Wednesday 8 February 2012

I've Been So Fucking Busy

So, on Sunday, it snowed and I vlogged. We also managed to meet this guy:

That's Russell Fucking Howard. I asked him, and he actually confirmed that his middle name is Fucking so I guess that tells you about as much as you need to know outside of his life of comedy.

So yeah, I talked about all of that in my Vlog.

Also in my vlog you get to see snippets of my first ever time on Demon FM, which is a radio station. And that's one resolution officially crossed off! Whoo! *party pop* It was really cool actually. I thought I'd enjoy it, and I wasn't wrong. It wasn't scripted or anything, so it was just all natural. I thought I should add a little spark to it with my witty anecdotes, and I don't think I disappointed. We've actually planned for 6 of us to go on the Unnamed Project in a couple of weeks to make it the best one ever! That's going to be so cool.

In any case, I also released my Electric Teapots video which you can see in the post beneath. I was so the best of the week. Uhh, this week we haven't yet decided what we're going to talk about, but I'm sure I'll be better than everyone else. That's why I'm on Sunday. Best 'til last and all that.

So, Monday. What happened Monday. I must have done loads of stuff, because I was well busy. Let's see... Demon TV meeting at 1, fine, lecture at 2, fine, watched Priest at 3 because I had some time to myself. Priest is the sort of film where the concept is good, and the way they did it is amazing, and the gore and the fight scenes were obviously epic, but I wasn't keen on the acting or the story that they were following. It was very predictable, and I saw everything coming. It was cool, and I liked how they showed what the world would look like if religion was the overruling body and the government and all that, and it's communist. Kind of dictatorshippy as well. What was it they kept saying? "To go against the Church is to go against God." That's why I don't like anyone who puts themselves under any sort of banner, because they're bound by what someone higher up says, and of course they say they're doing the work of God, but they're not really. They just think they are.

Anyway, at 6ish I went to the Marketing meeting and that was alright, then ... oh yeah, Stan the Man invited me over for dinner for some reason. We were talking about elections and all that, and then he was like, "do you want to continue discussing this at mine and have some Chinese?" and I agreed, and obviously nothing more was said of the matter. He is a massive fan of Metal Gear Solid though, so I decided to give that a go, but I hated it and don't want to get it because it's shit.

Tuesday morning though I was woken up at shit-early o'clock in the morning (which roughly translates as 0900) to go to the police station.

Just gonna let you mull that over for a minute. Just let that thought sit in your head.

"What on Earth could sweet old Pete be doing in a police station? He's a model citizen!"

So I went into the police station with some cameras and some equipment and then me and my crew got some police officers to bundle us in their cars and find a nearby park so we could film someone being drunk and disorderly. See? It was a filming opportunity. I wasn't in trouble for anything. There wasn't even a drunk person there, just one of the police officers was acting like that so we could film a police training video.

Wait. Am I allowed to say that? Hang on... I had to sign a form saying that I couldn't repeat anything that I saw or heard in the police station. Inside Voice did it! What? I'm not taking the blame for this! I'm keeping the information to myself! I'm not even planning on revealing what the PCSO did last Friday night with one of the officers. Hang on, what's that noise?

Ah no! Shit! I'm out of here! I didn't say anything, Officer, honest! Don't listen to it, Officer, Inside Voice is a Is my Inside Voice a man? I have expressed my want to be called Linda in the past. Well I'm not doing that so shut up. Anyway, Officer, you can take my Inside Voice away. I would've gotten away with it too if it weren't for you- I'm just going to stop you right there.

Anyway, to get back to the point. For Ben's dissertation he's doing a police training video, so we got to stop some police officers from working to help us film for a while. That was actually the first time, and I can proudly say this, that I have ever been in a police station, and it was for filming! They even gave us tea afterwards, despite the fact that I hate tea. I stomached it because I didn't want to be rude. Damn tea. I can still taste it. It's exactly like hot water with mud and sugar in it. I know almost every culture on Earth throughout history has at some point invented tea and it's internationally liked, but I don't get it. It's horrible.

Anyway, so that was fun. Ben then gave me some tuna-mayo pasta because he owes me big time for helping him out with literally everything he does. I know I'm the Head of Production, but ... well actually I can quote Ben on this. "You wouldn't believe he's a first year purely because he can use the cameras better than most of the third years." Damn straight.

So yeah, then I had a lab where our task was to capture our footage. Guess fucking what. We were only timetabled in the only lab in the Queens building that doesn't have firewire ports so you can't capture anything. I made the executive decision to go down to the Avid labs and use the tape deck, and the tutor was all like, "Hmm?" and I was all like, "Can't be bothered with this anymore. Using the tape deck in Avid" and she was all like, "Oh okay *waffle waffle waffle bullshit waffle*." About ten minutes later the rest of the group joined me. Go figure. I don't like to be smug, and I don't want to sound arrogant, but there are definite perks to being better than everyone else. It makes everyone murmur quietly amongst themselves when I have arguments with the tutors about the best way to do things.

After that was the lecture, in which we got to watch some literal music videos which are hilarious. I can't be bothered talking about this subject any longer. Then there was the Pre-Production meeting in which we talked about... I don't know, upcoming stuff. The latest sketch we've just pre-produced is actually looking really good and should be incredibly funny.

We then went to go and see Chronicle which is amazing. It's the first and only film that got telekinesis correct, and just... ahhhh! I loved it. At first I was kind of like, "aww... another handycam film... That's annoying," but the way they did it when it started to build up was amazing. My Christ it was good. Just the story progression, the concept, the way they did it, and the way they left things out... it was all just so cool. You have to go and see it. I honestly think it's one of the best films I've seen in ages. I really want to see The Grey as well, because Rooster Teeth gave it an amazing rating, so it must be good.

So yeah, that brings us up to the present and I'm waiting for my vlog to export so I can paste it into this video. Kind of hoped that after 40+ minutes it'd be done, but you know how these things go. It's still got 7 minutes left.

Might do a poo.

Pete out.

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