Sunday 26 September 2010

This is Heresy

Six days between posts and I haven't even been that busy, I know, it's heresy. But don't get me wrong, Friday through today I haven't had five minutes to myself, so let's just recap the awesome things that I've saved up because I don't have anything else to currently talk about.

My Kids
Sometimes I hate them and sometimes I love them. This is one of those occasions where I loved them, because they didn't have time to annoy me, and neither did I. Wednesday they were little dicks, aside from the good ones who never cause me problems, but Thursday in my DT lesson I went into their lesson to do some scanning, and you'll never guess what I ended up doing. That's right, I walked in, fired up my work and suddenly I hear a thousand kids pleading, "Peeeeeter, can you help me?" with their annoying voices. But after a while it was clear that Mrs Wright clearly didn't have the capability to look after them, so when Courtney and a couple of others ended up in the laser room and didn't have a clue how to work the thing, I gave them five minutes of my time just to set it up, and every now and then I went back in to ask them how they were doing, because I'm the nicest person in the world. Back in the computer room I didn't help them all that much because in there I had no excuse to help them, and because all the nice kids were in the laser room. Hey, all teachers pick favourites. Don't judge me.

On Friday afternoon I was invited to spend time with Josh and Maisie, which was fantastic. I'm grateful to them for letting me spend time with them, and I certainly hope I didn't get in the way of their personal time. Highlights include correcting Joshi's review of Just Cause 2 (on now!) and watching the Hangover at Maisie's house while she opened her presents.

Night at the Hilton
After spending all of two hours at home I went to Josh Hilton's house to play Halo: Reach under his offer and request. Apparently he owed me for something, but I can't for the life of me think what that would be. Anyway, we basically played until 3 in the morning, finishing the campaign and doing some Firefight in the process. It was incredibly fun.

So I went home on Saturday at about midday and after about an hour I went to make some money by throwing things into a tip. Best £20 I ever made. So yeah, I got home at 4, and then half an hour later I went bowling. So, at this point I had spent a total of 3 and a half hours at home in the past two days. That's not bad at all. Bowling was great fun, as it always is. After that we went to get me my copy of Halo: Reach and then some food. Everyone but Josh and I chickened out and got Subway, but Josh and I were clever and got some chicken from the kebab shop. Not only was it cheaper than Subway, but it also came with the advantage of being a complete meal. After people started to dissipate we ended up back at Joe's house for a short while, and then I went home to play Halo: Reach.

Anyway, today is Sunday and nothing will happen, but I'm not bothered, because I've had a really great weekend. More of these to come, please!

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