Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Today Was Pretty Cool

Yes, blog title, it was.

First Lesson - Deutsch
As the exam approaches we took a rather laid back approach to the German revision stuff that we do. Once again we did translation exercises, but this time from German into English. Since we were doing a specimen paper the text we were given was stupid and not for the faint hearted. It wasn't difficult as such, it was just the way they threw uncommon and down-right ridiculous German words at us, like ... well that's the thing, I don't know. We learned a lot though, and at the end of the day that is the only thing that counts.

Second Lesson - Media
For the most part I was talking to Natalie and Charlotte in the Media Suite because Miss T was up in top blue chatting to Miss Nicholson about her problems, which is fair enough. They're like best buds. Near the end of the lesson though, Miss T went through the past paper I did with me and now I'm at least 80% more confident about the upcoming exam. At first I was worried because I hadn't as of yet produced any papers that were of an A grade, and she gave me a B for the first section (with good reason - I totally cocked up) and got 39/50, but for the second section (which is the media and institutions part - the part where I get to rant about super injunctions and idiots who use the internet) I got 44/50, which pitted my total mark as 83. That is the exact mark I need to get an A overall in Media, so if I just do a little better on the day then that's my A secured. Fuck to the yeah. Who knew that ranting about super injunctions and claiming that the privacy laws should be changed would get me a high grade? I mean that's just fine. I can complain all day about super injunctions - both the good and the bad. Mainly the bad. I can also rant forever about idiots who use the internet, and idiots who think they can control the internet (*cough* the government). It'll be fun on the bun.

Third Lesson - Nothing
I basically caught up on the news, nothing new about super injunctions but the people of Syria have raised arms (not biological arms, I mean guns and shit arms) against their government, turning the peaceful campaigning into a civil war (almost). So yeah, that was interesting to read about. I also read a book this lesson. Pretty interesting. Nothing really mega exciting to report though.

Fourth Lesson - My Kids
Fun this lesson was. Unfortunately the kids are at the boring stages of their projects where they don't really need my help because they're just designing shit. The Can Crushers have started making card models (whey!) and the Sustainabilityers are still doing fucking design ideas. I mainly stayed with the sustainability project group because they're just more interesting. Paige is continuing her escapade of throwing stuff at me and everyone around her, which I get a lot of fun from, and Casey told me about how she didn't have time to wash her hair or put on make up this morning, which is why she looked different but didn't seem at all phased by it and just took it in her stride which I like, Harry was being perpetually annoying and I made this very apparent and Courtney carried on her streak of turning and smiling at me at any given opportunity which does get a bit awkward after the fifth time, but whatever - it's cute. I also finally revealed Granite Moths to the kids, because they were wondering why on Earth I would ever need to climb something and then fall off it again and now Harry has said that he's going to follow it, despite the fact that I explicitly explained that they wouldn't understand it since it is a parody. Oh well, it was a fun lesson nonetheless.

Fifth Lesson - Snakes Alive
This lesson was actually kind of boring. The year 8s are so so so so so so boring. I thought they'd be like My Kids were last year, but they're actually really boring. Like seriously boring. I think it's because I only got to know a few of them, and those few don't really make up for the fact that there is an entire half of a year to look after. They'd gotten down to making the bits for the snakes, and naturally Emily used her charm to lure Adrian (the new me as it were) into doing some of her work for her. Oh Adrian, still such an amateur. Much to learn you still have. You dick. Still, it's better than doing nothing, so what the hell?

That was today. I told you it was pretty cool. Need to think of something to do for my last lesson with My Kids... I'll have to go into thinking.

P.S. According to Bekah this page about Joe getting drunk is absolutely fucking hilarious. See, Joe hates pictures of himself, so this post must be an absolute nightmare for him. Especially since it has now been upgraded to one of the most viewed posts on my blog. You're so welcome, sunshine.

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