Monday, 30 July 2012

Cliché Theories: Gods and Science

Many of you may be aware of the concept of God, a deity, someone who resides in the heavens and controls everything and makes the things that happen actually happen. Some of you may well believe the stories of this omnipotent being to be true, and others of you may not.

I, on the other hand, have no strong feelings one way or the other. That's right, I'm an agnostic. To get the plate set and everything understood, I'll tell you now that I completely agree with science in every single notion. Don't get me wrong though, atheists are stupid. I can tell you that I have honestly researched most (it's probably impossible to research all of them, since some of them are dead or so new that it hasn't yet come to my attention, or indeed there's a religion followed by a tribe somewhere in the Amazon blah blah) religions, and of course science as well, because I wanted to get everything straight in my head. I wanted to know what everyone believed so that I could deduce what the best possible answer to life is. Unsurprisingly, most of the religions that fight against each other are exactly the same.

Oh, you know what just occurred to me. Loads of atheists will claim that most wars are fought on the basis of religious disagreement and not science. Yeah, well, let me tell you this. World War I was fought for like a billion different reasons, and one being that Kaiser Willhelm wanted a navy to rival Britain's. Okay, that's not religion, but it's not really science either. However, was the Cold War anything to do with religion at all? Or was it indeed about being more scientifically advanced than the enemy? If that turned into a war, then the world would have been destroyed. And that would have been a war based on science.

Anyway, my point is that I don't think that any of the answers that people have come up with so far are 100% the correct answer. I think science is currently the most correct, but that's more in terms of our history and where we came from rather than the great unknown.

So, let's get on with these theories. I'll get the most ridiculous one out of the way first.

The Collective Theory
This is a theory that I came up with years ago, and I've pretty much disregarded it now because ... well I just don't believe it. It's largely based around the human psyche. This theory is pretty much the theory that every single human in the world is psychic to a degree, but we're all linked, and all of our linked thoughts are collected into a giant great big ball of psychic stuff to make up what most religions would call God. So when something coincidental happens, like karma getting you back for something you did wrong, it's actually someone connecting to you via the Collective and dealing what must be done. In fact, this theory helps explain all coincidence, such as unnatural predictions, saying something at the same time as someone else and it's all controlled by the Collective, which in-turn is just us.

Now that I've said it again, it actually sounds like a pretty cool theory. Of course, it holds about as much weight as God does, but you know.

Oh, I forgot something. It would also explain why people feel connected to God when they pray. Of course, that can also be entirely linked with the human condition. The person believes that they are connected to God when they pray, and therefore it is likely that they'll feel something when they do pray. In fact, that links nicely in to my next theory.

The Human Condition
As I said, it is very likely that all people, when they pray, feel connected to God simply because they believe that they are. You can condition yourself to feel pretty much anything when doing a certain activity. Like, if you believe that you will bruise your left knee when playing the piano, then there's a very high chance that your knee will bruise the next time you play the piano. Of course, you really have to believe it. Same with seeing ghosts and stuff. If you believe in ghosts, then you're much more likely to feel a presence or even bloody well see one than someone who doesn't believe in them at all.

What I like about this theory is that it can pretty much prove the existence of God from a certain point of view, but of course the drawback is that it can prove the existence of Superman as well. My point is, every day a billion people wake up and are either happy or sad or want to kill fuck loads of people or save the lives of fuck loads of people because they believe that God is watching over them. God has an actual effect on the day-to-day lives of people, and even if He isn't real that's got to mean something right?

Of course, I haven't yet said whether or not this is any good.

In some regards, being a worshipper of a higher power is a good thing. It can make people better for it, but as soon as they try and convert that's when I believe it starts turning bad. You see, the need to impart your beliefs on other people suggests that you think that the other person's answer to life is wrong, and that can then alter your perception of them. Before you know it, your name is Adolf, you've risen to power in Germany and you're building Concentration Camps.

So my point is this, I know plenty of people who sit either side of the God line. The reason that these people are my friends is because they haven't told me to believe in one or the other. Well, y'know, aside from the occasional atheist, but that's because they're stuck up and need to be conditioned to shut the fuck up about religion. I guess at leas the atheists haven't yet decided to start murdering people with religion though. But of course, there's probably an atheist cult in America who are just about ready to do it.

Just be careful with how you view the world, hey kids?

Pete out.

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