Monday 20 September 2010

Not Very Exciting Monday

You read it, but the day was a lot better than the title sounds. I'm just saying that nothing monumentally awesome happened. Okay, you're right, I shouldn't be so pessimistic, it wasn't a bad day, and that's all you need to know. Aside from what actually happened today, that you apparently need to know... otherwise I wouldn't bother writing these posts, would I?
Happy reading, stalkers.

First Lesson - Media
Using the footage I acquired on Friday before the mad dash around Corby, I created a new scene. I think it's worked quite well, and I managed to fit a slo-mo in there. Slo-mos are cool. If Miss T deems that to be a good enough scene, the only thing left to do is rerecord the sound, and that's an easy task that will require quite a lot of organisation, I presume.

Second Lesson - Free
What happened... oh yeah, after a good chat with Lauren I went to the Media suite to find Josh and once again I showed my awesome Zombie Plan trailer to my main audience. My only problem with production at the moment is that there will never ever be another Epic Zombie Showdown... unless I make a secondary TV spot 0.0 That would be awesome. Okay yeah, we're doing that. Anyway, also this lesson I took my kid out to read the Daily Mail, and what a mistake that was. The put a picture of a cloud in as news... that's not news! Naturally on the front page they had a huge rant about the racist Pope. I see you're keeping up your standards, Daily Mail.

Third Lesson - DT
The only thing worth mentioning about this lesson is the fact that Josh came in towards the end and started explaining his simple, yet somehow complicated, design to me, drawing pictures and the like. He then revealed that he wanted to mentor DT. That reminds me of something...

Messiah 2.0 Chapter 4, verse 18
And god said unto the Hutch, "You will teach others to do as you have done. Others must follow in your footsteps and mentor creatures of a lower age. You must guide them through this, Peter Hutchinson, don't think your only purpose as the Second Coming is to defeat Evil Tyrant Lord Dukeystein after a seven-year-long battle," and thus it was so.

Well, job done, I say. I should update my Bible.

Fourth Lesson - Free
Absolutely nothing suspicious happened in this lesson at all. I made a few awesome metaphors for no particular reason though. I also uh... stalling... did my German homework.

Fifth Lesson - German
We watched a really interesting film about the fall of the Berlin Wall and how it pretty much started in Hungary when they decided to open their borders and just let all of the East Germans out. But I won't bore you with the details, but it is quite interesting though.

So, that was my Monday. I told you that it wasn't as bad as the title made it sound. I'm really hungry.
Until next time.

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