Wednesday 4 January 2012

2012's Resolutions

So it's officially 2012! Whoo! *party pop*

There's a video up top for you to celebrate with.

So what does 2012 mean? Well, as I said, it is the year to not look back. If some lunatic in the world is correct and we do all die on the 21st of December, then we need to make sure we get it right. But you've heard and read all of this already, so let's just get on with it.

Unfortunately my first batch of resolutions will just be rehashed from last year because I was an idiot and didn't complete them. So let's do it!

1. Find someone
I hate how this has to be the first one. I also dislike the idea of having to "find someone" because I don't have a particular someone in my life. Why can't they just appear, right now? Well, things aren't that easy are they? I also think it's fruitless to "try" to "find someone" because let's face, trying doesn't get you anywhere. It's just doing it that counts. But then again, what are the chances that I will actually find the person who I'm looking for? What a stupid resolution. Wish I'd never convinced myself to write it.

2. Make and retain actual workout sessions
Okay, yeah, it's actually vitally important that I do this now that I'm at uni so that I don't wither and die each term before I come home. Now it has become clear that I need to do this in order to gain and maintain weight.

3. Gain weight
It should go hand in hand with number two if all things go correctly. But I haven't really put on weight in a year, so now I really do have to change that.

4. "Don't make a girl a promise..."
Last year I decided to do this so that I would stay committed to my resolutions, and I failed it, and it crushed me because I failed a resolution by default. I don't like doing that. So it's back.

5. Get a job, no, a real one
It's all well and good being Head of Production for Demon TV, but this summer I aim to make lots of money. And that's what I'll do.

6. Learn how to cook
Haha, yeah... I should have done that already. And to be fair, it's not all that difficult. I just haven't done it yet. My meals don't even have to be magnificent, I just have to wean myself off ready meals and move onto substantial food that is actually a big enough meal.

7. Don't let childhood slip away
I reckon that should have been one of last year's resolutions. I'm turning 19 this year, which is the last of the teens, and I'd say that's the last year in which someone can well and truly still be a kid. The number 20 looks massive, and that's why I don't want to leave things until then. No, this year I will attempt to complete as many of my missed childhood adventures as possible.

8. Get on stage/radio
I don't know why I want to do this, but I do. I don't even know what I want to do on stage. But at some point this year, I need to be on a stage and I need to do something. I can do everything over the internet, sure, but I've never really done anything on stage... so now I'll do that. Also, radio counts.

9. Move into HD
Last year I made strides in the way of advancing the technology of Granite Moths, and now I have a HD Handycam. It's time to up the res and go pro with our webseries.

Optional: Knock my habit of accelerating ferrous projectiles towards black people
Yeah. That's what it says. Okay, yes, Josh did say this one, but it was too stupid to not put in my blog. You know how it is, Audience.

So that's 9 good resolutions to keep myself occupied for the year. Like I said last year:

10. On December 31st, laugh at yourself for ever considering the other 9 resolutions as challenges
Challenge: Accepted.

Now, it's time to get on with the year and stop dithering about. Make sure you give yourself reasonable and appropriate resolutions. Like Josh's resolution could be to continue not destroying the planet, and Joe's resolution could be to sneak as much non-kosher food into his house as possible, or Dukey could actually be on time for fucking once, James Langley could stop telling bad jokes maybe, or indeed the Audience could stop following me with a camera in front of my face.

I'm joking, it's actually me holding the camera. Most of the time.

Anyway, I'm done.

Pete out.

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