Wednesday, 19 October 2011

I've Just Been Live on TV!

Cliché University Stuff: YouTube as a Social Network: "Yes, sometimes I do actual work on here. How is YouTube a social network? A social network can be described as any place people congrega..."

If there were ever a bigger lie.

Also check out the work I did in today's lab session. I think it effectively demonstrates how good I am at this Media lark.

Anyway, first I'd like to talk about my job interview, because that's massively off-topic and not at all what you wanted to hear about.

"Oh but Peter, of course we'd want to know about your job interview!"

Oh, you're too kind, audience.

Basically, earlier I had to describe my life in one minute as part of the application process of becoming a student ambassador. The other people who went before me had things prepared and did really well and were being asked very appropriate questions. I started with, "Hi I'm Peter and I didn't prepare anything so I'm just going to do this off the bat," and it got me a laugh, which is always good. I think I did quite well. I talked about how I mentored my kids, and what subjects I took, and what I'm interested in, and the fact that I run my own YouTube channel, and how I also did the reading leader programme to help kids to read. Now this is an example of how the world hates me. There I was talking about what a wonderful person I was and how I'd done all of these amazing things and I get asked the question, "What do you think you could bring to the student ambassador team?" WHAT!? That's the single stupidest question I've ever heard. "I can give you a kick in the teeth, if you'd like," I thought. I blanked, which is the worst thing to do in this situation. Luckily one of the interviewers narrowed down the question for me by asking me what my skills are, so I then got back on track. Mid-way through my speech I said, "But I'm not so good at answering open questions like... what do you think you could bring to the student ambassador team?" and that got me another laugh, so that was good.

I got the most laughs, but I also had the worst pitch thanks to that stupid question. I find out on Monday whether or not I got through to the next stage. I'm not going to get my hopes up after that.

Anyway, so that was earlier.

Also earlier I went out for a drink with one of my course mates, James, and we fired up his Macbook in the pub to watch Fresher's TV live! It was tense, since we couldn't hear anything because we were in a pub and also the streaming speed was so awful that the video kept jumping. But soon later we saw the map zoom in on Southampton and we watched ourselves on TV. This was surprising to us, because we're not based in Southampton. In any case, we then saw the words, "Live from DeMontfort University!" pop up and we were watching ourselves as we were in a studio doing the exact thing that we were rehearsing last week. I don't know how we managed it, but we actually managed to be in the pub and on set at the same time. It was quite an achievement.

If you missed it, don't fret because everything on the internet gets rereleased and so I'm sure I'll be able to link you soon.

Pete out. 

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