Friday 15 April 2011

DT Thursday

It's not Thursday. Shut up.

First Lesson - DT
Before I crack on with today's first lesson (because it was fucking boring. I can actually summarise it with one abbreviation: DT), I'll need to tell you about what I did first. My first task was to add text to my Norra trailer, which took like three minutes. I then went to get my script and saw a Joe and Becca along the way and after I got my script went down to say hi and have a chat. We ended up at Becca's classroom because it was nearing the beginning of lessons. Naturally Joe and Becca had their goodbye snog, but then Joe then kind of bolted out of the door and Becca put her arms around me. I didn't quite know what to make of it, and then her face got closer to mine. She said something, but Inside Voice was shouting at me so loudly that I don't remember what it was. IV said something like this:
"Shit, what the hell do I do in this situation? Fuck, I need to advise Outside Voice. Do I resist and protect my friendship with Joe or do I embrace it and ruin everything? Wait, how do I even know that she's not joking. She's probably joking. Okay, her face it still getting closer to mine. Fuck, OUTSIDE VOICE! DO SOMETHING! DON'T JUST STAND THERE LIKE A BRAIN-DEAD LEMON! LEMONS DON'T EVEN HAVE BRAINS!" 
Luckily Becca veered off and simply gave me a peck on the cheek. But seriously, IV was on overload then. It wasn't even obscene. IV was genuinely worried about morals and shit. My Inside Voice is usually the one who doesn't give two shits about morals.
Also, DT is boring and I don't want to talk about it for this lesson.

Second Lesson - DT
Ah, now you see interesting things happened this lesson. Actually, I lie. I wanted to drill some more of my rods on the lathe, but Lottie got there first so I... I'm not entirely sure what I did if I'm fairly honest with you. I do, however, know that Courtney came into the lesson for a bit of the lesson because there wasn't room in her class or whatever. So yeah, we talked about what she's doing, and she's going for fast track Science as her difficult option and catering as her easy choice, Geography as her humanity and German as her language, so that's cool. I do genuinely have high hopes for this girl.

Third Lesson - German
:O Something that isn't DT!? Shocking, isn't it? Anyway, today we did something about Die Welle, but the only thing worth talking about is Das Experiment. It's a film where people volunteer to act out prison life for two weeks. Some people are made guards, and the rest are prisoners. Obviously in the beginning everyone thinks it's a big joke and they don't really care, but then the guards start to get pissed off because if the experiment doesn't work then they don't get money. So basically, they start being more like real prison guards and take away their beds and clothes and such to make them obey. Macht durch Beschämung. Power through humiliation. It's fucking awesome. The only unfortunate thing is that we're watching it in chunks because we don't technically have enough time in lessons to watch it.

Fourth Lesson - DT
Lottie was still on the lathe this lesson, but Lottie being Lottie she was scared of the big spinny machine. I say scared, more not willing to even try and get her work out of the chuck because she believed herself to be too weak to do it. I know what it really was, she just wanted to check out my guns. I get it. Anyway, she was turning down her work using the auto-lathe-thingy-that-I-don't-know-what-it's-called-that-makes-the-tool-rest-move-automatically. You've got to be quite on the ball to use this to make sure it doesn't accidentally hit the chuck. She managed that fine. However, when it came to my turn, I obviously moved the tool rest out of the way of the chuck so I could put the drill on, but when I turned it on... you'll never guess what turned on as well? Yup, the auto-lathe-thingy-that-I-don't-know-what-it's-called-that-makes-the-tool-rest-move-automatically. The tool hit the chuck and there was a really loud, horrible noise. I kicked violently at the lathe to stop it. No really, to stop this lathe in an emergency you just have to kick violently. Very effective. I then took a look at the damage. At first I thought that I had completely destroyed everything, because that's exactly what it sounded like. But it turned out that I had just turned down the chuck a bit, leaving nice little strips of chuck in the pile of metal swarf and a great big gleaming ring around the chuck. It's really quite beautiful. However, it was only a matter of time before Gilligan would emerge from the Gillycave and realise that Westie and I were staring in disbelief at the lathe, so we quickly acted by hiding the bits of chuck that had been shaved off. I don't think he noticed.

Fifth Lesson - DT
Right, so let me just summarise DT for you now. It's going well and I'm super happy. This is the lesson in which I proved that my scissor jack would work. In fact, let me just carry this bit on tomorrow since it is tomorrow.

Since tomorrow is today, I'm going to take this opportunity to say that DT is fucking awesome. Josh and I got my scissor jack done and done today. That's the biggest hurdle done and done. I'm really quite proud of it. One of the yr11s on the bus told me that it was awesome and he quoted Mr Barrett, "You see that? That's Product Design with Engineering in the same project." Fucking yeah, Mr B, using my work to advertise Product Design to the younger years. So yeah, he's pleased, as am I. In fact, I'm mega super pleased. You know how pleased I was? I was so pleased that I played rounders. In fact, take a look at this:

That's me using the force. This is actual proof that I have super powers.

Right, I think I'm going to finish here.

No I'm not.

This evening I went to the pub with the Brotherhood plus Becca and Hoier and had a really genuinely lovely time. We got cake :) The cake is definitely not a lie.

Okay, now I'm done.

Bye :)

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