I woke up this morning at half past 7 so that I had ample time to get ready and make sure there were no problems for when I hit F5 to load the UCAS track system. Joe then told me that it had gone up early, but by this time everyone in the world knew that it had gone up early so there was no way in hell that I could get on. In fact, the UCAS system has been clogged up for the last four hours, so I'm probably not going to get on until later this afternoon. So yeah, I was annoyed that I couldn't get on. Joe came to collect me at whatever time past eight, we collected Becca who also didn't know what was going on and so we all blindly went to school not knowing what was going to happen.
I already knew that there had been many people who had successfully gotten into their places, and so I was really happy for them, and partially annoyed that they hadn't warned everyone that Track had gone up very early. When I was about to go in for my results a disgruntled Josh explained how he had not reached his first choice of Manchester and instead got into Liverpool. He was happy with Liverpool, but he had only missed Manchester by one grade.
But anyway, by now I was pretty nervous. I had gone out of my usual stride and was now worrying for my future. Mr Willimott told me to walk in and I was greeted by Trish Stringer, who sat me down and gave me my results. I immediately jumped down to Media, which was my main concern, and there it was in all its beauty. What a glorious moment is was to behold. Sitting there, being all proud, was a magnificent A. Boo-fuckin'-yeah. The other grades were an E in French which I dropped at AS anyway so it doesn't count, a B in my Extended Project, a C in DT and to my surprise I got a C in German as well. Everything I had done to earn these grades had paid off, because my first words were:
Me: "Well uh... this is good."
Trish: "Did you get what you wanted?"
Me: "Yeah, this is exactly what I needed."
Trish: "Well that's brilliant!"
Me: "No, yeah, this is great."
The rest of the conversation was a blur, I said "thank you very much" but apart from that I was just so happy that what was said has been jumbled in my head. My next task was to see Mr Witt, and I told him the same story, but then a shadow of doubt had been cast over my mind. You see, I needed 300 points to get into DMU, and I definitely had that, but they had also asked for two Bs, and I had an A and two Cs, so I got on the phone to DMU, got straight through to them (I was expecting to wait) and then I was put through to the admissions tutor at the technology department.
Me: "Yup, I'm just phoning to see if I got in."
Tutor: "Okay, so that's Peter Hutchinson... doing Media Production?"
Me: "That's the one."
Tutor: "Well I can confirm that you have indeed got in."
Me: "Ah that's great, thank you very much."
Tutor: "Oh well there's no need to thank me, I didn't do anything. But congratulations all the same."
Me: "Well thank you."
Tutor: "Well I guess we'll be seeing you in September."
Me: "Definitely. Thanks again, buhbye now."
I was happy.
So from that official point on, I had officially known that I was definitely studying Media Production at De Montford University in Leicester. Good show.
I went back down to see how everyone else had done, and I learned of everyone's successes and everything, but everyone was still rushing around. Becca and Joe went off to find their Biology teacher and I had a flick through the Yearbook. If I'm honest, I'm glad I didn't buy one. I then saw Lauren and we spoke of our successes, so that was nice as well. Uh... yeah, you can pretty much fill the rest in yourselves. I remember Harry being super happy though and giving me a massive hug. Becca then came back and told me that she had done better than she needed to do, and so was definitely going to Leicester. This was brilliant news, because we'll only be a short distance apart.
After everything had started dying down, Josh texted me to say that he had only missed his place at Manchester by one mark, and then I told him to get his ass back to school and even got Mr Tiktin on the phone to tell him why. I assume he's there right now trying to organise the remarking. I do hope that goes well for him.
Anyway, so that was that and we're all chuffed to bits.
PS. Just got written confirmation by finally being able to access track:
"The current status of your Application is:
Congratulations! Your place at De Montfort University (D26) to study Media Production (P310) has been confirmed."
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