Friday, 13 May 2011

Last EVER Wednesday

Blogger crashed yesterday and therefore last EVER Wednesday doesn't exist anymore. I don't know why they did that, but they did so we'll have to cope with it for now. I'll edit this post to recreate what I had before as best I can.

Thanks be to Westie who somehow found this on pastebin or whatever it is. I don't understand how or why the Internet copies each and every one of my posts, but in this case it did.

The end is nigh.

First Lesson - Deutsch
We did translation exercises! I'm quietly confident about this German exam, but I'll still need to work at it like a pig. Oh no, your immediate thought is mistaken, pigs are actually damn persistent. You've played Angry Birds right?

Second Lesson - Media
I'm quietly confident about this exam too, since I think I'm doing a good job of it. We did another mock today and I managed to create some damn good points, despite the question being as random as, "Is regulation essential?" Not only does that not actually give me any basis to work on, but it also allows me to waffle a lot. You'd think that waffling is good, but I bet when I get this paper back it'll say something like, "try to stay relevant to the question." Oh, today was Ms T's last lesson with us. Well, she said it's not because she wants us to come back next term for some revision, but that's not the spirit of this blog post.

Christina Toboada-Naya: Yours is one of those names that I put it to myself to learn properly since it's so bloody hard to spell. Last year I didn't connect with you very well, but when it came to making Zombie Plan this year you were so enthused by the idea that you didn't let it go. Ever since then you've consistently moulded me to become the perfect Media student with the best grades possible. You know exactly what a teacher needs to do, especially now that you're giving us all of these news stories to help us in our upcoming exam. You're fab (Y)

Third Lesson - Free
I'm not entirely sure what I did in this lesson. Oh yeah, I looked through the book we're giving to Janina and I've got to say that Mairaid has really fleshed it out with messages from us, pictures taken by me, pictures taken by Harpreet and the other Germans and then some more pictures taken by me. What fun! I've really got to hand it to Mairaid on this one, she's done us all a massive favour. I drew a kangaroo.

Fourth Lesson - My Kids
My last ever official lesson with My Kids! Oh no! I was at this point last year as well, but I went ahead and taught them this year as well... but now I've come to the end of my run as a teacher for these little ungrateful bastards and soon I'll bid them farewell and then ride into the sunset on a dragon because I can't ride horses as I am allergic to them. Anyway, I would do some kind of token of farewell, but I didn't say goodbye this lesson because I wasn't ready. This was made evident at the start of the lesson when Georgia tried to hug me and I thought, "If I hug back then that'd be a goodbye - I can't do that." I didn't know letting them go would be so tough that I couldn't even give one of my kids a friendly hug at the start of the lesson. I suppose I'll have to say goodbye tomorrow though. Funnily enough this was an amazing lesson with the kids, and that rarely ever happens these days. I didn't get annoyed once! That's got to be some kind of record. They did exactly what I told them to do and only ruined the department a little bit! I can't give up now, they're starting along their roads to becoming good people. I have to help them or they'll drift again. Fuck goodbyes, I'm definitely going to be back to save these kids from themselves.

Fifth Lesson - DT
We were still doing that exam paper and I haven't brought home my work for you to see, so that's beside the point. While I'm here I might as well say that I'm quietly confident about this exam, although I now suspect it will be my worst thanks to ... I can't actually bring myself to say her name anymore. I'm done with her. And at least most of the class agree with me on my opinions of her. Damn right. Revolt! Anyway, a Becca and a Sophia - nay, the Great Becca and the Grand Sophia popped into the lesson to tell me that I still hadn't done everything for my extended project. So I [plot summary here] and it turns out that I got 40 out of 50, which is probably an A, so that's all right.

Post 1605
After school, Josh, Dukey and I met up with Laura, her brother and some of her friends to do a short drama performance. It was immensely cool, mainly because I got to play the part of the director and talk in a posh English accent. People really like my posh English accent. I suppose it must just suit me. I'd prefer if I suited Irish though... or Kermit. Anyway it was really fun and we had a great laugh doing it, so I thank Laura and her brother for giving us the opportunity to do that. It was great (Y)

So, another day done. Two left. What on Earth will happen?

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I'm joking. I only give you blog posts. That's it. Deal with it.

Until tomorrow.

1 comment:


    And that's why Outlook is good.
