Wednesday 22 February 2012

Pete's Childhood Adventures Episode 4: Pancake Making

It's true, I've never made pancakes before.

Anyway, today I went to Birmingham to see the beautiful Lauren Albrecht for her birthday, and it has been such a fun day.

So as all stories do, let's begin at the start. I got up with the full intention of going to my 1100 lab, but then I accidentally slept in, and once I'd had my shower and eaten it was ten past eleven, so I gave that a miss. I then bounced to the train station, hopped on the train, had a nap, and then I arrived in Birmingham. A little tiny bit later Lauren and Harpreet arrived and we wandered around the Bullring for a little while, stopping for Crispy Creme Doughnuts. I was then informed that I had to get my picture with the bull that sits somewhere in the Bullring, and so this happened:

So yeah, Harpreet and I picked the nose of a bull. Lovely.

In any case, I thought Highcross in Leicester was big, but the Bullring is fucking huge! I mean, it's nothing compared to the Berlin Mediamarkt, but still. It's pretty big. But then it was time for my tour of Birmingham University, which is big and grand and looks better than DMU (aside from their Student's Guild of course; mine's better), and this struck me as odd because not too many people go to Birmingham (I think) and yet DMU has the third largest number of students in the country. Where do they all go then? Either, it's very nice.

But we haven't got to the main event yet. We taxied over to Lauren's accommodation, and I showed her the card I made her, and she loved it, so that was good. My hard work and lack of money paid off. And then we went down and had a bit of something to eat, and then we made pancakes!

Yay! Whoo! *party pop*

Lauren was well excited:

Because I'd never made pancakes before, Lauren showed me the ropes and soon I was tossing like a pro:

Yes, I'm also aware that I just said "I was tossing". Get over it.

In any case, I wasn't very good at this. My first try was amazing and it worked really well, but on my second try:

Oh dear.

Lauren got so cocky with hers though that she started using magic!

It's not fair. If I had magic powers then I could toss as well as she can.

Again, it's not a euphemism. Stop being so childish.

My third try I didn't fuck up so badly though, but Lauren still had to fix it:

Either way though, I'm so glad that Lauren taught me how to make pancakes, because apparently everyone knows how to do it. They were delicious, by the way.

Soon later it was time to go, and I was sad. After giving the two of them a farewell hug and wishing Lauren a happy birthday, I got on the train and decided that nothing was going to top the entirety of that day, so I took a nap on the train. Or I would've done if the fucking ticket guy didn't keep asking people for tickets. I was startled more than necessary amounts of time!

Anyway, today was the best day I've had in ages (have I already said that?) and it was brilliant to see Lauren and Harpreet again, I just wish I could see them more often :(

Anyway, I would add a little bit on the end to say how much a wonderful person Lauren is, and how I love her to bits, and how she's the best person in the world, but I already put that in her card, and I'm running out of new things to say that she won't hear from me when it's actually her birthday (tomorrow).

So yeah, I hope you have a wonderfully fantastic birthday tomorrow and hopefully I'll see you very soon :)

Pete out.

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