Tuesday 17 January 2012

I'm 19!

Whoo! *party pop*

Oh bollocks. Totally missed a trick in the vlog there.

Never mind.

The only thing I need to really put here is the message Josh sent to me on Facebook since he was too late to get a mention in the vlog.

"I should undoubtedly post something witty on your wall round about now. Something so hysterically funny that it makes a duck look like a squirrel. On the subject of nonsensical analogies, I hope your birthday party was like being kidnapped by strangers who had an affinity for kittens and pancake parties. I don't feel that I need to justify that statement. And as you can see, I put the wit in twit. Happy birthday xxxx I love you xxxx <3"

Well done, Josh. You had the second-most original way of saying happy birthday. But I'm afraid that no one can beat Lannah. She won. She won hands down. Her card was so jam-packed full of fun and mayhem that I didn't know what to do with myself. I was speechless. I mean, seriously, as soon as YouTube stops being a cunt and processes my video you can check it out.

While I'm blogging, I'd also like to formally thank Lauren for the magnificently hilarious present she got me (again, vlog). It means a lot that you want me to have some childhood fun with those wacky crayons and bundles of sweets :)

In fact, it means a lot that fucking loads of people stopped what they were doing on the internet for a moment and decided to congratulate me on becoming a year older. So thank you :)

Seriously, guys, you all mean so much to me and I appreciate all the cards and the well-wishing and what-not. Makes me feel all warm inside :)

So, what did I do today? Well after I got up and opened my cards I went out for lunch with the Demon TV lot, and then Lannah made me open her card and I was gob-smacked, as I have explained. After this I went into town and bought myself a new hoodie, which is just fantastically warm and comfortable and definitely what I needed. And then when I came back I met up with Hannah and Lannah again and had a chat, and then my fellow vloggers asked me to help them film the introduction to our new channel, ElectricTeapots. It's going to be amazing.

So yeah, it's just been a genuinely nice day. Nothing bad happened, I didn't need to do any work, no one asked me to do any stuff. It was just nice. I even had a nice dinner. Pasta with a cheese, tomato and bacon sauce. Yum. I should be on Masterchef with that stuff.

Anyway, yes, thanks again. Who knows what the 19th year of my life could bring? Nothing exciting I hope, because that'd ruin the illusion I was on about yesterday.

Pete out.

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