Oh, this was fun.
First Lesson - German
Okay, so I was meant to revise DT, but I already did loads last night and the previous couple of days so when I walked into that room to get Die Welle off Herr Nicholls, I ended up staying and doing work with everyone else. It was pretty cool. Good to get some German in me so that the day didn't feel wasted on DT.
Second Lesson - My Kids
Okay, so I was meant to revise DT, but I already did loads last night and the previous couple of days so when I walked into that room and said good morning to the kids, I ended up staying and helping them do their work. [redacted] didn't half remind me that I should be revising. Apparently I "of all people should be revising for this exam." I shouted back at her with the retort, "I've already done loads today and yesterday" which isn't really a shout, but I didn't want to worry the kids. In any case, today was supposed to be my last ever official lesson with My Kids, but I'm really not seeing how that could be possible, based on the fact that it didn't feel very final. They all left the room as if they were going to see me again, and so did I. I can't leave yet. I am definitely coming back in week 8 for one last lesson with these guys, seeing as I'm busy for the rest of time up until then. The teachers seem to like the idea of me coming back for this thing that I'll be doing, so that's good. I'll start making it after my German exam.
Third Lesson - Revision
If [redacted] was complaining at me in the previous lesson because she wanted to teach me a thing or two about the exam, then I gave her the opportunity now. I say opportunity, but Westie, Zak and I isolated ourselves from her, made sure we got stuck into revising so that she couldn't intervene. I also learned this lesson that my DT group love me for sending them the past paper, and doing all the other helpful things that [redacted] failed to do completely. It's a warm feeling to know that I rose to the point where they were coming to me for help rather than [redacted]. Actually, that was the case at the AS resit as well, but this one was more important. I believe the words, "legend" and "really sweet" were tossed about a bit. So after fully realising that the only reason anyone in my group felt in the least bit confident about this exam was because of me, we went to lunch. At this point I stated my regret for not getting the group together to do a revision session like the three of us had just done, but Zak told me not to worry about feeling responsible. But since I was the leader of the Revolution Against [redacted] (otherwise known as RAA! Because you know, we're angry) I felt it was necessary to once and for all prove that I was a teacher who was one million times better than that whore of a bitch. Alas, I did not get the chance. I mean it's true anyway, but I didn't get to rub it in her face, and that's the annoying part.
Fourth Lesson - Exam
I was looking to give the group a little pep talk before the exam to raise their spirits, but [redacted] arrived and pretty much every one of us had something to shout at her about. That wasn't the frame of mind I wanted my colleagues to be in, baby-eater. We walked in and took our seats. The exam papers were handed out and then [redacted] left the room and everyone seemed to be at peace. The exam then began. I flicked through the questions and found the three most engineer-friendly questions and I had a damn good crack at them. The first one was about the ergonomic and anthropometric features that have to be included in a car's interior, and I aced it. The next question was about ... something else and I rushed it a bit. Oh yeah! I got to have another rant at the government! It was a question about how legislation is changing and companies are having to create recyclable products and I found the perfect opportunity to state that Germany is doing it right with drinks bottles, and we're so not. Oh yeah. I aced it. The following question was about finishing techniques for hardwood, mild steel, aluminium and a card drinks carton. To this moment I'm not entirely sure how aluminium degrades (I assumed the oxide layer that forms on aluminium is the degradation, but I'm not sure), nor do I know what they coat it with to stop it from degrading, so I went with galvanisation with zinc. Oh! I also got to use science! When talking about the finishing techniques for mild steel, I went with the fact that in order to effectively paint steel you have to have the bar positively charged, and the negatively charged pigments are attracted to it therefore sticks. I used the word ion in there at least once. So yeah, science. Then finally there was a question that I liked because it was about why manufacturers would use certain manufacturing techniques and I aced it.
Fifth Lesson - Nothing
At exactly 1457 I looked up as the exam was stopped and saw Mr Barrett standing outside and my heart was lifted. What a wonderful man to care about our well-being. At 1459 I turned around to a confused Emily and told her that we could go, since Scott was already standing outside. I stood up and everyone followed suit. I walked out and smiled at Mr Barrett, but then my heart sank as I saw [redacted] standing next to him. Mr Barrett asked me how my exam went and I said, "I think I did quite well," and [redacted] instantly retorted with, "is that quite well for you or is that quite well for me." The cheek, the fucking cheek. I've just slaved my arse off trying to get the best grade that I can get and now that it's all over she's decided to insult me even further. If I wasn't so happy that I would never see her again then I would've raised the roof with the amount of swearing that I would fire her way. It would've been cursing so fierce that Jesus would've woken from his eternal slumber and prematurely cause the Second Coming and the Four Horseman would turn around and simply be disgusted while they slay innocent human beings. I would've beat her so violently that it would've made Sadam Hussein look like a fucking girl scout. Damn it I wanted to. I so wanted to. I often make random people snigger when I state things like, "Morals? Morals don't count with [redacted]." I should've done it. I should've driven all of my stationary right into her heart there and then so that even the poorest of African children would hitch a ride to England, ring my doorbell and thank me for ending all that is wrong in the world. It's not fair that other people, younger and not as wise as I am, now have to suffer her tyranny. Anyway, that was a little depressing. After discussing how the exam went with my colleagues I found Joe and Josh playing Plants vs Zombies on Josh's laptop. I wasn't really expecting them to get to like level a billion seeing as we're supposed to be revising for our German exam. But hey, who am I to judge?
Okay, final exam tomorrow.
I mean, seriously, if your teaching methods are so atrocious that the entire class, nay the entire human race, hates you unconditionally, surely you should kill yourself? I mean, it would be doing her a favour, it would be doing us a favour and it would certainly be a massive benefit to the human race to be rid of filth like her. Like, seriously now, chavs have more of a place on this planet than her. Yeah, I said it. The lowest form of the human race is actually more beneficial than that witch.
Okay, I'm really done now. I'll finish it here. No more ranting about [redacted] from now on. But come on! Instead of "you learn something new everyday" it's "I give you a new reason to hate me everyday." Who does that?!
Okay, I'm actually done now. Done, done and done. I never have to see her again ever. That's it. Done.
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