Sunday 4 December 2011

Ted's Band, the Blanks

FYI: Because I'm awesome like that my vlog posts only relate to my blog posts now, and are no longer spoken versions of it. This means that you now have to view all of my content to get the full picture :)

So, yesterday, the Blanks.

What a fucking awesome evening.

At about 2000 we set up the cameras and the various equipment and it was all looking good. At about 2100 we were still setting up cameras and lighting and what have you because it actually turned out to be quite a complicated job. The SU's lights aren't nearly powerful enough to film proper good high quality stuff, so we had to use our own lighting rig. Apparently we have our own lighting equipment. Go figure. That's actually one aspect of Demon TV that could be done better. So I became Head of Production and therefore I'm in charge of all the expensive filming (and apparently lighting) equipment, so instead of Ben and Stan telling me everything we have in stock, I kind of just have to guess and work it out as I go along. Either way, I love the job.

Some while later we met the Blanks' tour manager, and so we all shook hands and said, "How do you do" and what not, and were told that the Blanks were just sound checking. This went on for some time so we played a game. It's not an exciting game, so don't get your hopes up. It was the "tell us an interesting fact about yourself" game. I hate that game. I ended up talking about Granite Moths, because that's the only thing that I can put to my name that has any credibility (aside from being Head of Production for Demon TV). I said, "Well it's only got like 4000 views in total" and Jessi (the interviewer) was like, "REALLY?! That's really good!" and I was taken aback. I then realised that Granite Moths is somehow on-par with Demon TV's channel. Oh dear. It's either good on Demon TV, or good on Granite Moths. It depends which one is technically better.

Anyway, some time later (about 2300), the Blanks finally arrived. And I got to shake Ted's hand! I mean, it was a totally cool scenario. Everyone shook hands and said, "How do you do", except of course they're American so they said, "How ya doing" and we all took up our positions and the interview began. Hell, what a joy the Blanks are. They are quite literally the funniest people I've met in my time here at Demon TV, and I regularly film stand up comedy, so that's quite something. Because Ted's girlfriend from Scrubs is called Gooch, we managed to pitch the question to them asking them if they knew what gooch meant in English slang. They didn't. It was promptly explained to them. It was hilarious. If you would like to know what a gooch is (I'm not explaining it because you have to show at least a little bit of class on the internet) then look it up on Google, but I advise you not to search it on Images. In any case, after they were told they attacked the interviewers in disgust and that was also very hilarious. We then had to wrap up the interview because the Blanks had to get on stage, but not before we had a picture where we all said, "boing, flip!" and did the pose and it was awesome and it'll hopefully be on Facebook soon.

In any case, it was then time for the gig and you'll be able to watch some of the performances in my vlog post helpfully supplied at the top of the page. It was alright, but it didn't feel very much like a gig. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it very much, but it could've been better. In fact, it would've probably been better if we were at the front of the crowd instead of the back, and also if the Blanks had stayed longer than half an hour. But in any case, it was good fun and I'm glad I got in for free to see the Blanks perform live at my university's Student's Union on Saturday night at Klimax. Entry is usually £4. Unfortunately you have to be a DMU student to go there, so there was probably no point in that promote. Unless... Enrol at DeMontfort University so next year you can get into the Student's Union to see live acts like the Blanks! There you go. You'll also be able to see me, which is a bonus to being anywhere.

After their gig though, the night kind of fizzled out and the inevitable Christmas songs came on. I should've left at about 2am, but I ended up staying there until the end because I enjoy the company of my society, and because stuff was happening and I needed to know about it, and because I've never waited until a club had gotten to its last song before, and because all my stuff was in Alannah's house. When you weigh up the pros and the cons, it was probably a good thing that I stayed. But yeah, I wasn't too happy towards the end of the night, but I guess I was tired because I hadn't been drinking much. So yeah, excuses.

Anyway, this morning I woke up and filmed a music video, so that was good.

Uhh... I think I'm done.

Pete out.

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