I hope you enjoy it. If you're not a gaming fan and therefore don't want to watch the video, don't despair, I'm going to give you a short update afterwards.
I say that like there's a time difference. But there isn't. You can just skip the video. You don't have to watch it.
Okay, you see now I'm wasting time because I haven't pasted the video in yet, but just keep your breath held.
Actually, don't keep your breath held; it's a really bad idea. Who knows what could happen? You could become oxygen depraved and fall into a coma. I'm sure all of those words were correct.
Anyway, montage.
Haha! What a riot!
Why did I say that? That video wasn't even funny. However, there was some crazy editing in there. Did you see the bit with the overlaying videos? How cool was that? It was like vidception. Except it wasn't really because they were just overlapping videos. But it was still cool.
Anyway, tiny update. In my lab this morning... this afternoon I learned about RGB and CMYK colour scales, and then in the lecture we relearned the electromagnetic spectrum and the eye and our perception of things. Funny thing, I only learned about rods and cones (the rod I believe is the platypus-shaped thing in your retina) through sitting with Joe and Becca while they did their A-level Biology revision. Go figure. Anyway, this evening there was the Demon TV pre-production event where we talked about the TV shows that we're going to be making over the next year and it was all very... productive. It was quite good to get some ideas out there though so that tomorrow (which will be very interesting and productive) we have some stuff to film. In fact, tomorrow is the Fresher's Fresher's TV thing. I know I said "Fresher's" twice. I meant to. That's because it's Fresher's TV made by Freshers. How cool is that?
So yeah, tomorrow will be fun.
I also just came up with an amazing motto, that you should definitely use.
"The less you fret, the luckier you'll get."
How awesome-a-motto is that?
To the person(s) who just sneezed, bless you. If you sneezed while reading this blog post and don't feel adequately blessed, then bless you as well.
Pete out.
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