See, when Joe gets drunk, and is left alone in the car... he gets a little vain.
Backseat driver.
That's just the start.
It's pretty much the same shot.
It doesn't end there.
There's just more.
It doesn't seem to end.
And then it ended. But still, that's a lot of pictures. You'd be lucky to see a picture of me full stop, let alone half a dozen all at the same time. I bring this up because earlier I took a fantastic picture of Joe and he stole my camera to delete it. Well, Joe, vanity seems to have struck. Irony is a harsh mistress.
In other news, my kids are making their choices for next year soon, so now it's my job to ease them through it. When I say them, I mean the ones whom I like and I can see actually having any sort of decent future ahead of them. I'm not favouritist, I just have students whom I like more than others. There's nothing wrong with that.
Dude, i've figured it. That was when we went to Luke's. Dallamore and I went inside to pee and Joe was left in the car to his own devices XD