With two exams down, I'm in the final push towards utter and complete freedom.
I currently have the feeling that this exam is going to suck more balls than the inmate in the cell next to you whose jaw is now permanently open because it locked when he tried to "juggle" six balls at the same time.
Mrs "She Who Shall Not Be Named" [redacted] tried to make questions formed on what she saw in last year's exams - in her opinion. The questions she has made are actually the questions that she's decided to make up based entirely on what she always rants on about, included fucking iconic designs, fucking product life-cycles and fucking KANBAN. I dislike kanban now. At no point did she decide that telling us about the other manufacturing systems that have appeared over the last fifty years, but you know, I guess we can just ignore those. So when the question, "Name three manufacturing systems that have enhanced the way we manufacture and distribute products" (I just came up with that - see, I can do it too) you can bet that we'll get full marks by saying, "Kanban, k-ban and k-bahn have all revolutionised the way we..." You'll see.
So I've decided to go down my own route. The only reason Mrs "[redacted]" [redacted] came up with those questions is because this exam paper only existed this time last year, and there's no way of ripping the Jan paper off the internet yet (Westie - look into that) so we can't get past papers. Or can we? I found a specimen paper with questions that are actually like what was in last year's exam. Shock and horror or what? I've found it amazingly useful and so I've sent it to my fellow DT student with a little note on how incompetent [redacted] "[redacted]" [redacted] is. Because that's the kind of guy I am - an awesome one.
I can't say that a whole lot of German prep is going on right now because I've already done thousands of exam papers. In fact, if I've missed any from the past seven years then I'd love to know about it so I can do it. So aside from that I'm just reading every ounce of German I can and listening to as much German as I can in order to speak and write in German. I still need to re-watch the important from Die Welle in order to re-acquaintance myself with them and then write a billion different essays about it and memorise - just like I did for Media. Although this exam is on Friday, so I'd better use the essays that I've already done and do more on top. Good idea, soldier.
Mr Nicholls has been great support though and has proven that there is never too much German to do.
So, that's my little rant about my exam prep at the moment, just so you've been updated with the important thing going on in my life right now.
There's usually never any A2-Final exams that can be taken in the Summer, sorry. There pretty much is only two papers!