Friday 1 April 2011

Note To Self:

Today was pretty awesome.

That was the note to myself. Since it's against the law to do a Thursday post when it's only just been Tuesday's post (if you didn't get that, I'm referring to the day-specific My Day blog posts) I'm not going to do that, but what I can do is tell you about various stuffs that happened.

WARNING: This post may be dangerously like Entry 30 from Granite Moths. Tedious and not at all exciting. Don't get your hopes up.

So I was in DT earlier and I did my thumb in. At first I thought it was just loads of little cuts, but it turns out that it wasn't. My thumb is now pretty knackered and I can't use it very much. I'm not fretting though, because it's only a minor injury and just feels like someone has put a 2kg weight on it and just left it there. That's bloody rude. They should take their 2kg weight back. It's hurting my thumb. Bastard.

Also in DT I inspected some of the kids' work. Most of them are average, "Oh I don't have any ideas so I'll just copy exactly what I put in my mood board" but this kid called Jake, whom you'd assume is going to fail because he's a character, is just about one of the most amazing artists I've seen... in year 9 at least. I was completely taken aback by just how good these drawings were. They were incredible. Like, this girl sitting next to him was drawing horses, and they were pretty good, but Jake's funky stars and swirls and shit were... I hesitate to say out of this world because that would be a pun. Hah, pun, that's funny. I know right? Yeah, I used a pun, deal with it.

Later in the day I met my kids again as I was getting ready to go home. The usual state of affairs happened. Casey and Lilly were all like, "Oh my god it's Peter!" and Casey was all like, "I well miss you in DT" and then Lilly was like, "Look, take a look at this!"

I was not prepared for what I was about to see.

It was disturbing.

So Lilly pulled out a bit of paper from her top pocket. I grew anxious. Nothing that they'd want to show me could ever possibly be a good thing. In fact, I can show you exactly what they had on this piece of paper.

Not entirely sure why that image stretched, but meh. It's not important.

But yeah, basically my kids found a picture of me on the school website, and it's definitely not the most complimentary picture of me of all time, printed it off and underneath wrote the words, "WE LOVE YOU PETE!!!!" This is scary. This is mega scary. At first I thought it was just like harmless school-girl crush and what have you, but this is like actual obsession. Lauren called to me in the Sainsbury's carpark earlier and my first thought was, "Oh this better not be one of my kids." Thankfully it wasn't one of my kids, and it was Lauren, which was a nice surprise actually, but still. The kids are getting closer. They've gotten dangerously close to where I live. Like only half a mile out. They now have a general idea of where I'm situated most of the time.

This is going to be my last entry.

I've decided to quit.

Marble Hornets quote FTW.

I'm joking of course. My kids are only little tiny Slender Creatures, so they can't hurt me. Sure they can emotionally scar me, but physically I think I'll be okay. Unless of course they form up and realise that if they transform all at the same time then they'll become Mega Slender Man.


It bears not thinking about.

On a less creepy topic I had a wonderful conversation with Courtney earlier about the near future. I'm not going to transcribe it to you, I just thought you (and I) needed confirmation that not all of my kids are weirdos who stalk me.

Oh, by the way.
*Audio distortion*

Fear my kids. Always fear my kids.

You know what would make it even worse? If they set up a parallel blog to this one and start making responses in the form of weird riddles that make little to no sense. I don't think they're that smart though.

Right, that's it from me for now. I should probably mention my Real Family while I'm here today. I thoroughly enjoyed the Free last with Becca and Joe after some light DT work, and before that the lesson with Lophia. Epic funness.

I'll see you soon.

1 comment:

  1. I love how in this blog it makes blates obvious that me and Joe are me and Joe, not Boe or Joecca or anything, but Luke and Sophia can only be Lophia. :D

    There's something about that that makes me really proud.
