Thursday 12 August 2010


I felt I needed an update, so here goes.

I've had quite a busy week to be honest with you.
Sunday I was with Luke and Joe for some catching up and chilling out, then on Monday I did some chilling out of my own, Tuesday us lot played some football, basketball and any other game we could think of and then Wednesday was picnic day with various folks.
All of which has been tremendous fun.
What now?

While this holiday has been full of being out of the country and spending lots of time with people, I am missing the people that I don't hang around with as much. And Camp Brooke Weston. I am missing Camp Brooke Weston, right in the heart of Berlin.
I also of course miss Becca, who has been away this week, and of course I was away last week, and she's going away with the rest of everybody next week, so you know. I miss her.
She also thinks I'm a generous person.
Guess I was right, I am the nicest person in the world. And don't you forget it, puny mortals.
I'm also missing my kids, but not that much. I use them to escape from life, and this isn't the kind of life I want to escape from, to be honest. It could be better, but it could be much, much worse. For example, Joe might move to Corby. That would be much, much worse. I could live in Iraq. That's be pretty bad, too. Now imagine that Joe moved to Corby, Becca didn't return to Kettering, and I lived in Iraq with the same people that I'm forced to live with right now, and you have hell right there.
The ideal situation would be that my real family find me, and take me away from these arseholes and/or the family I've chosen to call my family (my close friends) all decide that, yes, it would be a good idea to build a huge house in the countryside to live in forever. That'd solve a lot of problems.
But hey, we all dream.

What I need to do now is find myself a girlfriend before I turn 18, so that I can maybe have the sensation of being with someone on my birthday, and then maybe I'd have a reason to actually be alive on Valentine's day as well.
But hey, we all dream.

So when I said nothing has happened, I lied a bit.
Nothing has changed, though. Change would be nice. A nice bit of change. (No, Joe, not that kind of change).
But school next week will be completely detrimental to the progression of change.
Damn it. I also have a week with no one but Luke to look forward to.
Don't get me wrong, I love Luke and all that, but I only see him in frees, so the rest of it will suck.
Suck donkey balls.
Big, fat, sweaty, swollen donkey bo-hollocks.
Elaborate curse for you there.

Well, that was a neat little update for you.
See you all soon.

1 comment:

  1. you'll have us for the first physics lesson of the week!
