Monday 21 March 2011

Wahey Monday

That "wahey" was more sarcastic than your little brother, who has conveniently just learnt the meaning of sarcasm and is now using it more often than a schizophrenic hippo. Ah, but you thought this was going to be a simile that made sense, didn't you? You should know me better. However, I am willing to explain exactly why a schizophrenic hippo is sarcastic. It turns out that the voices in its head are incredibly stupid (because hippos don't have the mental capacity to create voices that are in the least bit intelligent) and therefore it's constantly like, "well duh..." and "oh no... really?" and does it a lot. A lot. And that, my friends, is how sarcastic my "wahey" was in the title of this blog post. Perhaps I should explain why. Today was the first day back at school. Good enough reason? Good.

First Lesson - Media
Ah, Media on Monday mornings. What a lesson I don't want to do. It was actually fairly interesting though, because we were talking about regulation in the media. See, Miss Mankiewicz (I have totally learned how to spell her name now) asked us how the media is regulated. She was thinking along the lines of Ofcom and ITC, who are the companies that control what goes on TV based on complaints. Taking that into consideration, I argued (only in my notes, mind) that it is in fact the public who completely control the media in every way. Sure, the government might have a say in it, but ultimately the goal of any producer or editor is to make the audience watch or read their media and so they need to tailor it to the public's needs. If something racist is said on Eastenders, five million people will collectively gasp, pick up their telephones or go on the internet and complain the shit out of it. Eastenders will then make sure that they never broadcast racism again. So yeah, there you go. We're in control of the media. Well, all except the newspapers. They're self-regulated. Which is fine. That means that they get to decide what the public read about. Same rules apply though.

Second Lesson - Free
Dukey and I claimed a Sophia this lesson. Dukey was meant to be editing his footage in the Media Suite, and I have no idea how he got on with that. I was far too distracted by Sophia. I guess I'll tell you why now. This time it wasn't her good looks, but the fact that we have to do an Extended Project together. Basically, she gets to write a film script, and I get to make the trailer for it. So that's what we talked about for the entire lesson. Not sure what was concluded, but hey, at least I know what's going on now. It's a pretty cool idea, it must be said.

Third Lesson - DT
Eugh. I swear Miss Ainscow is actively trying to make me fail DT. Westie told me earlier that she was being smug about my not-quite-my-own-aspirational-target result in my recent exam. This makes me angry. Who the fuck does she think she is? She has no right to be a dick, because she's a teacher. Well, I say teacher. She's officially been demoted to Bitch-Whore from Hell. Actually, that sounds far too nice. Bitch-Crack-Whore-Vagina-Penis-Dickhead from Hell. There, that's more like it. Dare I even write that she's a ... a cunt? I think she might be. That's definitely my lowest rating, now that I've cleaned my language up. And you know what? Everybody in the world hates Mr Gilligan, but he's a damn-side more helpful than Miss Ainscow ever was or will be. As long as Nigel doesn't leave the department ever, it'll be cool.

Fourth Lesson - Free
I've just noticed that I didn't say anything about the lesson of DT. Oh well, it was boring and you wouldn't care about what I did. Incidentally, in this free I can't really remember what I did, probably because I didn't do very much at all. Hmm... Sophia and I continued our movie conversation, but that was possibly the most productive part of the lesson. That can't be good.

Fifth Lesson - Deutsch
You know what I've realised? It's a really bad idea for Mr Nicholls to teach us controversial topics like stem cell research because it really does divide up the people and cause a massive huge-ass argument that wastes these precious lessons. I've always been of the opinion that people have opinions and that I respect that. What I don't understand is why people like us, you know, the ones who are supposed to be completely open minded and all up for changing the world and not letting stuff like dictatorships and communism appear in the world again, argue the shit out of each other. I don't think it makes any sense. For example, I completely agree with stem cell research. There is no chance that that embryo could become life, because it was aborted and therefore never alive, so why not put it to good use? However, I understand that people could argue against that in the sense that abortion shouldn't happen because you're stopping life from happening, and playing with embryos is bad because it's undoing god's work and all that. I get it. You know what else I don't get? Atheists. They were the people who set out to ... well that's the thing. Atheism is now, technically, a religion, because they follow a code of ethics, they all band themselves together as societies and they have enemies. There are two reasons as to why I call myself a Christian. 1: I was born a Christian, and I'm sure my real parents would've raised me by their code of ethics, which would've been fine. 2: Atheists are close minded bastards. That doesn't mean to say that I hate atheists, because I believe in all the stuff that they believe in but I leave an open mind about it. If suddenly we find out that science is wrong and god is real then I wouldn't care. The fact of the matter is I don't want to believe in one thing, because that means that your life is pretty much set out for you. If you're an atheist, you live to prove religion wrong and then you die. If you're a Christian or of similar faith (Judaism, Islam... well, religion) then you live to spread the word of the lord and after you die you go on to the afterlife, in whichever form you believe. I should really have done this as a separate rant post. Maybe I will one day.

Apologies for the long rant about nothing to do with anything on topic... I may have gotten carried away. On a final note though, I'd like to make it apparent that the internet hates my blog. I don't know why, but whenever I'm writing a post, the internet, without fail, will break. It's aggravating, to say the least.

And with that being that, I'm done.

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