Thursday 15 December 2011


I know what you're thinking. With a title like that this is sure to be a controversial blog post. And so let it be a controversial blog post.


Basically, Dukey set me off earlier because he made a very good point. Let me quote him, "If the disabled really wanted to be treated equally, how come their spaces aren't randomly strewn across the car park."

Let me just clarify for a second, I have no problem with disabled people having their own car parking spaces next to the entrance of the shops. On reflection, I think it is very balanced and fair to let these people have these spots to make their lives easier and happier.

In fact, I'm just going to shut up about disabled people. They're not actually what I'm talking about.

What I am going to talk about is the rant that I think I've said to about half a dozen people already. What you are about to witness is my racism rant.

So do you remember a couple of years ago when the whole world was rallying together to put an end to racism? Yeah, the negros and Asians and just about everyone else wanted to be able to move about the world and settle down anywhere and be instantly accepted. Fine. I don't have a problem with this. What I have a problem with is that when all these people move in with us, they form their own societies. Now, it's almost fine if it's for religious beliefs (I say almost because I'm just not okay with any closed group), but otherwise if you want to mix with us so badly why do you then create Little India or Puny Pakistan in the middle of Leicester or indeed the entirety of Poland in Northamptonshire? To me, it doesn't make any sense. Yes, okay, it's easier to make friends with people that you're in some way related to, but surely the point of moving around the world was to mix with other cultures, and not to force your own culture upon everyone else and then claim racism when we say no?

If you think I'm being a little insensitive, then I'm afraid you can go and fuck yourself. Because the world isn't going to work unless everyone understands everyone, and let's face it, half of the reasoning behind racism is that the racists don't understand who they're picking on. They look at someone different and immediately think that this is wrong because let's face it, racists are mindless idiots.

But even so, I caught myself being pissed off because some Polish people opened a convenience store in the middle of my home town that was aimed entirely at the Polish population. I have no problem with the Polish making businesses, but for them to have everything written in Polish is wrong. If you now really think that I'm a racist, then take an example from whenever I go abroad. I am always absolutely pissed off when I see shops that are aimed exclusively for English people in other countries. As much in the same way that people should adapt to our culture when they move over here, we should do the same when we go abroad. So if you were to call me racist, then you'd have to say I was racist to everyone including myself. Does that make sense to you?

In fact, at the end of the day, the only people who, ironically, I'm not angry at for falling for any of this crap is the French. They keep themselves to themselves. Yes, they're really rude and lazy, but they don't just sit by and let English shops open. They're too pig-headed to that. And they're not a communist country, so that's in a way plus points for them. I didn't think I'd be commending the French for much, but this time I have. Well done?

Umm, once again, if you found me to be offensive in any way, I didn't mean to be. I'm just expressing what is apparent in society, and I believe I have formed an effective and balanced conclusion based on the results. You dig?

Pete out.

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