Wednesday 15 February 2012

DOUBLE FUCK! AKA, Happy 2nd Birthday, Blog

Okay, so I missed my blog's second birthday. Funnily enough, last year I missed it as well. In any case, I'm not going to do the whole knocking out Doctor Who and stealing the TARDIS thing again, I'm just going to get on with it.

Two years ago this month, I was in a rut. I won't share with you what I was going through because to be honest I want to delete it from memory, but in any case, at some point I decided that it was insanely good idea to start writing about the things that bothered me. In fact, I had a journal before I discovered weblogging, and I suppose it was just the transition from writing things in a book to writing them on the internet.

In any case, my first couple of months of blogging were just a bit... shit. I'm reading back on them and I'm seeing things like signing off with the word "Bye" and they were also really short. I didn't really get my point across ever and stories just didn't flow... If I'm perfectly honest with you, it's just nonsense.

And before you say anything else, this is so not nonsense. Just don't take today's vlog into account when you form your judgement. Or in fact, just go with what I'm saying. What I'm saying is good. Okay? You don't need your own opinions, despite the fact that you are entitled to them, because your opinion is wrong. But of course, there must be someone with a correct opinion. The sort of someone who has two thumbs.

Okay, yeah, even I saw that one coming. I'm sorry.

In any case, there must have been a point where my pointless blogging became awesome blogging. Let's divulge, shall we?

Okay, I can't pin point an exact date, but I can say that I've been awesome for quite a while now. I mean, I went from a shitty lowlife in Feb 2010 to an internet god in Aug 2010 which I can prove with this post. Of course, soon later I started making those cartoons, and they were awesome weren't they? I really can't find my first, but that's probably because I'm not looking very hard. In any case, my best one has got to be Wolf Attack closely followed by Welcome to the Internet, Ethiopia.

It has been an interesting two years. I have grown up a hell of a lot since the early days of the blog. In fact, since then I've had a childhood, which has never happened before. It's a bit of a rushed childhood, but I had one nonetheless.

In any case, it would have all been absolutely pointless if I didn't have you guys. My Real Family. You guys helped me know what it is to be a child, and what it means to have fun, and what it means to be happy. My Kids helped me become more mature and assertive, which helps me with my current position as Head of Production for Demon TV. And of course my uni mates help me to act my age, which I suppose is occasionally needed.

It has been a bumpy road, but I see no road in this world that is better.

Pete out.

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