Friday 10 February 2012

Everything I Do

There's a very, very good reason as to why I'm always so busy. People complain at me all like, "Why haven't you called?" and "are you near your computer right now? Why not?" and I'm just like, "I'M BUSY." Seriously, for the past ... while I've been getting up in the morning and leaving my flat, and then I return again in the late evening. I might even then go out again. This is, essentially, my massive list of excuses for why I'm never available for home people to talk to me unless it's like midnight.

Granite Moths
This is actually a non-uni-related thing, and I need to be in my flat to do it, but it still takes up quite a bit of time. Whenever I go home I film loads of footage and then I edit the shit out of it. Fortunately production has slowed because we can't go home as often to film, but now I've been entrusted with editing all of the Directors' Cuts. Oh yeah, we've started doing Directors' Cuts. They're being released on the RichChief channel (

Cliché Life Stuff
This is Cliché Life Stuff, and as you can tell I spend less time in this now purely because I'm rarely at home to post things, and as of late the posts haven't been very exciting, but trust me, as soon as I get some time to myself to think, I'm going to make such good posts that you'll be like, "SLOOOW DOOOWN" and I'll be like, "FUCK YOU" and throw words at your face with my ENERGY BROWSER. Uhh... yeah, in any case, with the accompanying videos now, I can spend hours in a day just making one post, so you know you're getting top-notch stuff when you visit me.

Cliché University Stuff
This is my uni blog where I post all of the stuff relating to my course. There isn't very much on there right now, but that's because this is like at the back of my list of things to do. I don't actually have a list of things to do, but I probably should have one so that I can keep on top of things. In any case, soon I hope to start posting some really interesting stuff because I've learned how important it is for my final grade. It's time to get-a-posting.

First Flight Foot-y
Yup, Dukey has drafted me in to talk about French football. It's not at all exciting, and my posts are often late, but I do make lots and lots of puns, so it's definitely worth checking out.

Electric Teapots
So in accompaniment to my YouTube channel, there is my second YouTube channel on which I post once a week in response to the stuff my channel-mates upload. Yeah, it's a collaboration channel so there's stuff that I'm not in charge of on there. Pretty cool, right? I don't like not being in charge.

This term I've been tasked with creating an animated movie trailer, so me and my team-mate decided to do one about the urban myth that there are alligators in the New York sewers. Expect it to be a disaster movie that will be much, much better than Piranha 3D. Except mine won't be in 3D. Oh, and it'll be a shitty animation.

Music Video
Another project I have this term is to make a music video. They said that if we don't use original music then we can't put the video in our portfolios, so I had a word with the Head of the Music Society (he eternally owes me) and he gave me one of his songs. I plan to incorporate vlogging in some way, so it'll have people singing into webcams and such. It'll be an actual opportunity to do some good video editing.

Creative Video
I have no idea what I'm doing yet. I've been floating around the idea of making a trailer based on street-fencing, which is like real fencing but with no body armour and is on the street and has no rules and would be insanely awesome if it happened. But I don't know... I'll have to have a massive think and do some brainstorming, but if you guys have got any ideas that'd be amazing. Oh, and I don't particularly want to do anything that requires heavy acting (e.g. love interests and such) because I don't really have access to actors.

Demon TV
This takes up a lot of my time. See, as Head of Production I'm almost required to be on set for everything, especially since I'm the best cameraman in the university. I'm not really lying about that, from what I've seen of the third years' stuff, I'm actually amazing. Like, more amazing than Michael Bay. I know he's not very good at shot composition, and the only thing he can do is special effects, but I didn't want my brag to sound unrealistic. At the moment we're working on a music show called DMUsic, a sketch show called And Now Here's a Thing, Ben did a documentary where he lived off £5 for a week and our up-and-coming project called the University Detective Squad. To check out the shit we've done so far, visit

I'm almost certain that I'm not done yet. Oh yeah!

Demon FM
I'm going to make myself a regular on there because I'm awesome. Even so, if I do this then my Sunday evenings suddenly vanish. But still I love it. It's just a bit of fun and I don't have to do anything extra because it's all live. I waltz in, turn on some mics and go, "Hello and welcome to the Unnamed Project!" and then it's done.

I think I'd die if I didn't do this. I think putting aside time for this is important though, because otherwise no one would like you. However, I see my peeps here whenever I do work outside my flat, so that's easy. However, my peeps from home need time dedicated to them because A: They're the best people in the world and B: I miss them. So if I'm giving up some of my time here to have a chat with you or come and see you, then you know that you're in an exclusive club of people that I actually like.

So I think that's that. I know something else will pop and I'll be like, "Oh fuck, I do that as well!" and then there'll be a massive kerfuffel as I smash through a crowd of people, sending them through windows and cars and walls just so I can charge through the gates of Liberty and update this blog post. And then I'll get back to doing that thing. Oh wait, I've just thought of something.

Being a Top-Notch Guy
I'm pretty fucking top-notch. Not any guy will help you film something, act in something, help you with your life problems and campaign to see you for your birthday. But this kind of guy will, the kind of guy with two thumbs.
This guy.

So that's that. That's why I occasionally can't give you the time of day. Also because my watch is broken.

Pete out.

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