Thursday 1 March 2012


So today I've started something entirely new: weekly updates. It's kind of like the "my day" thing I did... wait, why the fuck don't I just do that for my vlog? Duh. No, because I don't actually have proper structure to my days and things happen over the week instead of just a day like they used to happen back in Brooke Weston.

Either way, this is slightly reminiscent of the days of old, except I just talk about the stuff I've done. For this video in particular I mainly talk about Granite Moths and how that's going. Still can't believe that Entry 52 is already longer than the original Marble Hornets. It's fucking mental. Anyway, I'm thinking that I want to do a new comic, but I haven't really got any ideas. I want to at least give a reason for this blog to exist now that I have my videos, which could cover everything. But then what would I do? Exactly. I can't be bothered invading your videos all the time; it's too much effort. I know, Inside Voice, and that's exactly why I need to come up with something new to write about, rather than talk about. Although I suppose the childhood adventures things will always and forever be written, because they're supposed to be blast to the past and all that, and I don't think they'd make very good videos in any case. I mean, have you heard me trying to explain what happens in a day on video? It's terrible.

Anyway, if you have any ideas for a comic or whatever, let me know and I'll crack on with it. Oh, and I suppose a new politically correct story couldn't go amiss. So there's a comment section below for you to use, and for god's sake use it. Or just text me, or Facebook me. I honestly don't case. In fact, I think I prefer the text/Facebook idea; mainly because I can see those straight away.

Right, I'm currently writing about nothing now, so let's bug out.

Pete out.

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