Saturday, 22 October 2011

That Thing I Did on "Live" TV

Here's that thing that I did "live" on TV!

That thumbnail makes it look like the Bodge Day thing. It isn't, I swear. Josh apparently found me to be quite funny in this video, but I don't see it. Apart from that bit at the end after the credits where I make everyone laugh, but that's just ... you know. Although I was also apparently making my co-host laugh because of how dry and bluntly I was saying everything. But when the auto-cue gives you a follow-up to an amazing introduction with the words "Yes hello, I'm Peter", I literally had no other choice but to try and make that in the least bit amusing, otherwise my life simply isn't worth living.

Also I revealed the existence of my blog to a total stranger today, which is something I've never done. It's kind of weird, really. Louis (my flatmate) had his girlfriend over and the three of us ended up walking to town together. Louis asked me about what modules I had for my course and of course I talked about the maths module and the website module and the photography module and then the blog module came up. I didn't realise how connected to this course I was. At the beginning of the modules it was like "Used Photoshop before? I'm a fucking master of Photoshop. Maths? Yeah, I can do that. Blogging? Please, I'm the king of the internet." So I obviously said that I was already a blogger and they said, "Oh cool." That's not the first reaction I normally get about blogging. Louis' girlfriend described how a couple of her friends kept blogs that were just depressing, but since I had explained that mine was about being awesome and new and fresh, it made me sound like the best person in the world.

So yeah, that was a new experience.

Oh, I should mention this here I suppose. I've been dabbling in the idea of making a vlog, that I'll obviously post on here, in which I just read what I've written on my blog because I can't make up stuff on the spot and be funny. You know, "haha, what a funny joke" funny and not, "ew, look at the growths on that man's face. And then look at his malformed penis that he just randomly has hanging out" funny. But yeah, I think I'll probably start releasing it once I finally have a new design for this blog pinned down. Again, I'm going to remind you because the last time I made a post about the redesign, someone clicked "Love it!" which, while very nice of them, is less helpful to me than a sheep made of granite.
"But then you can sheer granite! That would be insanely useful!"
No, audience, you can't sheer granite. The sheep would simply die from the weight of its own self. I know it's a bit of a morbid thought, but that would be the utter truth.
"But what if the sheep didn't gain any weight at all, and the granite was just wiry like wool?"
Well in that case, shut up.

You can't have sheep made of granite.

I hate you.

Pete out.

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