Sunday 10 April 2011

The Weekend in Briefs

Okay, just you wait and see why I called it that.

But first: What are the similarities between a seal and a pinball machine?
Both have flippers
Both make really loud noises
and both are a fucker to get into the back of a transit van

That's hilarious and you know it. 

Okay, so on yesterday I briefly stated that I was making a new film trailer. This is true. It is called Norra. Norra means rabbit hole. It's basically Alice in Wonderland but instead of falling into a rabbit hole the main character goes crazy and starts seeing "Norra" in her mind, and eventually spills over into her reality. Soon enough she can't tell what's what anymore nor who to trust, aside from her willing companion, Tibbar. 

I, the director, played the part of Tibbar. 

Tibbar is rabbit spelt backwards.

Sophia, the writer, played the part of Lacie. 

Lacie is an anagram of Alice. 

Josh, the actor, played the part of Chris/Evil Chris. 

Chris, and his alter ego Evil Chris, have nothing to do with Alice in Wonderland at all. He is, in fact, just a character that was spawned purely because a villain needed to be added to the story so that we get props for using Propp's narrative theory. Did you see what I did there? That was hilarious. That was a fun pun, if you will. 

Ironically, there is no pun for pun. 

So yeah, let me tell you about the day rather than ruining the plot any more than I have done so far. We arrived at Sophia's house at like half 1ish and immediately Josh was amazed with Sophia's house. Sophia then proceeded to make us some BLTs, which definitely puts her like at least above most other people in my list of favourite people. You know what? Sophia is above my kids in terms of importance to me. All because of a sandwich. Although of course I must state that there are other elements to Sophia which make her a wonderful person and in need of a gold trophy for some kind of achievement. Perhaps a sandwich achievement of excellence for excellent sandwiches. Yeah, sandwiches. Anyway, after we got dressed we headed out into Norra to film. 

What a wonderful, magical place Norra is. 

Anyway, on the way home I managed to scrounge a lift for Josh and I off my Dad since he was driving through. I only mention this because it was Josh's first time in a BMW, and he liked it. He also made a fat joke, "Well, she's got her own post code and that's all I'll say on the matter," to which my Dad responded, "Post code? That's a good one that is." I have no idea if Josh sees my father for the bastard he is because I think that he might like him. Oh well. 

That was literally the party theme. 

I went as this: 

Yup, Luke and I went as the Blues Brothers. I don't think anyone was certain who was what Brother, but clearly I'm Elwood. It's just obvious. 

Okay, so while I've got these Facebook pictures up I might as well tell you who the rest of My Real Family went as on this occasion. 

So in photo order, Bekah went as Bulbasaur. 

Dukey went as James Bond, with David Edwards supporting him as a Brain Surgeon

Joe went as a builder alongside Andy and Bekah's Dad

Becca went as herself. 

What? Becca is a boxer, and her ring name is Becca "The Boss" Cross. Don't let that sweet innocent face fool you, Aimee tried to punch her and she only fell to the floor in pain. 

Maybe not quite the floor, but she did recoil. My shutter speed wasn't fast enough to get a picture of that. I mean, I definitely wouldn't want to capture Becca's moment of absolute pain on camera for the world to see forever, that would be rude and unkind. 

Anyway, moving on to the other well-dressed characters. I say well-dressed. Harry and Hoier went as Gayman and Crotchboy. 
Superego powers, activate!

You see it's hilarious because they're always like that. 

Oh yeah, Dukey went as Bob Marley. 

Confused? You should be. 

Anyway, the winner of the best costume went to, and with good reason, Brendan. He dressed up as a battery

How fucking cool is that? 

Oh, you know how everyone in the world has been asking, "What would Peter Hutchinson look like if he were blonde?" No one's been asking that question. Did I not get rid of you? Not now, not ever. 

And you know what? Those same people asked, "Well it's well and good seeing Peter wearing a blonde wig, but he can't pull it off because he's not a female. If only there were a female closely linked with him who has short, brown hair."

Consider yourselves lucky. In fact, she pulls that off rather well, doesn't she? 

As for what happened. Well, I can safely say that the usual shenanigans happened, but I'm not going to try and detail it because I know that I can't possibly do it justice. Very many wishes to you, Bekah and I hope you have a great birthday when it actually comes around. 

We cool here? 

Oh wait, I gave you an awesome blog title that I said I was going to do something with and then I never did. What kind of cruel hearted man must you think I am right now? Well, dear reader, I don't think you could possibly be prepared for this:

Fucking pun. 

And with that being that, I think I'll call it a wrap. 

See you when I see you. Well when else are they going to see you? Fuck off, Inside Voice. 

1 comment:

  1. There's a film your Norra plot reminds me of. It's called Phoebe In Wonderland and is about a little girl who feels so restricted by the rules around her she goes a bit OCD and Tourettesy and fantisises that the characters of Wonderland are joining her in everyday life until it eventually leads to a DRAMATIC CLIMAX! :D
    It's a good movie. Josh has it on his big badass film harddrive.
