Monday 16 August 2010

Boots in the Mud Monday

Yup, we started school again today. That was depressing. Although it didn't actually shape up to be that bad a day.
So, let's get stuck in. Boots in the mud and all that (title reference for the win).

First Lesson - Media
The day started as a Monday always does start. I met up with the Krewe at the lockers and we proceeded to Biology. The addition of Josh Quach and Maisie to the team, I must say, is damn awesome. And yes, Becca, your new dress is indeed nice.
So, unto the breach. It turns out that Miss T wasn't in today, and thus we were tasked with doing what we always do in Media. Miss Nicholson simply stated "Miss T has sent you a lovely letter and she's damaged her leg. Off you go." Okay, that's not what always happens, but a variation of that not involving Miss T snapping the tendons in her legs because she apparently can bend them backwards. The principal is the same. I then picked up my Luke again after he had decided that going to Chemistry was certainly not a necessity, and thus we spent the lesson together. I was supposed to be doing some work, and I did a mild amount, but then script writing ensued, and I simply couldn't resist.

Second Lesson - Structured Study
I must say, it was a relatively similar structure to Media. We ended up doing scripts and various other pointless activities... I did a small amount of work. They also then decided to put ALL of my folders on my pen drive into a billion other sub folders that were inappropriately named. The bastards.

Third Lesson - French
Not for long, I hope. As soon as I get my results in, I'm out of there. Out of there faster than a cheetah on speed (feels good to relive past phrases). We did annoying work, and I decided to do nothing and sit there apparently reading my work. What did I pick up from that? Nothing. Nothing at all. It was a total waste of my time. At least lunch wasn't so bad.

Fourth Lesson - DT
Ah yes, a Jedi's weapon, DT. You're right, that is the second time I've said "Ah yes, a Jedi's weapon." This is because nowadays I can't leave a quote unfinished, and naturally any male who isn't Dukey who says "Ah yes" automatically sounds like Emperor Palpatine, whether through what they actually sound like or by fault. Either way, the words "a Jedi's weapon" always play in my head after it is said.
Anyway. The lesson wasn't all that bad. I had a nice chat with Nigel and the other DT teachers as they told me about past events, like Mr Barrett's huge ass Omega medallion and their failed wind turbine work. Haha, as it is said in the business. They do seem to have a lot of fun though, as I do, in the DT department. It truly is a great place to be. Josh has decided to stay, despite the fact that he's dropping DT. So fuck you, DT haters. This is the best place to be on the planet. Well, maybe not on the planet... but at least in the school. It's super awesome, super massive, and everyone totally loves it. But enough about my penis, the DT department is great, and that's what we're actually talking about.

Fifth Lesson - German
Oh what fun this lesson was. We made posters about GM crops. Joe and Duke drew a lovely picture of a pumped up Sunflower, and I and Josh did various other things, like calling GM crops heresy, and drawing a super virus, and also taking me seriously when I said "Every night a piano will be dropped on your head if you make GM crops." What a laugh we have.

So, that was my Monday, that wasn't that bad at all. I'm just super exhausted.
I mean, look at the length of this post, you'd be exhausted after writing all that too. The day was also pretty tiring.
Hmm, hunger has struck. Must find small amount of food and turn it into a meal to feed five hundred. Messiah powers, activate! *Flies off into the sunset. What a hero*

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