Saturday 15 September 2012

Pete Plays Games

Yeah, so I play a couple of games for this week's video.

What's interesting about one of the games I played, Facade, is that it is a really unique AI-based game. It's based around the idea that a couple are having an argument at the time that they invite you over for a few drinks. You can either sit there and listen to them for a while, or you can engage in the discussion yourself. The AI characters then take on board what you say and form appropriate responses. It's really, very clever. And the best part? It's free! Now I know things like this already exist in the form of search engines and Siri, but they're all keyword stuff. Okay, it's obvious that this is keyword stuff as well, but then it selects the most appropriate thing to say from its extensive list of conversational items. Sometimes it can get a little jarred, but on the most part it's very fluid and you really feel part of the moment. Until the guy kicks you out for repeatedly asking his wife to suck your balls, or have a threesome, or say that her tits look great. It's all part of the fun. One day, I may even try to do an entire run-through and see if there's an ending. Ooohhh....

Other than that, Happy Wheels is fucking hilarious.

Pete out.

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