Friday 28 October 2011

Dear Leicester

Next time I'm in your city centre, please remember to appropriately name your shops.

For example, when I was looking for a WH Smith's, I saw a shop called Office, and so I thought "Ooh! A local office supplies shop! It could be cheaper than Smith's!" But no, Leicester, you had to go and make it a shoe shop. In what fucking world does that make sense?

Also, while I'm on an angry rant. Whoever invented the hexadecimal system should be shot.

Also, when I'm trying to get home via the short-cut I normally take, Leicester, I don't expect the street to be cordoned off half way down with loads of fire engines. I didn't see smoke, and therefore it wasn't an emergency. I shouldn't have had to double back on myself and add five minutes to my journey time just to get around the cordon.

Yes, I know that this is a strange way to start my career vlogging, but does it look like I care?

Pete out.

It seems like the sound isn't synched properly with the video, but I put that down entirely to YouTube. Anyway, I don't think this is particularly good, but trying to raise my voice in this place without anyone to talk to just seemed really odd to me. I think what I'm going to have to do when I start my vlog properly is to be on Skype to someone so that my voice is at the appropriate level. It's just a case of trial and error really. Tell me what you think in the comments below. 

1 comment:

  1. Where you trying not to wake someone up? because the way you read it was animated but really quiet like you should have been shouting but didn't want to be over heard. I like the blogging but I think maybe you should not just read out the blogs, do the same topic but just freestyle it.
