Monday, 9 May 2011

Last EVER Monday

Yup, this is the last Monday in existence. After this week, every day is the weekend. Forever. How cool is that?

So let's get the ball rolling. This is the last week I have at the academy of Brooke Weston, and so this week of blog posts is going to be completely dedicated to the friends, Real Family and teachers whom I've come to know and love over the past seven years.

First Lesson - Media
You know how occasionally I have a media lesson where I actually do some work instead of having a massive fight about Marxism or something? Well today, because Ms Mankiewicz (I learned how to spell her name on principal) decided to give us an examination! Whoo! It was about post-production and creativity, which is pretty easy to gain marks on if I'm honest, but then there was one about audience. I have totally forgotten all audience theories. They should really be embedded in my head now, so I guess this was just a wake up call. I need to learn everything all over again. I'm sure it's just the case of going, "ding! Fries are done!" in my head again, but meh, I'm sure I'll be fine come exam day.

Second Lesson - Free
Because Sophia has finished her whatsitdoohdah lesson - history, she now has histofrees instead. Hah, you see, it's a pun. Bah! Laugh. Anyway, she made me do her timelines for whatsitdingdong - English Language. She showed me her stuff about language change from when you're born to so many years old, which was really very interesting. I re-evaluate what lessons I should have made this idiot do every single day. English Language would've been at least 70 times better than French. At least.

Third Lesson - DT
I don't even think this lesson is worth mentioning. And besides, I get to say my final goodbyes to Mrs Idon'tthinkthatrawfaceisjustgross tomorrow, so you'll get all of that then. Nope, Mrs Faeces was only at least 7,000,000 times more annoying than the next person (and the next person is that guy you just met and instantly dislike) this lesson.

Fourth Lesson - Free
We finally concluded what we're doing for Flugtag. It's still going to be the Naboo Starfighter idea but instead of Stormtroopers we're going to be Jedi and do a dance and everything to awesome music. Aside from that Becca showed me some awesome stories from little kids that she's been learning about in English Language. I could've probably worded that sentence a little bit better. Anyway, the first one she showed me was obviously a yorkshire kid because he wrote, "and we went up t steres" which is awesome. That kid picked up the yorkshire accent in his writing! We also ordered the nicknames of boobs in terms of age, and the origins of words such as jugs and knockers as nicknames are actually fairly interesting.

Fifth Lesson - Deutsch
You know how for the past term Herr Nicholls has gotten us to take exam after exam after exam? Guess what he did with us today! Yup, an exam. But it's all for the good of us, so I don't mind doing them at all, especially since I've improved at least a lot since the beginning of term. So yeah, that's cool.

Also, on the news front, when the US invaded Osama Bin Laden's home they found loads of DVDs. I wonder what was on them...
Okay, so he started filming himself... why?
I see. Well, the thing is, Barrack Obama is in possession of these tapes now. Hang on...

Fuck, I just looked at that video of Obama announcing Bin Laden's death. Take a look at this:
Shit. The. Bed. Barrack Obama wears the same combination of shirt and tie as Slender Man does! Well this is compelling evidence indeed. Obama must be Slender - oh wait, Slender Man is in the background of that picture about to attack the President of the United States. Okay, that's fine. No wait, not Obama! He's like my bro! He's the Black Jesus to my Jesus! He was going to save the world with me! That does it, next time I see Slender Man, I'm going to kill the fucker.

Uh, until tomorrow

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