As seems to be the custom that I'm suddenly aware of, going back to your home town after about three weeks is quite the trend here in Leicester. I decided to jump on the band wagon as well, and go home.
Oh but first, let me show you the sweet new ride I got driven home in:
How cool is that?
When my Dad phoned me the other week he said,
"Yeah I've sold the Z3..."
Oh now why did you go and do something stupid like that you silly old man?
"So I've gone and bought a Z4."
Recent sins: absolved. Well done.
It's a wonderful car, not only to look at, but to be in as well. Kind of like - nope. You're not allowed to make a sick joke here. It's forbidden. Oh you spoil sport. Someone could've been offended. I'm just making sure you don't get a lawsuit or something. Oh you're such a cynic. Oh that's just a pile of shit. Case and point.
So yeah, the main purpose of going home was to see Josh, Dukey and Josh's Laura again, but also to see the new Jonny English film as well. You know what? We were organising the day, exactly as we normally do. We told Dukey that the film started half an hour before it did so he'd be on time, and he still managed to be late. So even that made it feel like we hadn't been apart at all. In fact, nothing seems to have changed. Josh is still Josh with his hat. No wait, Dukey has money now. We all have money now. That's different.
So we went to go and see Jonny English: Reborn. It's a very good film. Definitely worth the £7.55 we paid. It's action packed, hilariously ridiculous, stupid, and just everything else you can expect from a film of this calibre. And you know what else it had? A near-to-original plot-line. You don't really get that, especially with spoofs. In fact, I'd say spoofs have more original plot-lines that the serious ones... because they can just be more... wild with the science and such. To criticise it I'd say that it wasn't better than the first one. It wasn't much worse, but I don't think that overall it was better. I also found it very predictable at times, but hey, who am I to complain? It was flapping hilarious.
So after that Dukey lost his car keys. Hahahahahaha. This was not funny. Of all the things in the world that you could lose, why the keys? But never mind the why, just the how the hell we got out of there. Laura's Michael nearly killed us to death in his car, that's how. It's always an experience with Michael at the wheel of the car. This time his fancy trick was to reboot the car while travelling at 90mph on the A14... multiple times.
So that was fun.
It's also kind of late and I need to read some stuff before bed tonight so I'm ready for lectures tomorrow. I'll update this... tomorrow morning.
Anyway, after we got back in Dukey's car we went to Josh's Isham house to retrieve some things and I had a great conversation with his dad about how things were going at Uni and such and such. We then went to Josh's Burton Latimer house and talked to his mum and Dave for a while about stuff. We then went to get Indian, as in the food stuff not as in we grabbed an Indian bloke or we became Indian, no, definitely the food. It was all very lovely, if not a bit too much to eat in one sitting. We then went to Dukey's house to see his new program and got distracted by crossbows and Geiger counters and all the other crap that's just sitting in the Duke family's garage. We then back to Burton to find Josh's mum and Dave drunk in the living room watching Comedy Central, so we joined them. They let me try this Grouse whiskey which you store in the freezer so that it has the consistency of very runny honey when you serve it, and it is a mighty drink. Because it's -20 it removes the usual burning sensation that you get from whiskey so that it tastes so much better. Holding it is a pain because it feels like holding ice, but the taste is glorious. They then gave me the last of their Jack Daniels because they're just nice people. I didn't even ask for it. So that was all lovely.
I went home the next morning expecting to have a nice Sunday roast which would boost my health levels from clinically dead to just alive but it was actually just like a usual family dinner. The vegetables were badly cooked, the potatoes weren't very nice, the yorkshire pudding is just mediocre and the chicken was ... okay I guess.
In any case, I had a great time reuniting myself with a very small portion of my Real Family, and almost the entire cast of Granite Moths. It was fun.
Pete out.
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