Tuesday 27 April 2010

Terrific Tuesday

I mean that in the good sense and the bad sense of the word.
Some say "Oh terrific!" to mean something fantastic has just happened.
But then there's the "terrific beast" sense, meaning something is terrifying.
Or it can even be just a variation of terrible. They're both adjective forms of terror, anyway.

I'm sorry, what a boring way to start a blog.
Let me tell you a joke.
Did you hear the one about the hippo who did it with a giraffe?
Me neither.
To be honest with you I was trying to make something up on the spot, but I actually have no punchline to that joke.
I'm terribly sorry.
(There you go, another way)

Okay, to be honest, this isn't going brilliantly, so far.
Let's just begin.

First Lesson - Structured Study
I started the day at my locker, then turning to see Johalaha and Bejocr sitting in the plush seating area having an alone time. I decided it best to not disturb this intimate moment and proceeded to watch T's lockers, where no one appeared to be. So I therefore figured that the best thing for me to do would be to wait until either A: they saw me and called me over or B: they got up to move out, at which point it would probably be acceptable to join them.
I decided to do this purely because of a flashback of Lujamc's and Bejocr's relationship, at one point Bejocr had a word with me, telling me that I often interrupted them in their morning snuggle. Now, because I hope I'm a thoughtful person, I let them snuggle and talk in their hushed voices.
Fortunately option A happened, and I joined them for a nice chat, at which point I found out that I didn't really need to worry. But I still will. You guys occasionally need your space, so I'm going to go ahead and make sure I don't butt in at the wrong moment.
To be honest, I'd rather you guys do the "come over here you fool" routine than me walk in on what could be a bad moment.
You may like that idea, you might not.
I'm open to suggestion though.

Tutor Time
By this point I was, for some reason, tired as fuck.
It was probably because I had my French revision in front of me, and that somehow made me doze off.
Raloco managed to fiddle with my eyelashes while I was sleeping, at which point I contorted my face and gave her a "muweughg" look, and she laughed.
I then exited the room with Lamaal, and we chatted for a few moments, she wished me good luck and then separated and went to our lessons.

Second Lesson - French
I kind of revised... sort of as I spoke to the Frenchies about stuff. Having a little laugh as we did so. But the time was slowly looming. I could feel it. It was daunting.

Thought I should mention going to assembly with Bejocr purely because it was a nice little snippet of the day. It was just a nice little pick me up before I had to really think about my French exam.

Third Lesson - AAAAAHHHHH
Scream indeed.
I had my exam during lunch, which was annoying.
It started pretty well.
You know, the part when all you have to do is sit and wait for the exam to start.
Then it went downhill, because the exam started.
Suffice to say it went a bit shit.
Very a bit shit.
So yeah, I can't speak French
That's very apparent.

Fourth Lesson - Almost Media
I say almost because after my exam finished I went for a drink, I then went to the classroom at about 2, at which point Miss T said "and that's the model response, you've got the rest of the lesson to start writing your essays," and then she said "ah, you're just in time, Peter, I'm going to write a question for you." I received my question and then walked off. On my way to "writing the essay" I found Pedadu, Hababasi and other sciencey folk sat around a table in science. I joined them, hardly seeing the point in writing an essay.
Once again I managed to show the picture of the three dogs, to get some "awws" off some attractive girls, and to prove a point to the goat sacrificing, vegetarian, cat eating communist. Some dogs do have beards. Dukeystein made the point "they're German Olympic dogs." Yes, Dukeystein, Schnauzers are German. Is the Olympic thing a stab at German athletes? Do they have beards? I don't know, I don't pay attention to the German Olympische Spiele.

Fifth Lesson - DT
I don't even think that this is even worth a mention. I'm so pissed off at DT right now. I put my heart and soul into it, and once again I do fucking shit. In my book, a C in coursework might as well be a fail. It isn't a one time thing, it's continuous and you can constantly make it better. But nooo, that's final isn't it, Mrs Quinreynolds? And the best part is that I can't drop it next year.
I love DT so much, but I just don't have the ability to create things with my hands. It's horrible. I can do the theory, the design, it'll all look fantastic... and then I do the practical. And it's shit. And then I redesign it in the evaluation, and it looks a lot better, and it's like "why the fuck didn't I just do that then?"
This has been poorly organised. 1 term to do practical isn't enough. Surely Quinny would have seen that. It's obvious. No one finished.
I am angry.

Anyway, that's why it's been a terrific day.
I enjoyed the moments I spent with Bejocr, Pedadu and the rest of the Krewe at different points in the day, but it went downhill for DT and the French exam.
I'd also like to take the moment to say "yeah, I did think you looked nice today, Becca"... but for some reason I didn't in the day. I wanted to say it, I did, I just don't know why I didn't.
French must have brought me down, I didn't even ping your curls!
Anyway, this has been a bit of a lengthy one.
I'm making up for the fact that I haven't posted in 8 days.
That's just too damn long, isn't it?
Did you all even make it this far?
You should, because this is some pretty deep shit.
I mean like "whoa, you've had such a varied day" deep shit.
Excuse my French.

Anyway, peace out.
I'll post sooner rather than next Wednesday.

1 comment:

  1. You so shoulda pinged them. There was a good one near the back of my head that was totally pingable. I will debate curling it again tommorow so you can ping it to make your day.

    And thankyou, I made effort :)

    Bummer about the coursework, I'm in the same position in Bio so I feel your pain. MEGAHUG
