Monday 3 September 2012


Damn straight. You might not care, but I care very much that most of my posts these days seem to be just video shares. Now, to get things straight, I am very busy with all my video work. I work on Granite Moths like, every day. If I'm not filming it then I'm definitely editing it. And if I'm not editing it nor filming it, then I'm definitely scripting it. And if I'm not doing anything to do with Granite Moths, then I'm filming for my channel, or planning for future videos.

Yeah, videos take up a lot of my time. But I don't mind, because videos are fucking awesome. Today, YouTube is the second-most popular search engine next to Google, and there is a very good reason for that. More and more each day, people are giving up on the written word and converting solely to video. They don't really even want to listen to the radio. Hell, even music is listened to in playlists on YouTube. Yeah, music videos have become the preferred way to listen to music. Quite frankly I find that bullshit, because while music videos can be cool, they're not really for watching unless done well. And let's face it, for a music video to be worth watching it has to be pretty spectacular.

Well, for me anyway.

I'm not innocent of this trend, though. Every morning I wake up and eat breakfast while watching whatever TV programme I am currently occupied by. At the moment it's Supernatural, which is awesome. Every week I watch the new episode of Futurama or whatever else is coming out and maybe I'll watch one or two movies a week as well. I also watch over two hours of YouTube videos in a week. For god's sake, Toby Turner literally makes a five minute video every single day, and Rooster Teeth make at least two hours of content to watch every week. And I really don't mind. Because they're fucking awesome. Hell, I wouldn't bother making videos if these guys hadn't inspired me to. So there, videos are fucking cool.

However, the written word should not be forgotten about. If I have an hour or so spare, then I'll pick up whatever book I have on the go and read a chapter of it. Occasionally this gets me in the mood to write something. I'm trying to script a Minecraft series with every episode following the steps of Vlad Propp's narrative theory, and that's hard. I've never had such a mental block before. So that won't be done for ages yet. I hope that soon I get in the mood and just get the flipping scripts done.

But yeah, a long time ago I said I'd make comics. Yeah, I'm giving up on that purely because I can't think of stories that I could draw. I'm just going to incorporate Cliché Life Man into my live action videos because I can. I may eventually start making new Halo comics, because they were pretty awesome, but again I need stuff to go on and I can't be bothered thinking up ideas. I've already got enough idea making going on.

So yeah, that's what's happening, video-wise. Blog-wise I'm going to writing a... an erotic fanfiction of a popular story on request of Rhys Davies, and I'm going to try and start doing the update posts again. You know, get back into the habit of actually telling you about my life rather than you watching what I do in my fake video life. Guess I'll make a post soon. But to make it clear, the summer is always a bad time to blog, because while I can make lots of videos, there's not really that many unique things that happen that are really worth blogging about. However, I used to blog about my days at school, so you know.

I reckon Inside Voice should deal with some of the update posts though. They can be quite amusing.

Anyway, I'm really quite done.

Pete out.

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