pot should've been! Clearly there was some treachery afoot, and I couldn't find the damn cheese! After several minutes I found the damn cheese and spread it across the bread as best I could. When I came to cut the bread, however, apparently I managed to throw half of a slice off the tray. Mysterious. But anyway, it tasted delicious.
Test number three - washing up
It was Westie's turn to be stabbed in the eyes, and his task was to wash up. This was, by far, the easiest task of the three, seeing as all he had to do was not mix up the washing liquid and the cooking oil. Yes, we did put the cooking oil there, but he wasn't going to be fooled. The only mistake he made was dropping things on the floor. This task wasn't as hilarious.
Awesome and shouldn't be forgotten thing number 2:
Today in Media we were watching each other's work. Suffice to say mine is pretty awesome, and there's only like 2 things I can now improve on it. Everyone else did a pretty good job too. Natalie's one was pretty freaky but long-winded, Imo's song was actually rather brilliant, Charlotte's was really freaky, but again long-winded and Kate and Kelsey's song was also pretty good, and incredibly romantic. Not much else to say aside from the fact that I felt that this was worth noting because of my epic one-liners that will stay fresh in my head as long as this note is here. Hey, don't always think that this blog is for you.
So yeah, those are the things that I thought were worth keeping a note of.
Pretty epic if I say so myself.
Next scheduled post is on Friday.
Stay tuned.
Saturday, 11 September 2010
Keep the Mystery
A comment was made to me earlier today:
"You're a man of few words"
"Keeps the mystery"
"Why would you want to keep the mystery?"
A query that is not easily answered, I can tell you. There are probably several different answers to this question. And FYI, that's right, not even this blog reveals everything about me. However, does show a side to me that perhaps none of you have seen before, but that's a completely unrelated topic and delves into a time best forgotten. By everyone. Especially by the company that lost all that money. It wasn't my fault, I didn't know you couldn't do that. Now let me shut up and continue talking.
Theory 1:
I don't want to reveal my secret identity.
Theory 2:
A long and complicated story about my childhood and repressed memories coming back to haunt me, which has been previously discussed on the blog.
Theory 3:
Only one person knows almost everything there is to know about me (well, maybe if that one person collaborated her efforts with a second person, then they'd both be able to work out pretty much my entire life story bar a few small details) and I'm pretty sure she (or they) would tell you that I have reason for hiding a few things about me and I certainly have reason for being a little mysterious. Go ahead and bother those people if you wish. Unless of course you are those people, in which case, spill away; I only have a few things to hide. While I do consider myself to have finally reached a point now where I can finally be happy with the person I'm turning out to be, I don't want to fall back and start to pick up those traits that I so gratefully lost, which in turn doesn't exactly help me on the conversation front - especially with new people so ironically it actually doesn't make me any better-a-person.
Theory 4:
I actually have a huge mega secret that I've been hiding from you all for all this time and I, as of yet, haven't revealed a single tiny hint about it. I wouldn't want to ruin that, nicht Wahr? Oh bollocks, I revealed a hint.
Theory 5:
Evil Tyrant Lord Dukeystein. Need I say more?
Theory 6:
I don't actually understand myself. One minute I'm a unicorn and the next I'm an antelope. An antelope with cool shades. Obviously that's a metaphor for the fact that I'm always a different person, and perhaps I have schizophrenia.
Anyway, those are called theories for a reason. Delve into them, read between the lines and what not and then come to your own conclusions. I, on the other hand, am so mysterious that I've confused myself with all these different theories.
"You're a man of few words"
"Keeps the mystery"
"Why would you want to keep the mystery?"
A query that is not easily answered, I can tell you. There are probably several different answers to this question. And FYI, that's right, not even this blog reveals everything about me. However, does show a side to me that perhaps none of you have seen before, but that's a completely unrelated topic and delves into a time best forgotten. By everyone. Especially by the company that lost all that money. It wasn't my fault, I didn't know you couldn't do that. Now let me shut up and continue talking.
Theory 1:
I don't want to reveal my secret identity.
Theory 2:
A long and complicated story about my childhood and repressed memories coming back to haunt me, which has been previously discussed on the blog.
Theory 3:
Only one person knows almost everything there is to know about me (well, maybe if that one person collaborated her efforts with a second person, then they'd both be able to work out pretty much my entire life story bar a few small details) and I'm pretty sure she (or they) would tell you that I have reason for hiding a few things about me and I certainly have reason for being a little mysterious. Go ahead and bother those people if you wish. Unless of course you are those people, in which case, spill away; I only have a few things to hide. While I do consider myself to have finally reached a point now where I can finally be happy with the person I'm turning out to be, I don't want to fall back and start to pick up those traits that I so gratefully lost, which in turn doesn't exactly help me on the conversation front - especially with new people so ironically it actually doesn't make me any better-a-person.
Theory 4:
I actually have a huge mega secret that I've been hiding from you all for all this time and I, as of yet, haven't revealed a single tiny hint about it. I wouldn't want to ruin that, nicht Wahr? Oh bollocks, I revealed a hint.
Theory 5:
Evil Tyrant Lord Dukeystein. Need I say more?
Theory 6:
I don't actually understand myself. One minute I'm a unicorn and the next I'm an antelope. An antelope with cool shades. Obviously that's a metaphor for the fact that I'm always a different person, and perhaps I have schizophrenia.
Anyway, those are called theories for a reason. Delve into them, read between the lines and what not and then come to your own conclusions. I, on the other hand, am so mysterious that I've confused myself with all these different theories.
Thursday, 9 September 2010
This is Thursday
Yes, indeed it is.
First Lesson - Free
The day started as it normally does. I met Joe, Becca and a wild Jedd along my morning stroll and did several laps with them before Joe left us and then one final lap and a nice chat with Becca I went down to the Media Suite as she went to her lesson. In the Media Suite I saw the guys who were also in a free, and decided that the best thing to do was to go on YouTube all bloody lesson. Anyway, I worked on my trailer a little bit and showcased it, and Joshie annoyed us all with YouTube again.
Second Lesson - DT
This wasn't such a bad lesson. I spent a lot of it attempting to draw stuff for my bike rack, but it wasn't going so well. Towards the end of the lesson Mrs Quinreynolds gave me a huge lecture that I can't remember. I did write it down, though. I also visited my kids doing Engineering; they're making a letter rack. I remember doing that.
Third Lesson - German
There's not much to talk about in this lesson aside from the fact that Joe was super-duper happy for some reason. But hey, I can't complain about that. Aside from that, nothing memorable happened.
Fourth Lesson - Free
We basically watched a movie about Bruce Lee's trainer. It was kind of interesting.
Fifth Lesson - Free
Little Imo came in and complained at us for watching a film, so when it finished, I forced the guys to get out and she thanked me. We then found Joe and the girls in top red, so we sat with them and wasted the rest of the lesson. One particular moment to note was when a crocodile clip was placed on Joshie's sleeve, and he couldn't find it! Oh that was hilarious.
Anyway, that was Thursday. Didn't sound all that great, did it? Well, not much has happened today, bar that one incident. I guess things are slowing down now, and at an annoying pace. They say that this year will pass by in a flash, but at the moment my constant tiredness and my very severe case of "Long Day Syndrome" surely doesn't exactly point towards this year going particularly fast. Oh well, I'll live through it somehow.
Ciao for now.
First Lesson - Free
The day started as it normally does. I met Joe, Becca and a wild Jedd along my morning stroll and did several laps with them before Joe left us and then one final lap and a nice chat with Becca I went down to the Media Suite as she went to her lesson. In the Media Suite I saw the guys who were also in a free, and decided that the best thing to do was to go on YouTube all bloody lesson. Anyway, I worked on my trailer a little bit and showcased it, and Joshie annoyed us all with YouTube again.
Second Lesson - DT
This wasn't such a bad lesson. I spent a lot of it attempting to draw stuff for my bike rack, but it wasn't going so well. Towards the end of the lesson Mrs Quinreynolds gave me a huge lecture that I can't remember. I did write it down, though. I also visited my kids doing Engineering; they're making a letter rack. I remember doing that.
Third Lesson - German
There's not much to talk about in this lesson aside from the fact that Joe was super-duper happy for some reason. But hey, I can't complain about that. Aside from that, nothing memorable happened.
Fourth Lesson - Free
We basically watched a movie about Bruce Lee's trainer. It was kind of interesting.
Fifth Lesson - Free
Little Imo came in and complained at us for watching a film, so when it finished, I forced the guys to get out and she thanked me. We then found Joe and the girls in top red, so we sat with them and wasted the rest of the lesson. One particular moment to note was when a crocodile clip was placed on Joshie's sleeve, and he couldn't find it! Oh that was hilarious.
Anyway, that was Thursday. Didn't sound all that great, did it? Well, not much has happened today, bar that one incident. I guess things are slowing down now, and at an annoying pace. They say that this year will pass by in a flash, but at the moment my constant tiredness and my very severe case of "Long Day Syndrome" surely doesn't exactly point towards this year going particularly fast. Oh well, I'll live through it somehow.
Ciao for now.
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
"He's Pining for the Fiords"
That's been stuck in my head ever since I watched the Dead Parrot Sketch on "And Now for Something Completely Different." Oh it's hilarious.
Anyway, what is this post all about? Hell I don't know, I was hoping you could help me with that. But hey, let's roll with it and see where we're taken.
First off I'd like to start on a high note, with the first official showcasing of the Zombie Plan trailer in front of a large audience. The audience was 9K, and the venue was their tutor room in top red. After a Happy Birthday sung to young Tetley, I pressed the play button and the madness ensued. For some reason people keep laughing at Mr Wilson; there's nothing funny about that, it's a serious issue. Anyway, yes, they thoroughly enjoyed it, and Mr Hawksley mentioned a billion times that he loved it. So, job well done for the first draft I say.
So, where do I continue from here? Where am I in my life right now? Well, I'm 17 going on 18 and I have no job, no life and still no girlfriend. That "soon" I said like a billion years ago definitely hasn't happened. 'Da fuck? Luke is trying to teach me how to be a slag, and I've accepted these teachings, but is that really a route that I want to go down? I mean, I know I certainly have the potential, and I'm really good at ignoring girls when they try to annoyingly contact me, but is that the sort of person I want to become? Am I going to lose my virginity to some desperate slut who has been in more one night stands than a finicky lamp shade? (To understand this metaphor, you must take into account that this lamp shade is particularly fussy, and changes stands every night).
But I can foresee what will happen. I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm not exactly Charlie Harper. I'm more like James May or Jesus, and they're not exactly slags, are they? No, if I do become a slag, the exact same thing will happen that is currently happening now. I get with a random chick, stuff happens, I tell the amusing story, but then it doesn't happen again for fucking ages. How about I cut out the middle man and have a relationship? But what's the likelihood of that happening? I've been told I apparently "deserve" a girlfriend, but would you? No, didn't think so. It's one thing to to think I deserve one, but it's something altogether more different to thinking that I actually have a chance with someone.
I mean, for fuck's sake, I'm 18 soon. That's like a big thing. If it's the same as it always is, then I will not be fucking happy. Getting older sucks. I'd rather just stay 17, that's a nice age. Eugh. You know what's even more depressing? My little brother turns 16 in May. If nothing happens by then, well, I may as well not bother with anything beyond that, because clearly I don't have the capacity to do this "cliché life" thing. This blog may be called Cliché Life Stuff, but I don't consider myself cliché. The cliché thing for me to be doing now is sleeping in a skip outside a club with half a bottle of whisky cradling from my finger tips. That would happen after I banged the hot chick with the pink hair and a billion piercings. Okay, that's a little extreme, but you get my point.
And here we go again. What are you playing at, God? Just let it be simple, like the lyrics from Parklife explain. Hey, you remember what happened this time last year? Yeah, I did do that. No it didn't help anything. And no I'm not going to do it again. I'm just saying, bar a couple of instances, I'm in exactly the same position. At least this time around the Krewe are much closer and we look after each other, and I'm spending a lot less time alone. So yeah, I'll remain chirpy, with this dying on the inside effect.
Anyway, I'm exhausted. Bed time, me thinks.
Thank you guys for being you, and not some arsehole with a Tommy gun.
Anyway, what is this post all about? Hell I don't know, I was hoping you could help me with that. But hey, let's roll with it and see where we're taken.
First off I'd like to start on a high note, with the first official showcasing of the Zombie Plan trailer in front of a large audience. The audience was 9K, and the venue was their tutor room in top red. After a Happy Birthday sung to young Tetley, I pressed the play button and the madness ensued. For some reason people keep laughing at Mr Wilson; there's nothing funny about that, it's a serious issue. Anyway, yes, they thoroughly enjoyed it, and Mr Hawksley mentioned a billion times that he loved it. So, job well done for the first draft I say.
So, where do I continue from here? Where am I in my life right now? Well, I'm 17 going on 18 and I have no job, no life and still no girlfriend. That "soon" I said like a billion years ago definitely hasn't happened. 'Da fuck? Luke is trying to teach me how to be a slag, and I've accepted these teachings, but is that really a route that I want to go down? I mean, I know I certainly have the potential, and I'm really good at ignoring girls when they try to annoyingly contact me, but is that the sort of person I want to become? Am I going to lose my virginity to some desperate slut who has been in more one night stands than a finicky lamp shade? (To understand this metaphor, you must take into account that this lamp shade is particularly fussy, and changes stands every night).
But I can foresee what will happen. I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm not exactly Charlie Harper. I'm more like James May or Jesus, and they're not exactly slags, are they? No, if I do become a slag, the exact same thing will happen that is currently happening now. I get with a random chick, stuff happens, I tell the amusing story, but then it doesn't happen again for fucking ages. How about I cut out the middle man and have a relationship? But what's the likelihood of that happening? I've been told I apparently "deserve" a girlfriend, but would you? No, didn't think so. It's one thing to to think I deserve one, but it's something altogether more different to thinking that I actually have a chance with someone.
I mean, for fuck's sake, I'm 18 soon. That's like a big thing. If it's the same as it always is, then I will not be fucking happy. Getting older sucks. I'd rather just stay 17, that's a nice age. Eugh. You know what's even more depressing? My little brother turns 16 in May. If nothing happens by then, well, I may as well not bother with anything beyond that, because clearly I don't have the capacity to do this "cliché life" thing. This blog may be called Cliché Life Stuff, but I don't consider myself cliché. The cliché thing for me to be doing now is sleeping in a skip outside a club with half a bottle of whisky cradling from my finger tips. That would happen after I banged the hot chick with the pink hair and a billion piercings. Okay, that's a little extreme, but you get my point.
And here we go again. What are you playing at, God? Just let it be simple, like the lyrics from Parklife explain. Hey, you remember what happened this time last year? Yeah, I did do that. No it didn't help anything. And no I'm not going to do it again. I'm just saying, bar a couple of instances, I'm in exactly the same position. At least this time around the Krewe are much closer and we look after each other, and I'm spending a lot less time alone. So yeah, I'll remain chirpy, with this dying on the inside effect.
Anyway, I'm exhausted. Bed time, me thinks.
Thank you guys for being you, and not some arsehole with a Tommy gun.
Sunday, 5 September 2010
Whoa, it feels like forever
I'm sorry, fans, I've been not particularly busy and thus nothing interesting has happened aside from teaching and various Krewe times. Having Friday off was a nice change too.
But then...
*20th Century Fox theme tune*
[Trailer guy voice]
One man and his two feet...
...must take upon a journey of epic proportions.
Me: "*pants* why didn't I just take the bus?"
When in fact he could've stayed at home and wait for Joe to get him.
Joe: "I did give him the option, but he tried to stalk us to town"
The journey was in fact, not that epic.
Me: "Well when they said back before 5, I assumed that being in town at 16:23 would have given me adequate amount of time to find them and get my lift."
His mistake may cost him his life.
Me: "I'm fine, they picked me up when I was on London Road."
But now he must escape...
Me: "I went to the cinema!"
... from the clutches of evil.
Evil Tyrant Lord Dukeystein: "MUHAHAHAHAHAHAA!"
Me: "I actually can't argue with that."
Peter Hutchinson stars in...
... Joe's 18th.
As you can tell, with all the film trailers I saw in the cinema, and the fact that I was in the cinema, and with my almost finished state of my own film trailer, I've gone completely obsessed with film trailers, and now I must make more! Perhaps I can make Karate Kid 3: Revenge of the Asians starring Josh Quach. 0.0 That's happening.
Anyway, yes, the film in question was Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, and by god it was awesome. It's that sort of film that starts a bit "Oh haha, that was quite funny" and then this dude flies in through the window, and then Scott punches him in the face and it's like :O:O:O:O:O:O:O:OP:O:OP:OO:O:O:OP:O:OP:O:OP:O:OO:O:OO:O:O:OOO:O:O:P:P:P:P:P:O:O:O:O:O:O:O:O:O:O:OP:P:OP:O:O:O:O:OO:O:O:OLOLOLLOLOP:O:OP:OP:OP:LO::L::L:LK:L That's quite a face to make.
"Hey is Scott in?"
*Scott jumps out of window*
"Actually, he just left."
*Scott reaches in to grab coat*
That had the whole theatre roaring with laughter. Seriously, that was indeed hilarious. When a director, producer, writers and editors manage to cobble together what appeared to be the most visually awesome movie of all time (with added addition of badass hot chick and loads of funky comic-strip graphics) with what was quite possibly the most laugh-out-loud (yes, I know, I said lol and that's against everything I stand for) movie of all time, you know you've got a winner.
The only problem is, I don't think it'll get the recognition it deserves, especially with Avatar's re-release in the cinemas, which is totally smashing all other adverts in the face, but Avatar had its turn, let all the other awesome movies that have just come out and are about to come out have a chance. I get what they're doing, but I honestly don't see the point. Do a straight-to-DVD release for it, you'll still get plenty of sales, James Cameron you arsehole.
Anyway, enough about the movie. We then had an amusing walk back to Joe's, in which I seemed to race every single person there as they tried to overtake me on my leading role. Even Becca managed to run for a fairly long while, and only stopped when we realised that the others had run round a corner, and then we sat on a little transformer box, and then she tried to make me fall off! Well, I wasn't having any of that, so when I went down, she came straight down with me... and hurt her ankle. We then discovered the rest of the gang completely blending into the environment as they plated Assassin's Creed to try and sneak past us. Needless to say we caught on, and then when they had stopped their tom-foolery, I and Becca seeped in Assassin's Creed style too. We are simply the coolest people on Earth.
Anyway, we then picked up Bekah in town and proceeded the rest of the way to the dug-out at Joe's house. Well, we set up everyone in Joe's house first, and then we escorted Bekah to her house to get changed from posh Bekah to casual Bekah. While she was doing that, I, Joe and Luke were talking to her sister while munching on strawberries. More fun ensued when we walked her back.
Anyway, unto what this night was originally all about. There were so many of us for Joe's little house, but with the constant mixing of peeps, I reckon it worked out quite well. Occasionally the Boosh-Krewe would be alone and chat shit while everyone else was drinking, but hey. Oh yeah, there were lots of shots. I personally didn't drink much, and once again was reminded of the fact that the only beer/cider/lager thing I like is Strongbow, which I'll admit is delicious. We had Fosters and Budweiser, both of which taste shit, so I stuck to shots and Bicardi. That does me fine. After a few of these I got tipsy, but then we ran out of the nice drinks, so my light head eventually turned into a headache, but that's fine. But yeah, enough about my drinking, let's talk about everyone else's drinking. Becca had two shots and a Bicardi :O and we broke Josh too 0.0 But to be fair, those apple sours, or whatever they were, were fricking delicious, and so is Bicardi, I don't care if people say it's a girl's drink - it tastes nice, and nice drinks are nice.
But now, onto the important issue of the evening. Dukey, Josh Q and Aimee had one hell of a lot to drink. Dukey was an idiot with the drinking, and managed to neck about half a bottle of straight vodka, which he is a complete idiot for doing. Josh Q drank literally everything in front of him, and eventually he was biting Maisie's ass. This wasn't at all awkward. Luke took pictures on my camera, he tells me, I haven't taken a proper look at the pictures from that night yet. The funny part was that they were getting properly drunk while everyone else was sobering up. As I said, all the good drinks were gone at this stage and it was just Josh Q drinking fuck loads of beer and Dukey at the vodka.
Anyway, after settling down, the Boosh-Krewe+Tom took Bekah home, and then we came back to find Josh Q with his guts in a bucket, and Dukey sprawled out on a double air-bed. At 5 this morning we finally managed to settle everyone down and find beds for ourselves, and then Dukey puked in a bucket, so Joe's bedroom was cleared of Becca and I while Tom and Joe sorted Dukey out. Then we finally managed to settle back down and try and get some kip. This didn't go so well for me, since Joe's bed dips inwards, and I'll admit I spent about an hour wondering whether my feet were constantly touching Becca's pillow or her face. I figured out at like 7 that it was the pillow, however her feet were in my face. A few minutes later Becca woke up, and decided that she wanted some food, and I joined her. After some delicious eggy bread we sat and talked for about two hours before Joe woke up and joined us, and thus the cycle of different people waking up and trying to salvage some food. I think I and Becca got the best breakfast. But yeah, it was the typical nice wake up after party mellow atmosphere going on, which is always nice. I'll tell you what though, I feel quite honoured because Josh Q had forgotten the moments between him puking and going to sleep, but he did say how he remembered my voice. Aww. I do have a pretty amazing voice; very calming.
Anyway, I've been ranting for aaaaages now, so I should really shut up.
I apologise on behalf of everyone for wrecking your house, Joe, but I'm sure they didn't mean it.
And hey, just think about this, there are other things that happened that I haven't mentioned; that's how awesome yesterday and this morning were!
More of those nights, please.
But then...
*20th Century Fox theme tune*
[Trailer guy voice]
One man and his two feet...
...must take upon a journey of epic proportions.
Me: "*pants* why didn't I just take the bus?"
When in fact he could've stayed at home and wait for Joe to get him.
Joe: "I did give him the option, but he tried to stalk us to town"
The journey was in fact, not that epic.
Me: "Well when they said back before 5, I assumed that being in town at 16:23 would have given me adequate amount of time to find them and get my lift."
His mistake may cost him his life.
Me: "I'm fine, they picked me up when I was on London Road."
But now he must escape...
Me: "I went to the cinema!"
... from the clutches of evil.
Evil Tyrant Lord Dukeystein: "MUHAHAHAHAHAHAA!"
Me: "I actually can't argue with that."
Peter Hutchinson stars in...
... Joe's 18th.
As you can tell, with all the film trailers I saw in the cinema, and the fact that I was in the cinema, and with my almost finished state of my own film trailer, I've gone completely obsessed with film trailers, and now I must make more! Perhaps I can make Karate Kid 3: Revenge of the Asians starring Josh Quach. 0.0 That's happening.
Anyway, yes, the film in question was Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, and by god it was awesome. It's that sort of film that starts a bit "Oh haha, that was quite funny" and then this dude flies in through the window, and then Scott punches him in the face and it's like :O:O:O:O:O:O:O:OP:O:OP:OO:O:O:OP:O:OP:O:OP:O:OO:O:OO:O:O:OOO:O:O:P:P:P:P:P:O:O:O:O:O:O:O:O:O:O:OP:P:OP:O:O:O:O:OO:O:O:OLOLOLLOLOP:O:OP:OP:OP:LO::L::L:LK:L
"Hey is Scott in?"
*Scott jumps out of window*
"Actually, he just left."
*Scott reaches in to grab coat*
That had the whole theatre roaring with laughter. Seriously, that was indeed hilarious. When a director, producer, writers and editors manage to cobble together what appeared to be the most visually awesome movie of all time (with added addition of badass hot chick and loads of funky comic-strip graphics) with what was quite possibly the most laugh-out-loud (yes, I know, I said lol and that's against everything I stand for) movie of all time, you know you've got a winner.
The only problem is, I don't think it'll get the recognition it deserves, especially with Avatar's re-release in the cinemas, which is totally smashing all other adverts in the face, but Avatar had its turn, let all the other awesome movies that have just come out and are about to come out have a chance. I get what they're doing, but I honestly don't see the point. Do a straight-to-DVD release for it, you'll still get plenty of sales, James Cameron you arsehole.
Anyway, enough about the movie. We then had an amusing walk back to Joe's, in which I seemed to race every single person there as they tried to overtake me on my leading role. Even Becca managed to run for a fairly long while, and only stopped when we realised that the others had run round a corner, and then we sat on a little transformer box, and then she tried to make me fall off! Well, I wasn't having any of that, so when I went down, she came straight down with me... and hurt her ankle. We then discovered the rest of the gang completely blending into the environment as they plated Assassin's Creed to try and sneak past us. Needless to say we caught on, and then when they had stopped their tom-foolery, I and Becca seeped in Assassin's Creed style too. We are simply the coolest people on Earth.
Anyway, we then picked up Bekah in town and proceeded the rest of the way to the dug-out at Joe's house. Well, we set up everyone in Joe's house first, and then we escorted Bekah to her house to get changed from posh Bekah to casual Bekah. While she was doing that, I, Joe and Luke were talking to her sister while munching on strawberries. More fun ensued when we walked her back.
Anyway, unto what this night was originally all about. There were so many of us for Joe's little house, but with the constant mixing of peeps, I reckon it worked out quite well. Occasionally the Boosh-Krewe would be alone and chat shit while everyone else was drinking, but hey. Oh yeah, there were lots of shots. I personally didn't drink much, and once again was reminded of the fact that the only beer/cider/lager thing I like is Strongbow, which I'll admit is delicious. We had Fosters and Budweiser, both of which taste shit, so I stuck to shots and Bicardi. That does me fine. After a few of these I got tipsy, but then we ran out of the nice drinks, so my light head eventually turned into a headache, but that's fine. But yeah, enough about my drinking, let's talk about everyone else's drinking. Becca had two shots and a Bicardi :O and we broke Josh too 0.0 But to be fair, those apple sours, or whatever they were, were fricking delicious, and so is Bicardi, I don't care if people say it's a girl's drink - it tastes nice, and nice drinks are nice.
But now, onto the important issue of the evening. Dukey, Josh Q and Aimee had one hell of a lot to drink. Dukey was an idiot with the drinking, and managed to neck about half a bottle of straight vodka, which he is a complete idiot for doing. Josh Q drank literally everything in front of him, and eventually he was biting Maisie's ass. This wasn't at all awkward. Luke took pictures on my camera, he tells me, I haven't taken a proper look at the pictures from that night yet. The funny part was that they were getting properly drunk while everyone else was sobering up. As I said, all the good drinks were gone at this stage and it was just Josh Q drinking fuck loads of beer and Dukey at the vodka.
Anyway, after settling down, the Boosh-Krewe+Tom took Bekah home, and then we came back to find Josh Q with his guts in a bucket, and Dukey sprawled out on a double air-bed. At 5 this morning we finally managed to settle everyone down and find beds for ourselves, and then Dukey puked in a bucket, so Joe's bedroom was cleared of Becca and I while Tom and Joe sorted Dukey out. Then we finally managed to settle back down and try and get some kip. This didn't go so well for me, since Joe's bed dips inwards, and I'll admit I spent about an hour wondering whether my feet were constantly touching Becca's pillow or her face. I figured out at like 7 that it was the pillow, however her feet were in my face. A few minutes later Becca woke up, and decided that she wanted some food, and I joined her. After some delicious eggy bread we sat and talked for about two hours before Joe woke up and joined us, and thus the cycle of different people waking up and trying to salvage some food. I think I and Becca got the best breakfast. But yeah, it was the typical nice wake up after party mellow atmosphere going on, which is always nice. I'll tell you what though, I feel quite honoured because Josh Q had forgotten the moments between him puking and going to sleep, but he did say how he remembered my voice. Aww. I do have a pretty amazing voice; very calming.
Anyway, I've been ranting for aaaaages now, so I should really shut up.
I apologise on behalf of everyone for wrecking your house, Joe, but I'm sure they didn't mean it.
And hey, just think about this, there are other things that happened that I haven't mentioned; that's how awesome yesterday and this morning were!
More of those nights, please.
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