Tuesday 29 March 2011

Stupifying Tuesday

Hi, it's Tuesday.

First Lesson - Free
Well this was a nice lesson. Since we're really digging into this Granite Moths project, I decided to start scripting up the coming Entries which will be uploaded to the Tube of You sooner rather than later. It's pretty cool.

Second Lesson - DT
Right, so, this lesson was all about ... I'm not entirely sure really. I made a prototype for the things that will hold up the bike, and it turns out that I can twist aluminium really easily. So yeah, that's going to work really well. Quite well. Well enough.

Third Lesson - Free
Again... I was writing Granite Moths, but this lesson Dukey showed Edwards Granite Moths so that we can integrate him into our little pack of everyone who watches Granite Moths. Our influence is spreading. None can stop us.

Fourth Lesson - Media
Christ this lesson was interesting. Last week we were talking about regulating the internet and about how countries like Libya and Egypt are rallying up against the government by using the internet as a tool of communication to actually organise these events. This week we were talking about marxism, which is also very interesting. Karl Marx envisioned that despite what we may think, we are never really free and are always controlled by a higher power. In our case, it's the fact that we're controlled by the government. We're not free. At all. He basically stated that democracy doesn't truly exist, and I totally agree with him.

Fifth Lesson - Free
Another boring lesson for you, I'm afraid. I wrote Granite Moths.

Okay, now for the bits of the day that I didn't put in because I completely forgot where they were. At several points during today Sophia and Luke both hug attacked me. While this is fine, it can get painful, especially when Luke does his massive bear hug. Also Becca said at one point, "I was thinking earlier 'Hutchy is really attractive'" when she saw that I had new glasses. Oh yeah, I have new glasses. I suppose you want to see them. Waste of time. Okay then. But yeah, several people came across me wearing these spectacles (hah, you see because spectacular) That was not hilarious. But yeah, confidence boost for the win. Thank you, Becca.

Also today, Dukey signed up to the Marble Hornets twitter page and came across this:

You see that's hilarious for people who watch Marble Hornets. You know what else is funny for people who watch Marble Hornets? Granite Moths. It's just fantastic.

I don't know what else to say really. Oh yeah, I was walking Walter earlier and came across this guy and I immediately thought, "Shit, youths are about" but then his two little kids appeared. I was like "Aww" and then he challenged them to a race to the end of the path and I was like "Aww" and Inside Voice was all like "What a great guy he is". He's one of the people who claw back humanity for the human race. Well done, sir, well done.

And now I'm done. Ciao.

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