Monday 15 February 2010

Flailing Head Waggle

*Splashes face with hot water, looks at self in mirror and looks deep into soul*

That's a pretty deep starting sentence.

Alright, okay, time to sort out myself.
I've done this sort of mind cleansing thing before.
Where I think I like someone, and then realise what a tit I'm being and then magically move on.
It's a simple overnight process of going "why oh why oh why" and then beating myself up.
In a metaphorical sense.

Nope, this is the new, calmer me.
No self beating.

But hey, after yesterday's jealousy rant, and a few words from a couple of people, I'm well on my way to getting over everything and starting over once more.

It's true, you can't wish that your feelings will just disappear and then expect them to do that.
But over the years I've managed to gain the ability to suppress feelings for obvious reasons.
I have to, otherwise I wouldn't be able to get through the day.

Deep breath in... hold breath... enjoy a minute of absolute calm and tranquility... and there goes another one. Feeling suppressed.

Also, this has happened before so I know how easy it is to get over.
I got a stern talking to from Lamaal, and then somehow magically my feelings suppressed themselves.

Is it healthy?
I think so.
But this probably means that tomorrow I'll be in a state of complete mellow.
That's probably not so good.

Why am I suppressing these feelings, you ask?
I don't want to feel them.
I shouldn't feel them.
Just like in the past, just like now.

The mind is a complicated and weird structure of wonderfulness and shite.
So much so that I should probably stop thinking with my penis.

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