Tuesday, 21 April 2015


I'm sure everyone in the world has a desire to run away from home, to get away from people and noises and the horrid stench of the city. Well, I guess people who don't actually live in cities don't really get that, but you know. Everybody wants escapism.

The last few days have been absolute bliss. Over the Easter I didn't really have any time off. Sure, I got drunk a lot, but I wore myself out with all my working and my projects and all the stuff, all the time. So when I got the chance to actually take some time off, I took that and probably did all the best stuff I could with it.

On Saturday we started production of episodes 2 and 3 of News Man. Added to the cast this time round is Natalie Castka, whom you may have noticed has been mentioned in other posts. She came all the way to Leicester to act in a silly little project for free. I know, right? It's crazy. To think there exists at least one person out there who wants to do things for fun and for the benefit of other people. Mental.

Anyway, the day was filled with lots of fun and excitement and laughter and some acting. I can't give anything away just yet, because of spoilers, but know that me and co-producer Chris Devey were very impressed with Natalie's acting talents.

So that's the first bit of escapism. Making movies, for fun. Chris and I don't expect News Man to ever hit the box office, and to be honest I don't think I'd ever want it bound by media law and budgets and stupid Hollywood shit.

Then, of course, we went to the pub. Natalie and I had a few drinks and a good natter before she had to catch the train home. All in all, it was certainly one of the happiest days that I've had in a very long while. Thank you.

On Sunday, I didn't do very much at all. Yusef moved in properly, which was cool, and otherwise I just monged out. Didn't do much of anything. I caught up on some of my uni editing, which was less cool, but needed doing because of all the monging out I've been doing as of late.

Speaking of monging out, Monday I actually went into work. I saw my manager for the first time in a month and we had a very positive catch up. It's usually very much, "It doesn't seem like you've got enough, so let's bring down the number of hours you're doing." Sigh. BUT YESTERDAY she said, "Sounds like you've got it all sorted. Let's boost your hours," YAAAAY! MONEY!!

By midday of yesterday, I'd gone home. Yesterday was quite a special occasion though, what with it being the 20th of the 4th. Mike and I had a lunch time of not so much sobriety, and then I chilled out all afternoon, getting some bits of work done. I'm not even sure what I did. In the evening, Mike came home with a Ray and we got even less sober. It was wonderful.

I woke up this morning completely at ease. I'd planned to have today off to continue my escape from life and I sure as hell did. After a hearty breakfast I hopped on my bike and decided to go north along the River Soar. And I'm bloody pleased with what I found.

Ducks! What with it being spring time, all the crazy-colours animals came out to play. I've never seen a duck coloured like this before, with a green face thingy. Isn't it cool?

I also found a neat little waterfall. There's a heron in that picture somewhere.

This is the main event, really. My cycling had brought me to the lakes of Watermead Park. It was bliss. Tranquil. I'd escaped from the city and found somewhere beautiful.

These last few days have been everything I've needed. I was feeling pretty shitty about myself over Easter, but now that I've well and truly chilled the fuck out, things are looking up. This year was meant to be about this sort of stuff. The whole year was meant to be easy and fun and not with my family. Winter totally sucked, what with working at Argos and barely having enough money to survive. Now I actually don't have any money at all until the start of May, but who cares? There's some pretty pretty stuff in the world. And I can see it.

I'm now in my last four weeks at DMU, and so all guns are going to be blazing for a little while, I can imagine. But after the 15th of May, I can do whatever I want. I'm gonna go cycling a lot. Film loads of News Man. Make some new projects for myself. WHO KNOWS?! As long as I can run away and be with my friends, I'll be happy.

Pete out.

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