Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Last EVER Tuesday

Today was kind of cool.

First Lesson - Free
As ever, the first free of the day involved thinking a lot about what countries I should take next in World Conquest. Aside from that I don't really remember anything interesting happening, just the conversation I had with Mr Jackson about video formatting and stuff. You probably won't be interested in that.

Second Lesson - DT
So today we got to answer an exam paper in groups! Yay! Mrs Ainscow also performed her pointless task of the day. What she made us do was to put our work in the cupboard, which is fair enough, but she made me come in first, despite the fact that she wanted me to put my work in last on account of its size. After about three people she finally decided to tell me to go back in to go and do more work. Clap, clap, clap. She's finding new and inventive ways to piss me off.

Since this is the last lesson with Mrs Ijustcan'tfaceitrightnow, I'm going to have to pay tribute to her:
Jennifer Goestograveyardstodoshits Painswhore Bitchfuck Ainscow. What a year we've had together. It all started when you decided that Mrs Quinreynolds should have her baby when we started our coursework. You looked at me and instantly thought, "I hate you, engineer scum" and I looked at you and thought, "You're a product designer, but the kind that will try and force your evil ways upon me and the rest of the engineers and so I foresee that I am definitely going to murder you in a brutal way." Fun times. And now look at us. I still hate you with a fiery passion and you've tried to sabotage my work at least five hundred times! I will definitely miss you. So much.

Third Lesson - Extended Projects
This lesson we got to watch all of the extended projects, which was kind of a cool way to spend the lesson. Lauren started by telling us about perception and memory and shit and I think I must have learned something, although it was psychology so maybe not as much as I thought I was learning. Aidan Bailey told us something about... I don't know what really. Something about steroids and sport. And then the rest of them happened and stuff and I didn't really pay attention until Josh did his in super fast motion about the evolution of data storage, starting with cave paintings and ending up with... well I'm not sure what really since it was really complicated and I didn't understand what the hell he was talking about towards the end, but it's fine so I'll roll with it. It was, however, very amusing.

Fourth Lesson - Media
Today's lesson was very interesting indeed. In the news this morning there was loads of reports about super injunctions. Ryan Giggs took out a super injunction so he could be not named in the newspapers as the person who slept with Imogen Thomas, but then someone on Twitter just went and said it anyway since it's not illegal to do so because it's an American-owned website. The British newspapers still can't say who it is, despite the fact that we know anyway. Because of this, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of the Great British Isles called together an urgent meeting to try and tackle the threat Twitter and social networking puts on our press and wants new legislation to regulate them. The thing is, all social networking sites abide by the laws of the countries it can be hosted in, but it is not liable for anything posted. All very interesting. Of that ilk, Max Mosley, the famous F1 leader dude who slept with a bunch of prostitutes and just happens to be the son of an evil fascist, has called for editors of newspapers to have to contact someone that they're going to write a controversial article about them so that they have time to take out super injunction if needed. Also, the PCC have upheld complaints about the phone hacking scandal in the Telegraph. That's about fucking time.

Fifth Lesson - Free
At the start of this lesson Sophia and I got to show our trailer and talk about our screenplay for Norra in front of an audience. I have no idea whether they liked it or not, but seemed to enjoy the very last scene of me tipping my hat and saying, "Welcome to Norra" in a posh English accent. That was cool. Then I went downstairs with Josh and Sophia and soon we were immersed in the world of free lessons. We set straight to work. Well, actually, Josh gave me Tron Legacy, but we also had to write our final goodbyes to Janina. I'm not going to say my final goodbye to Janina on this blog post, because it's not her turn yet. I flicked through and looked at general responses such as "Well all I can really say is DANKE SHOEN!" and Inside Voice was like, "I am so not letting you get away with writing something that cheesey. Start with a joke and lead into another joke. Finish it off with a drawing of some kind, perhaps a kangaroo. Yes, definitely a kangaroo. I don't mind you looking on Google Images as long as you get a kangaroo drawn. Okay, that's fine." And that's exactly what I did. Josh did something amusing and not-at-all cliché as well. Great minds. Then we drew up our drawings for Flugtag and filmed a film about it. All's well that ends well, eh?

Anyway, that's Tuesday. Tomorrow is definitely Wednesday.

See you there.

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