Saturday 6 February 2010

06/02/2010 - The Day the Krewe Came

So yeah, the Krewe decided to spontaneously come over my house, which I adore.
It's why they count as my actual family, instead of just a bunch of friends.
Needless to say it was brilliant them coming round and having a laugh, things are a little hostile with the family I'm forced to live with at the moment, so this was a nice break.
Although, that said, my Dad's impatience with more than one person meant that he had a right go at me whilst they were actually only in the other room.
What a dick.

But hey, this sort of thing always blows over after a few days.
It just happens more often than I'd like.

Going to keep things short and sweet, like those gorgeous brownies, except they weren't short, just gloopy.
Also going to have to keep up this streak of going out on Saturdays with the krewe.

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