Saturday, 9 April 2011


Countr is an amazing tool that Westie showed me so that I can occasionally go on and check how my blog is doing and who is reading it.

Today I made a couple of discoveries.

Discovery 1: There is a town in Kansas of the USofA that has my name on it.
Discovery 2: There is someone in this town who reads my blog.
Conclusion: The person or people in this town who look at my blog love it so much that they named their entire town after me.

How fucking awesome is that?

Also, the page option next to it gives me the exact IP address of everyone who visits the site, along with the referring article. On the most part it's just google searches and just the link to my site. However, this one is different.

Someone must have typed into google images, "mega slender man." It's the only logical explanation.

That's the link that countr gave me. In there are the words "mega slender man" and "slenderman" so I can only assume that because I'm awesome I'm awesome.

Oh, I clicked on the google images logo and it took me back to the search page that the person used. Awesome.


Okay, not only is my drawing of Mega Slender Man on there (the image (s)he clicked to get to my site), but next to it is the Granite Moths take on the Operator symbol! Fuck me! Because of the weird-ass shit that I talk about on this site, people can get to me in the strangest ways.

Oh hey, guess what the first result is if you type in Mega Slender Man into Google Images. Yup, my fucking blog.

I'm super happy about all of the shit that happened in the last half an hour blog-related.

Also, in other news I filmed Norra earlier with Lophia and Josh. It was pretty fucking awesome. I'm sorry, I'm going really overboard on the profanity today. I'll tone it down a little. In fact, I think I'm going to leave this blog post here since I'm tired. I will talk about the filming at a later time though, since there are some pictures that I want to show you. Cool.

Right, I'll catch up with you soon.

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