Friday, 24 June 2011

Das Ende von den Pruefungen: Deutsch

Richtig geil!

Erste Stunde - Deutsch
So with the exam fast approaching I started the day with a large breakfast. At exactly some time past 0947 I found me a Joe and we went to the German class to do some German. Fuck yeah. The logistics of it aren't very interesting if I'm honest. I did genuinely need to learn some stuff before the exam, so I did. I did it good. 

Zweite Stunde - Deutsch
So with the exam rapidly approaching we decided to watch some news. After we watched it through the first time Mr Nicholls put it on again and we translated it word for word. Wicked stuff. 

Dritte Stunde - Deutsch
So with the exam approaching faster than a cheetah on speed in a Bugatti Veyron attached to a Eurofighter and then broken down into protons so that it could be accelerated to near light-speed, we did a bit more German and then went for lunch. No one seemed to be deadly worried about it because seriously - we were prepared. I don't think there was any way we could've actually been more prepared than we were today. 

Vierte Stunde - Pruefung
So with the - oh wait, at this point we were half an hour into the exam but... whatever. The first thing I did was look at the essay questions and then write down my pre-learned introduction. Cool. When I ran out of things to regurgitate off the top of my head (about 15 minutes in) I turned to the German to English translation and did the shit out of it. That sounded weird. But it wasn't as difficult as I was expecting. I was quite pleased with myself. I then did the reading and writing section backwards, because I just was. This was probably the most difficult part of the exam, and I did all of it in about an hour. On the surface it looked like just ticking boxes, but the problem was trying to understand all of the German they were throwing at us, but I think I did pretty well. I then started the listening section and it was over in a matter of minutes. I don't what they did, but it was easy. Very easy. I then moved onto the English to German translation exercise. I'd left this because I thought I had to read a massive text and it'd be really hard. It wasn't. I didn't have to read a big text and the translation was easy. I felt cheated, almost. 

Fuenfte Stunde - Pruefung
With an hour left of the test I went back to my essay and wrote the hell out of it. It was going swimmingly, perhaps too swimmingly. I finished with twenty minutes remaining. I grew very suspicious, and checked my paper extensively to make sure I hadn't missed a really difficult question that I'd previously ignored. I was expecting there to be one, but there wasn't. At exactly fifteen minutes past fifteen, I felt cheated again. Every past paper I've ever done has required a huge amount of mental concentration, but this one just felt very calm and relaxed. Everyone felt that way as well after we came out of the exam. Maybe we're all just so good at German now that we now don't notice the difference between something that should challenge our knowledge of the German language and just every day banter. Or the test was just really easy and now the grade boundaries are going to be really high. Even so, I felt very good about this exam. And you know what? I felt good after the exam as well, isn't that right, [reda- wait, I promised I wouldn't do this again. And I won't. But seriously, that was an amazingly good exam to finish on, since everyone felt really good about it and there was just a great positive vibe from everyone. 

And that's it. 

I never have to go to that school again. 

Apart from to see My Kids. That's important. 

Next step in life: Granite Moths Season 2, the Zero-G re-re-revamp and the thing I'm going to prepare for my last every lesson with My Kids. 

Bring it on.

Hey everyone, Wrist here. After those three excruciatingly painful exams that I had to write I think I've become really hench. I'm all like "grrr" and shit. The left wrist just pales in comparison to my might. It's just sitting there, helping me type all of this out, but I've got all the important jobs. Yup, space bar, enter, backspace. The right wrist is where it's at.

I also just came up with something cool on Facebook:
"Freedom isn't free!" No, but all it took was 14 years of school, a shit load of exams and enough coursework to destroy a rainforest to get there, and now it's done. Yes!
And that is very true.

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