Sunday 29 January 2012

New YouTube Channel!

What's up! You know how I have my Vlog channel that I do all of my videos on? Well, James Langley, in his infinite wisdom, decided that it would be grand if four of us vloggers were to create a collaboration channel in which we talk about shit and do stuff.

I believe we will upload on a fortnightly basis. This doesn't mean that I'm stopping the production of Cliché Life Stuff videos, no no. In fact, I might get inspiration to do even more videos, and maybe even think about doing regular releases. Actually, no, everyone does regular releases. I do random releases. This is Cliché Life Stuff, where nothing is average.

Anyway, that's all I have to say about it really. I'm expanding my presence into the online world and becoming more of an internet sensation everyday. Soon people will stop me in the street and say things like, "Are you that idiot who posts things on YouTube and thinks that he's really funny?" and I will retort by saying something like, "You're a moron. Get out of my way. Don't you know who I am? I have some funny to deliver, and you're cramping my style." and then I'll strut away like some of the greats.

Apparently my vlogging style is exactly like Toby Turner's. Okay, yes, I got my inspiration from him, but I don't think I'm exactly like him. Nor do I think I'm actually that funny, and yet every time I make a vlog I get someone like Lauren or Medz or whoever else saying things like, "YOU'RE SO FUCKING FUNNY" except less aggressive. I could have just not said that so aggressively, but that would've been the easy thing to do. But seriously, I'm quite pleased with the overall positive reaction to some of my videos.

I quote: "HAHAHA your video is hilarious!!! They always make me giggle!! I showed my flatmate Adam it too and he says you are his hero! Xxxx"

Look at me, inspiring the youth of today.

Anyway, check out Electric Teapots, the video is pasted at the top of this post, subscribe, then go over to my Cliché Life Stuff channel and subscribe to that, and then favourite this blog. Got it?

Pete out.

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