Friday 30 April 2010

Working in...

... working up, and working out.

Yeah, another one of my things.

Putting on, up, in, off and out after a verb makes them so much more awesome.
"Let's roll up, roll in and roll out."
Does it make much sense? No. But it is awesome to say.
Eugh, I always start blogs badly.
That isn't funny or witty.
It's stupid.

Sorry, just put myself in a negative mood.
There's a reason as to why my blog has been titled like it has.
Well, there's a reason for every title, but you know, I'm just working onto the main topic of this blog.

This blog is all about my inability to sustain a regular workout.
And I'm fed up of it.
It's no secret that I'm completely two dimensional.
I'm thinner than an anorexic lemur, for Christ's sake.
This has caused me to have absolutely no energy to do anything for a long period of time.
Yes, I can run pretty quick.
Yes, I can pick up heavy objects.
But can I run a marathon?
Can I move said heavy object from one end of a playing field to the other?
The answer to both of these is no.
And while they might be extreme examples, I think they help put things in perspective.
Constantly I try to get down and do some push ups, but after only a few minutes my body just says "no" and I lay down and start crying, and then I trash my room, and punch the wall in.
It's horrible.
The worst feeling in the world when you realise that you are so completely inadequate that you can't even meet your own expectations.
It's downright disgusting.
You might say "eat more"... yeah, it doesn't work.
I eat more than the rest of my family, suffice to say I'm taller than the rest of them, but where the fuck does all the food go?
I mean, I know I have a super duper immune system that can neutralise bee stings within a minute and destroy Swine Flu in two days, but I'm sure that I don't have a super digestive system?
Since I don't take Biology anymore, I've forgotten most of the stuff that the body can do, but I'm certain that while on the subject of digestion, we didn't cover "what happens when your digestive system is SUPER AWESOME!"
I don't drink Power-thirst or Diet Power-thirst either.
So why doesn't the food I eat convert to muscle instead of fat?
I don't know.
Technically it should do.
But it doesn't.
It just disappears.
And don't even bother asking me about bowel movements, because it's all perfectly normal.
Except I'm not normal.
None of my body makes any sense.
My hands and feet, for example, don't match anything else on my body.
And if you've suddenly thought what I know you've just thought, you disgusting pervert, I mean ANYTHING ELSE ON MY BODY.

And on that note, I'm hungry, haven't eaten in like an hour.
Sorry I turned the happy streak upside down, but I felt the need to post this blog.
I promise the next one will be a good'un.
Actually, no I don't.
Because it might not be.


  1. You have the figure of male models. They're all rail thin.
    It's like SOOO fashionable. :)
    Just set low boundaries? I am proud if I run a minute. I haven't yet done that... Hence I would be proud. XD

  2. :( i wanna hug you right now so ihug
    there is nothing wrong with you at all!#
    your interlegt makes up for the fact you cant do a press up, I cant do one press up either, i just end up with a sore face where i have head butted the ground.

    just be happy with what your given, and really who would want to be friends with somebody who would rather go to the gym than sit and chat x

  3. > and really who would want to be friends with somebody who would rather go to the gym than sit and chat x

    How about someone more vain than the person you described?
