Tuesday 1 March 2011

Welcome to March

I had loads of things on my mind that I need to apparently clear up on here, but I can't for the life of me remember what half of those things are. Oh wait, I remember now. Pointless inventions and cartoons. Understood.

I've been informed that my MS Paint cartoons are something of a hilarity among my fellows, and as such I shall either incorporate them into future Salutes to Stupidity or just stick them in any old place. So now I give you a plea. A plea for help. I need you, my audience, to tell me what kind of cartoons I can draw so that I can stick them up here on this old blog. We'll make the name of my blog become even more ironic as we become even less cliché than a duck-billed platypus. That was a bit of a cliché simile, wasn't it? We'll be even less cliché than a mask-wearing owl who fights crime during the day (because humans fight crime at night... get it?) using nothing but a pickaxe and an awesome utility belt.
That's the least cliché thing you'll ever see. Until 50 people copy it.

My new name is Bugs (or Bugsy. I think I prefer Bugsy) as a replacement to Hutchy because I hate that name and it's awful. However, do feel free to call me by my actual name (Peter, for those of you watching at home).  Also, Joshua H came up with my new name, and somehow took a million years to think of it.

Pointless Inventions
You know what? The muffin case is the single most pointless invention ever. It's not technically a case. It doesn't hold your muffin. It should really be called a muffin seat because that's what it's for. Muffins sit in it. They just sit and they stay there until you rip the muffin from its cosy little bucket seat and eat it. You then throw that perfectly good seat away. "You know what? I'm taking this couch." Exactly, Han, exactly.

Also, I don't actually have any other pointless inventions, but I thought it would be a nice touch. How about I make it a future addition to this month's round of blog posts? Hoert wie ein Plan.

As some of you may know, I'm going to Berlin next week, and that means that you'll not get some juicy me for a whole entire week! I have a contingency plan, so have no fear. The person whom I most trust might be made an author for the week so that they can post the various happenings during the week, and then when I'm back I'll give you such an update that you might cream yourself.

The Chickenpede
Just because.

I would give you the context... but I honestly don't think there's much point.

Anyway, that's all that done and done. Time to roll up, roll off and roll out.


  1. not pointless, if you don't put a muffin in a muffin case it is just a splodge of batter and even if you use a muffin tin if you don't put in a muffin case (unless it is a silicone muffin tin) then they are impossible to remove without falling to bits :)

  2. I put it to you that if you use a non-stick muffin tin (which I believe is a silicon muffin tin, as you said) then it perfectly fine and easy to remove. If you leave it in there until it sets.
