Tuesday 1 November 2011


No, that was a misspelling. It's Movember. It's a combination of the words "moustache" and "November". Basically, this month men around the world are fighting against prostate cancer by growing moustaches and raising money. So starting from now, I'm not going to shave my moustache for an entire month. I was supposed to trim it yesterday so that it wouldn't be ridiculously long for the end of the month, but never mind. I would pointlessly vlog this post in order to show you my moustache at the moment, but it's in SD so it'd be too shit to see the stage of growth, so I'll take a picture, downsize it and upload it here for your eyes to see. Maybe.

Obviously I'm not just in this for the moustache. And I know I don't have any real world influence to actually properly raise awareness of prostate cancer, especially since my moustache isn't that impressive.

Yeah, as you can see, my mo isn't very impressive. But give it a month and it'll be at a length I've never let my mo or my beard grow to before, so let's just see what happens.

In any case, visit uk.movember.com for more details. Cancer is a bitch, and Movember is one of the more inventive ways I've found of people raising awareness for it.

Huh, that's an odd way of thinking about things. I suppose I should clarify that because I just had a thought and didn't share it with you. Women like doing fun-runs and lots of physical activities to raise awareness and help combat breast cancer in order to show that they're not kitchen-dwellers, so men thought "Ah, but doesn't that mean getting up? Oh shut up woman, I'll shave later... I'd look great with a moustache though... Idea!" And so men created the laziest, but definitely the most thought-out and best publicised way of raising money for charity.

Aren't men just so clever?

Anyway, earlier... yesterday because it's now tomorrow and therefore today is yesterday and yeah you get it. I forgot what I was saying. Oh yeah! We were filming our new cooking show, Dining with Demon, and now in my possession I have one of these:

It's worth £2500 and I love it. I've also practically been appointed head cameraman and I'm pretty sure that any Demon TV set without me on it would crumble to shreds because I'm awesome like that. Oh, and I could become head of Production soon anyway, so that could just cement my title. I feel like I've mentioned that before... Anyway, all of this sparked off this vlog, which I've aptly titled as episode 0 because I'm still not happy with that being the start of my vlogs.

I managed to sort out the sound this time by converting it to an MP4, but converting sound in video is always a bitch so the levels might be a bit off, but next time that'll be solved by me just capturing straight into MP4.

Anyway, I think I'm done here. If you're a man, take part in Movember. If you're a woman, marvel at our wonderful moustaches. If you're a man and can't grow a moustache, stop taking those oestrogen tablets.

Pete out.

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