Wednesday 30 November 2011

The End of Movember

I wanted to get this post out before the start of December, but I wouldn't necessarily say that I was completely ready to do this post yet.

For starters, I haven't done my awesome Movember montage yet, which will be coming soon.
I need to do a vlog about it, but I don't want it to be done here, so I'll have to get it done possibly tonight hopefully.
Oh yeah, the vlog will have to include the awesome Movember montage, so that'll be that. Or I could do them separately. Hmm...
I'll do my Movember montage, upload it, make the vlog, include the montage in the vlog if time constraints allow me, and then it'll all be hunky and dory.

But what has this month meant? Well, because of Movember, millions of monies from all over the world will go towards treating men with prostate and testicular cancer as well as aiding the research that goes into both, as well as other forms of cancer. It naturally doesn't stop at helping to treat men, women, because you get your fair share of help too if you're suffering from cancer.

What I like about it is that it's not a one-time event like a fun-run or a bath of beans or waxing your ball-sac, it is an entire month of raising money, with the potential to make millions, as I've said. It's brilliant. And you know what? I got to take part in it, which is just good.

I've always cursed myself for not doing more for charity. But what could I do? I'm a pathetic whelp who's metabolism is so high that by the end of the day all my energy is used up, and unless I eat something every couple of hours I get really hungry. This makes me unideal for most charity events, which are designed to push people to their limits. Well, I could do it, but my limit is so small that people just wouldn't believe me. Three miles for me is an absolute torture run, so doing the London Marathon is stupid, and in fact the Sport Relief Mile is a bit of a push too.

But for this entire month, I've had dozens upon dozens of people stopping me in the street and asking me, "Are you doing Movember? Good man, you've got a might fine tache going on there." And you know what? That's a pretty good flipping feeling. And let's face it. I do have a might fine tache. It's mo-tastic.

I've raised money and that's pretty damn good. I haven't raised as much as I would've hoped, but I've raised the second most amount of money in the university, so that's better than almost everyone. I suppose when compared to mine, other moustaches just die of embarrassment.

Anyway, thanks to all who donated, and to all who owe me money because I donated money in their honour - I really need the money, because I'm running dry.

Here's the mo-tage:

Pete out.

P.S. I just found out that Movember raised £65,326,800! £15million of which came from the UK! The second most awesome moustache-growing country in the world! (The first being Canada, because they raised £23million, but they're a big country with lots of moustaches, so that's understandable)

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